The Junk Drawer

Ask them to move the car blocking your driveway, your wife gets insulted, and you get punched in the face, then this happens to the poor snowflakes. Come up to the house after me and there will be something else waiting for you, if the forks don't skewer you first.

How about a sign, any cars illegally parked here will be destroyed when being deposited on the roadway.

Farmer who flipped car off his land found not guilty of criminal damage | ITV News

Ask them to move the car blocking your driveway, your wife gets insulted, and you get punched in the face, then this happens to the poor snowflakes. Come up to the house after me and there will be something else waiting for you, if the forks don't skewer you first.

How about a sign, any cars illegally parked here will be destroyed when being deposited on the roadway.

Farmer who flipped car off his land found not guilty of criminal damage | ITV News

good, now i know another thing i can get away with :lol:
There was a farmer who grew excellent quality corn. Every year he won the award for the best grown corn. One year a newspaper reporter interviewed him and learned something interesting about how he grew it. The reporter discovered that the farmer shared his seed corn with his neighbors. “How can you afford to share your best seed corn with your neighbors when they are entering corn in competition with yours each year?” the reporter asked.

“Why sir,” said the farmer, “Didn’t you know? The wind picks up pollen from the ripening corn and swirls it from field to field. If my neighbors grow inferior corn, cross-pollination will steadily degrade the quality of my corn. If I am to grow good corn, I must help my neighbors grow good corn.”

So is with our lives... Those who want to live meaningfully and well must help enrich the lives of others, for the value of a life is measured by the lives it touches. And those who choose to be happy must help others find happiness, for the welfare of each is bound up with the welfare of all.
A conspiracy to steal food from children, or a slap on the wrists and better luck next time? They should all be spending a considerable part of their lives behind bars and have their assets forfeited. They give teen kids serious time for knocking off the local convenience store, what will these adult citizens get for stealing food from hundreds of thousands of kids?

Its a stupid decision to appeal to the yanks and the small number of Nationalists. 10 more Collins type (2.0) and about 1000 Marine drones would of been money better spent. We want defensive capable subs not offence ones we cannot use in our waters. We wont even be able to fully crew Nuclear subs. Not sure how the fk we can pay for them when this is our defence budget :
"Budget papers show the consolidated defence funding, which includes funding for the Australian Signals Directorate, rises to $52.162 billion in 2023-24, $54.232 billion in 2024-25 and $56.554 billion in 2025-26.26 Oct 2022"

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Its a stupid decision to appeal to the yanks and the small number of Nationalists. 10 more Collins type (2.0) and about 1000 Marine drones would of been money better spent. We want defensive capable subs not offence ones we cannot use in our waters. We wont even be able to fully crew Nuclear subs. Not sure how the fk we can pay for them when this is our defence budget :
"Budget papers show the consolidated defence funding, which includes funding for the Australian Signals Directorate, rises to $52.162 billion in 2023-24, $54.232 billion in 2024-25 and $56.554 billion in 2025-26.26 Oct 2022"
there seems to be a lot of superconductor research going on...too bad there aren't a lot of results from it yet.
All i'm seeing is "potential" "possible" "theoretical"....and then the stories fade away and are never mentioned again.
These days that's where it starts, we are exploring the limits of the possible and we quite don't know where the boundaries are. There are some interesting possibilities being presented though and grist for the mill of future engineers. When it gets to the engineering stage it moves from the lab into the real world and from there to the rest of us if they can figure out how.

Losers: most parties. Biggest loser far right anti-vaxxer russia fans and moderate conservative christians
Winners: Party for the Animals a little and the party for the farmers (bbb) a lot. From zero to 15 of total 75 seats in senate.

Farmer party may end up with more than 50% in one or more provinces, as in needing no other parties to form a coalition.

It’s unprecedented, the turnout since voluntary voting too.

