The Junk Drawer


Well-Known Member
I have an answer I think to one of man's oldest riddles, one that came to me in a fleeting moment while not being under the influence of a narcotic or hallucinogen, and that moment of clarity came upon me like the hooved foot of a bovine kicking me in the forehead.

I now know why I have felt numerous times that I have been here/done that before and I sort of owe it to Einstein's Theory of Relativity, or explained in a mathematical formula as e = mc2

The reason we all have felt that same sensation is simply because we have all been here or did that before, an uncountable repetition of the same action.

The Universe is constantly expanding, but to what end?

Or is there an end at all?

I believe that the Big Bang is a constant, always occurring time after time after time again in the same place, never ending because it can't.

Immediately after all the matter in the Universe is gathered into one immense, or very, very small core of mass so dense it's magnetic field will not allow even the molecules of energy called light cannot escape it's force.

There, in that moment when all the black holes have captured all the mass in their Galaxies and are absorbed by the next black hole and so on and so forth until all the mass is finally absorbed and concentrated in the Mother of all Black holes and blows the fuck up, expelling all that matter/energy into the Commos exactly the same way it has done forever, time after time again.

It has to explode/expand in the same way, no variance will be possible, it has to happen the same exact way.

Get it?

Therefore I have been created in the same fashion endlessly, always repeating/taken the same drugs or eaten the same ice cream cone that melted on my shoe, again.

That's why I felt I had to share this kernel of enlightenment with all you freaks out there.

Makes perfect sense, right?

At least it does to me.

So while your contemplating the merits of my discovery, you can listen to this tune and groove out.

Again & again & again




Well-Known Member
The military, led by General Augusto Pinochet, would go on later that day to launch a coup against the Allende government. Allende died during the events in the coup on Sept. 11, and his death is now widely regarded as a suicide. On Sept. 13, Pinochet was named the president of Chile.

Three years earlier, Nixon gave direct orders to CIA director Richard Helms to “save Chile” by initiating a military coup to block the inauguration of Allende, the National Security Archive said last year.

Do you mean that coup was like this one?

AP WAS THERE: A 1953 CIA-led coup in Iran topples prime minister, cements shah's power - ABC News (

or like this one...

New Light in a Dark Corner: Evidence on the Diem Coup in South Vietnam, November 1963 | National Security Archive (

But the USA had no involvement here, right?

Execution of Saddam Hussein - Wikipedia

Wow, it seems the US has a few overthrows under it's belt.

God damn!!!!

At least they brought Democracy and stability wherever they laid their heads.


Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
Do you mean that coup was like this one?

AP WAS THERE: A 1953 CIA-led coup in Iran topples prime minister, cements shah's power - ABC News (

or like this one...

New Light in a Dark Corner: Evidence on the Diem Coup in South Vietnam, November 1963 | National Security Archive (

But the USA had no involvement here, right?

Execution of Saddam Hussein - Wikipedia

Wow, it seems the US has a few overthrows under it's belt.

God damn!!!!

At least they brought Democracy and stability wherever they laid their heads.



Well-Known Member
Sounds like some would be really disappointed if they’d go to/on an adult only hotel/camping/resort/beach/plane in Europe. Adult only does not imply adult entertainment, just means no annoying screaming crying hell spawn from selfish incompetent parents.

Can you lower your voice?” a flight attendant asks.

“Can you lower that voice?” the man counters.

“You’re yelling,” the flight attendant says.

“SO IS THE BABY!” the guy says. “Did that motherf*cker pay extra to yell?”




Ursus marijanus
Sounds like some would be really disappointed if they’d go to/on an adult only hotel/camping/resort/beach/plane in Europe. Adult only does not imply adult entertainment, just means no annoying screaming crying hell spawn from selfish incompetent parents.

Can you lower your voice?” a flight attendant asks.

“Can you lower that voice?” the man counters.

“You’re yelling,” the flight attendant says.

“SO IS THE BABY!” the guy says. “Did that motherf*cker pay extra to yell?”


Back when H. sap was not yet the apex badass, I wonder what they did with babies that Would Not Shut Up. They would be a liability. Perhaps they were left as decoys for the leopard/jaguar/whatever.

Now, and at least since we’ve had history and spears, we no longer exert such evolutionary pressure.

So now the WNSU survives long enough to even become President.


