Biofueled, munches down on its own chow.
Vegan cars have been around since 1980 and nobody talks about it.
Here I thought it meant no leather seats, steering wheel or shifter. It's more complex than that apparently.Vegan cars have been around since 1980 and nobody talks about it.
I blame Harvey Korman’s lack luster performance.
Noricum represent!
You can buy one that doesn't run on whale oil!Here I thought it meant no leather seats, steering wheel or shifter. It's more complex than that apparently.
The short answer is not really, no. According to Arnold Clark, a new and used car company, “When you begin to understand that animal fats are used in the production of steel and rubber among many other components used in car manufacturing, you realize that it is currently almost impossible to buy a car that is 100% vegan-friendly.”
The Complete Vegan Guide to Buying a Car
Here's everything you need to know about finding the perfect vegan car, from leather-free interiors to trims, rims, and
On the border lands of the then savage and more than troublesome Germanic tribes. They still call a place in the region Romania...Noricum represent!
Perhaps a matter of efficiency. The Roman state had some peculiar money sinks that did not carry forward past the Renaissance.On the borderlands of the then savage and more than troublesome Germanic tribes. They still call a place in the region Romania...
They did spend less of their GDP on "defense" than America does...
That was their downfall, when they started using them thar Arabic numbers during the Renaissance!Perhaps a matter of efficiency. The Roman state had some peculiar money sinks that did not carry forward past the Renaissance.
Allahu accounts!That was their downfall, when they started using them thar Arabic numbers during the Renaissance!
If I could only talk to Trump and tell him that they are teaching Arabic numbers in schools! Just wait for the next post or rally.Allahu accounts!
I think you’ve beaten that joke into a thin cream by now.If I could only talk to Trump and tell him that they are teaching Arabic numbers in schools! Just wait for the next post or rally.![]()
The statistics were kinda shocking for the general public, what do you think they would be a Trump rally?I think you’ve beaten that joke into a thin cream by now.
Heeyyyy… wait a minute... or 3. savages/barbarians is just what Romans and Christians (genociders, beheaders, mass rapists, baby head smashers) and later thus western society call them in their version of history. They were by no standard other than the Romans’ “savages”, and were barbarians only in the original Greek sense of the word. It’s one of the biggest lies in history. Of course the honorable Germanic tribes with their democratically elected kings caused trouble for the the real barbarians, the Romans who built and expanded their 'civilization' based on slavery and genocide.On the border lands of the then savage and more than troublesome Germanic tribes.
It's good you are going back to your roots, just don't go so far that you end up with horns on your hat!Heeyyyy… wait a minute... or 3. savages/barbarians is just what Romans and Christians (genociders, beheaders, mass rapists, baby head smashers) and later thus western society call them in their version of history. They were by no standard other than the Romans’ “savages”, and were barbarians only in the original Greek sense of the word. It’s one of the biggest lies in history. Of course the honorable Germanic tribes with their democratically elected kings caused trouble for the the real barbarians, the Romans who built and expanded their 'civilization' based on slavery and genocide.
Large motivation behind the distortion is the same reason christians stole our pagan holidays/celebrations, killed our holy trees, and appropriated sacred wells for baptizing. And while this may sound like ancient history, one of my grandmas wedding vows included some gospel about denouncing the old gods. Savage/barbarian is what romans/christians called pagans so they can pretend it's their ways and god who's more civilized. The Germanic (and Frisian and Norse and Celtic...) gods didn't create babies with sin or even leukemia. And Hel wasn't a place for eternal punishment and agony, just not as good as valhalla.
"Trees have been used in rituals and as decorations since ancient times, thus making the source of the modern Christmas tree open to debate. However, many believe that it originated in Germany. It is claimed that in Germany about 723 the English missionary St. Boniface encountered pagans preparing a sacrifice at an oak tree dedicated to the god Thor (Donar). Boniface took an ax to the tree...."
Few decades later Boniface (one of several major figures that christianized NL) went up north for a second attempt to christianize my ancestors and who sent him to his imaginary maker. Ironically became one of the most christian parts of NL so it's Boniface who got a statue instead of the real heroes.
Any history written by the Romans has to be taken with a large pinch of salt. The reason there's little documented history from the other sides is because the romans and christians went to great lengths to destroy any history that shows the portrayal from the romans is extremely inaccurate and biased.
That... and romans shared a toilet. Like, they talked to each other while hearing and smelling the shit coming out of their arses. Who's the savage now!![]()