They’re labeled right wing here, but nowhere near as far as the major loser. In fact, they’re pretty left on most points. National health fund, lower taxes, socialist transportation. Basically they just love farming more than city folk, immigrants (unless real refugees) and nature and climate. What could go wrong… well, aside from destroying the land for future generations that is.

The upside is the repopulation nonsense, racist nazi nonsense, anti-vax nonsense, pro-russia nonsense, elite reptilian evil jews nonsense, as well as Jesus nonsense isn’t working out for populists here, 1 out of 12 seats left for main far-right party. At the same time, unlike the center and left the farmer party doesn’t reject beforehand teaming up with what remains of the right. In any case, they’re going to obstruct the green transition. They’re very much pro-Ukraine and no peace talk till Russia retreats entirely.

In short, the urban-rural divide hasn’t been this obvious since the time we still had city walls with functioning gates. Though, 1 out of 8 in Rotterdam city voted for the farmer party. Basically it’s all a big F U to the establishment and our neo-liberal center-right forever-PM. His (in the house leading) party practically didn’t lose anything.

Leader farmer party:

Most important issue for voters: the nitrogen problem and how (not) to deal with it. A major province (Brabant) in the south is already no longer approving building permits. Housing shortage 300k now, expectation is 900k in 7 years. Almost 50% of land in NL is owned by farmers, a quarter is fields. Forcing farmers to quit is going to be unlikely now. Farmers want us to build vertical in the cities instead of horizontal in rural areas... yeah, as if we hadn’t considered building skyscrapers on sinking swamp land already.
Yep, Im aware- its kinda huge news here..Worst deal ever a Labor gov has done (and im a Labor voter). Complete waste of money ( and HUGE amounts of money by our little populations standards) that we haven't got to fix a problem that we don't have. Australia's debt is the biggest its ever been by a large margin and we are adding to that. Add in rising interest rates and inflation.
Fancy protecting our trade routes with China by threating China? I'm sure China will protect our trade with them. I'm not sure who could or would try to disrupt that? Like its world commerce. Australia mines and grow shit that gets sent to countries like China to value add to sell and feed to America and Europe and a shit ton of other countries. With that money we can import goods and invest in countries economies.

Like flicking matchsticks at a mountain.
Cost will be at least 50% more and at least 5 years late in delivering and as we know we wont be able to crew them. Submarine crews are always hard to recruit within our small population for conventional subs let alone ones on a longer deployment. Nuclear subs don't really fit our shallow coastline. As the Head of the Marine College said yesterday- they can be seen from space along our coastline unlike a conventual sub, and are not very manoeuvrable due to their huge size.
We have and need subs that can sink ships and boats of all types along our coast. We are a continent there's no land bridge they can rush across.

We need a more modern defensive armed force not a few toothpicks to flick at a much larger and superior navy that spends a thousand % more than we can.

This is just a bad, expensive deal that's politically motivated.

A country would struggle to even invade Australia, where do they stage from? New Zealand? and would be really difficult to keep.
The enemy would just missile us from 1/2 way round the world and we have no missile defence. Our population is even in such a few spots. Sydney, Melbourne Brisbane Perth So it wouldn't even cost many missiles. I cant see China doing that due to our Chinese population, it wouldn't go well at home.

Hopefully Americas chaotic congress finds a way to rip this up and we can spend less for far more defensive capability a hell of a lot sooner.

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I cant see China doing that due to our Chinese population, it wouldn't go well at home.
*Activate Chinese population shield*

Whether it’s in war, construction, pandemics, mines or concentration camps, in China or elsewhere, for China, Chinese people are disposable. I agree it’s extremely unlikely but it would go fine at home, they’d just blame the US and even some Australians will believe it.
*Activate Chinese population shield*

Whether it’s in war, construction, pandemics, mines or concentration camps, in China or elsewhere, for China, Chinese people are disposable. I agree it’s extremely unlikely but it would go fine at home, they’d just blame the US and even some Australians will believe it.
True, people will believe anything if you tell them it enough times.
But yep, agree its extremely unlikely. Makes you wonder where all the "noise" comes from.