Well-Known Member
I assess the man’s behavior as quite cruel.
His behavior yes. A nuance not everyone applies and instead extends that assessment to a judgement of his virtuousness - he’s the bad guy now. 40 min of crying baby… once you let it get to you it’s hard to shut off, that’s just a flaw of the human brain. The guy is getting tortured and asked to remain calm.

I feel for the mother. She would certainly like for her baby not to draw the cabin’s scorn.
Unless she was forced on the plane or had very good reasons it was a possible, common, result of the choice she made, thus her responsibility, her job to carry that load. She decided to have a baby and take it on the plane. Golden rule applies here. Don’t bother others too much with your choices. Instead of adult-only we need separate families-with-kids flights. Perhaps then they’ll think twice plus we can shame them for transporting kids with fossil fuel flights, kids who won’t even remember the trip.


Ursus marijanus
His behavior yes. A nuance not everyone applies and instead extends that assessment to a judgement of his virtuousness - he’s the bad guy now. 40 min of crying baby… once you let it get to you it’s hard to shut off, that’s just a flaw of the human brain. The guy is getting tortured and asked to remain calm.

Unless she was forced on the plane or had very good reasons it was a possible, common, result of the choice she made, thus her responsibility, her job to carry that load. She decided to have a baby and take it on the plane. Golden rule applies here. Don’t bother others too much with your choices. Instead of adult-only we need separate families-with-kids flights. Perhaps then they’ll think twice plus we can shame them for transporting kids with fossil fuel flights, kids who won’t even remember the trip.
I don’t agree. While I certainly understand that it was very irritating to the man, the degree to which he became irritated is something over which he has some control. He had the option of practicing calm and letting the noise flow through him and not build up inside him, so to speak.

The instance in which I would wholly agree with you is if the mother didn’t do all she could to calm the baby. If she were cavalier about the noisiness of the child in her charge, or (worse imo) militantly selfish, then I’m more willing to excuse the man.

What puzzles me are two things.

A jetliner is very loud. I wear earplugs to somewhat reduce the engine roar. I’ve been near crying babies on a plane, and the added noise isn’t much. In fact I find those audio hoses they give you for watching something on the now-ubiquitous video screens in seatbacks to be pretty useless.

The other may not have been an option if the plane had every seat taken, but perhaps the man could have requested changing his seat if the sound were coming from his aisle or one adjacent.

Expecting a single mother, especially if the flight were not a holiday but, say, for a relative’s funeral, not to bring her child aboard is not fair in my opinion.


Ursus marijanus
His behavior yes. A nuance not everyone applies and instead extends that assessment to a judgement of his virtuousness - he’s the bad guy now. 40 min of crying baby… once you let it get to you it’s hard to shut off, that’s just a flaw of the human brain. The guy is getting tortured and asked to remain calm.

Unless she was forced on the plane or had very good reasons it was a possible, common, result of the choice she made, thus her responsibility, her job to carry that load. She decided to have a baby and take it on the plane. Golden rule applies here. Don’t bother others too much with your choices. Instead of adult-only we need separate families-with-kids flights. Perhaps then they’ll think twice plus we can shame them for transporting kids with fossil fuel flights, kids who won’t even remember the trip.
On a more frivolous level, a solution would be to equip the crew chief with a dart pistol that has color-coded tranquilizer cartridges with ascending doses marked Infant, Child, Adult and Republican.


Well-Known Member
Expecting a single mother, especially if the flight were not a holiday but, say, for a relative’s funeral, not to bring her child aboard is not fair in my opinion.
Not in mine either, hence why I said “Unless she was forced on the plane or had very good reasons”. Not knowing the details it seems fair to assume both are there for equally (un)important reasons. I think it’s also safe to assume there weren’t seats available to which either the man or woman could have been moved, as that request is met for very minor reasons and would be an easy way to de-escalate the situation.

I object primarily against: “He had the option of practicing calm and letting the noise flow through him and not build up inside him, so to speak.” cause that’s not equally easy or even an option for everyone under all circumstances. The noise of the engines is just white noise to me, 40min crying baby - and I do assume it was bad and he wasn’t complaining about a little extra noise - has a different effect. I used the words ‘let’ it get to him, so I agree it’s a choice to some extend, and again I agree it’s bad behavior but refuse to judge the guy for it. People are constantly swimming in a sea of emotions.

We should continue this discussion over a glass of Belgium tripple.


