The item next to you...

Since I'm obviously incapable of reading. I will now report on my right side since I failed reading the question initially..... oh the shame. On my right it's the DVD and CD media so we're going with this:

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Not as classy as CN's stars and nunchucks but it's what I have oh and sub DVD for record. Although if you'd allow me I'd happily go throw my hub's classic record collection at them and it's to my right, though not my immediate right.... more like in his office LOL

I was resisting the urge to cheat. Just past the armoire is my trusty 130mm apo refractor tube. I *cannot* find an image of somebody getting beaned by a spyglass!
zombies placated with back scratcher. one is now putting up my Christmas tree. the other is making oatmeal raisin cookies.
zombies placated with back scratcher. one is now putting up my Christmas tree. the other is making oatmeal raisin cookies.

Damn you PA guys have the mojo! Speak of the devil where's our Mojo hidin' out? Anyway can you tame a few and send a crew to clean my house for Xmas? PLEASE?
Envelope... beheading ala papercut
You gonna bleed... ARRRRGH!!!!!
what am I a fkn pirate??? Arrrgh, lol
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This guys to the right of me right now. Although I don't think he's going to attack a zombie. This guy runs from some one shaking a plastic bag at him.

On my right I have a 1967 Philippines license plate that I could get some mileage out of. (hold your applause please)
To my left is my trusty sidekick - all a buck fifty of him sleeping on the carpet. Now normally he's very passive with live people, but if the zombies happen to smell like piggies or bbq sauce I might have found my out.
Back soon, gotta head to the grocery store for cheap bottles of bait.
I am reminded of this.

30 posts and not one serious answer ??

What do you guys do for 'things that go bump in the night',, Zombies are rather unrealistic but shit happens
Oh left hand too? I thought just right, I should read better. Closest to my left hand is a PS3 controller. So that and a beer bottle. I should be able the clear the first few waves ;)
Mossberg 835 ultra mag with tru glo sights and tube removed for more ammo on right, on left I have bud, grinder, magic cards, and pills. Wtf at least the right side is useful lol
Who the fuck just sits around while surfing the web with a gun by his/her side? That seems odd to me. My shotgun is safely locked in its case, not just resting beside me while chatting on RIU. Very interesting...
hey guys is tranzit mode in black ops 2 for ps3 really unbeatable?
next to me is that sour kush headband that im chopping today...
Who the fuck just sits around while surfing the web with a gun by his/her side? That seems odd to me. My shotgun is safely locked in its case, not just resting beside me while chatting on RIU. Very interesting...

This guys taking internet gangster to another level!