Ursus marijanus
Not in mine either, hence why I said “Unless she was forced on the plane or had very good reasons”. Not knowing the details it seems fair to assume both are there for equally (un)important reasons. I think it’s also safe to assume there weren’t seats available to which either the man or woman could have been moved, as that request is met for very minor reasons and would be an easy way to de-escalate the situation.

I object primarily against: “He had the option of practicing calm and letting the noise flow through him and not build up inside him, so to speak.” cause that’s not equally easy or even an option for everyone under all circumstances. The noise of the engines is just white noise to me, 40min crying baby - and I do assume it was bad and he wasn’t complaining about a little extra noise - has a different effect. I used the words ‘let’ it get to him, so I agree it’s a choice to some extend, and again I agree it’s bad behavior but refuse to judge the guy for it. People are constantly swimming in a sea of emotions.

We should continue this discussion over a glass of Belgium tripple.
I do love a good Tripel.

I’ll restrict myself to judging his actions. Someone in the article was quoted as saying “he’s an asshole”. I’ll not go so far, but imo he was being an asshole.

The choice to be least irritated is a real thing imo. One thing that reliably puts me into a tizzy is having to listen to a neighbor’s music. Lately I’ve been working on controlling my negative attention to it as much as I can with reasonable effort. I don’t succeed completely, but I benefit when I do not allow my response rise to the level of anger. Since I cannot (legally or morally) do anything to kill the audio at its source, minimizing my response is a sort of Zen way to minimize the problem. It requires the distinctly Buddhist attitude that my ego is a key component. Less ego, less suffering.

There’s a brewery in US called New Belgium, and they make a sound Tripel, though they add one P too many. Canada has Unibroue (which always makes me think of unibrow) who make an expensive but excellent and potent Tripel charmingly called La Fin du Monde.



Well-Known Member
It’s unfortunate the mother probably didn’t know an easy solution would be an appropriate dose of baby Tylenol 30 minutes before the flight. If she had, it’s likely no crying baby.

Cabin pressure changes can be a painful experience for an infant.


Well-Known Member
I have an answer I think to one of man's oldest riddles, one that came to me in a fleeting moment while not being under the influence of a narcotic or hallucinogen, and that moment of clarity came upon me like the hooved foot of a bovine kicking me in the forehead.

I now know why I have felt numerous times that I have been here/done that before and I sort of owe it to Einstein's Theory of Relativity, or explained in a mathematical formula as e = mc2

The reason we all have felt that same sensation is simply because we have all been here or did that before, an uncountable repetition of the same action.

The Universe is constantly expanding, but to what end?

Or is there an end at all?

I believe that the Big Bang is a constant, always occurring time after time after time again in the same place, never ending because it can't.

Immediately after all the matter in the Universe is gathered into one immense, or very, very small core of mass so dense it's magnetic field will not allow even the molecules of energy called light cannot escape it's force.

There, in that moment when all the black holes have captured all the mass in their Galaxies and are absorbed by the next black hole and so on and so forth until all the mass is finally absorbed and concentrated in the Mother of all Black holes and blows the fuck up, expelling all that matter/energy into the Commos exactly the same way it has done forever, time after time again.

It has to explode/expand in the same way, no variance will be possible, it has to happen the same exact way.

Get it?

Therefore I have been created in the same fashion endlessly, always repeating/taken the same drugs or eaten the same ice cream cone that melted on my shoe, again.

That's why I felt I had to share this kernel of enlightenment with all you freaks out there.

Makes perfect sense, right?

At least it does to me.

So while your contemplating the merits of my discovery, you can listen to this tune and groove out.

Again & again & again


Sensing that you have seen or experienced something before is possibly a trick of the mind and nothing more than a wonky sensory feedback that feels real but is not. But your theory that you HAVE experienced it before and every now and then tap into what you've seen is an alternative hypothesis that I can go with. That theory ties in to phenomena that are harder to explain. One investigator interviewed people who have been completely blind from birth due to physical impairments that make it impossible for them to ever see light who saw themselves during near death experiences. They could accurately describe things in the room in a way that a blind person could not. How does that happen? We've all heard stories like that. My mother had an experience like that when she nearly died due to a hemorrhage after giving birth. There are enough credible stories to make me consider out of body experiences could be true. This raises a question about how is that possible?

What you are describing is an immortal consciousness that survives successive big bangs. I'm not sure the theory that the universe undergoes a cycle of big bangs is one that physicists universally hold as true -- it's called the big crunch theory. There is an alternative called the big freeze theory that some think is more likely. IDK. What interests me is the idea that consciousness can be decoupled from and even survive our minds.

How could that work? I have ideas but they are pretty vague. They hinge on what you referred to, Einstein's theory of relativity. If that theory is true, matter, including our bodies exist in 4-space but our mind and body only sense 3-space. Maybe our consciousness exists in 4-space too and sometimes our mind is able to sense what our consciousness is experiencing.


Well-Known Member
Sensing that you have seen or experienced something before is possibly a trick of the mind and nothing more than a wonky sensory feedback that feels real but is not. But your theory that you HAVE experienced it before and every now and then tap into what you've seen is an alternative hypothesis that I can go with. That theory ties in to phenomena that are harder to explain. One investigator interviewed people who have been completely blind from birth due to physical impairments that make it impossible for them to ever see light who saw themselves during near death experiences. They could accurately describe things in the room in a way that a blind person could not. How does that happen? We've all heard stories like that. My mother had an experience like that when she nearly died due to a hemorrhage after giving birth. There are enough credible stories to make me consider out of body experiences could be true. This raises a question about how is that possible?

What you are describing is an immortal consciousness that survives successive big bangs. I'm not sure the theory that the universe undergoes a cycle of big bangs is one that physicists universally hold as true -- it's called the big crunch theory. There is an alternative called the big freeze theory that some think is more likely. IDK. What interests me is the idea that consciousness can be decoupled from and even survive our minds.

How could that work? I have ideas but they are pretty vague. They hinge on what you referred to, Einstein's theory of relativity. If that theory is true, matter, including our bodies exist in 4-space but our mind and body only sense 3-space. Maybe our consciousness exists in 4-space too and sometimes our mind is able to sense what our consciousness is experiencing.
Mainly due to my many journeys through the space and time continuum, tripping on various vehicles that really helped me to get it, which is a very deep awareness of the electrical energy that binds together all living things and actually some inert items, mostly jewels, crystals and some rocks.


My Black Hole hypothesis is pretty much balls on if I do say so myself, and as Spock said once," Logic is the beginning of wisdom..../ not the end"
Got it?
Or are you a little perplexed?
Anyway, all the matter in the universes compresses and when combined with temperature & radiation will eventually explode in a vacuum with nothing there to influence the expansion
It should repeat, shouldn't it?
As far as Deja Vu is concerned, it would be logical to assume that yes, we have been here before.
All the atoms would have to travel the same path as they have been doing for eternity, since the beginning of time.
This also is very interesting in that the major link between all mater is simply electricity and the amount of electrons in the cosmos is exactly the same amount as there was in the beginning of time and today.
No more/no less and that's pretty cool isn't it?
Alway's the same and that's forever.

The traces are getting pretty strong now and the keyboard is starting to dance the Watusi.
Gotta go.



Well-Known Member
Mainly due to my many journeys through the space and time continuum, tripping on various vehicles that really helped me to get it, which is a very deep awareness of the electrical energy that binds together all living things and actually some inert items, mostly jewels, crystals and some rocks.

View attachment 5322272

My Black Hole hypothesis is pretty much balls on if I do say so myself, and as Spock said once," Logic is the beginning of wisdom..../ not the end"
Got it?
Or are you a little perplexed?
Anyway, all the matter in the universes compresses and when combined with temperature & radiation will eventually explode in a vacuum with nothing there to influence the expansion
It should repeat, shouldn't it?
As far as Deja Vu is concerned, it would be logical to assume that yes, we have been here before.
All the atoms would have to travel the same path as they have been doing for eternity, since the beginning of time.
This also is very interesting in that the major link between all mater is simply electricity and the amount of electrons in the cosmos is exactly the same amount as there was in the beginning of time and today.
No more/no less and that's pretty cool isn't it?
Alway's the same and that's forever.

The traces are getting pretty strong now and the keyboard is starting to dance the Watusi.
Gotta go.

lol, nice riff.

I'm a bit jealous. I haven't done the same drugs you have or perhaps what I consumed wasn't anywhere close to the amount needed to get where you are. There is a reality-based understanding to be reached some day regarding deja vu, out of body experience and other extraordinary observations of feats of consciousness that will be more amazing than what people believe today through the use of psychedelics but we aren't even close to the day when we get there.

Assuming we don't fry ourselves into extinction on this planet before we get there, that is.