The Irish Growers Thread!

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
thanks dave, there in pots and in the room so will keep you posted as to how they do and if any off them turn out to be female....

heres hopeing...


Well-Known Member
Just get a big pot and a half pound of butter per "handful" (12-14g's) of trim/bud/whatever. Put boiling water (about 3 inches) in the pot on the lowest setting on the hob(mines 1-6,I use 1),add the butter and when its melted add the plant material.

Let it simmer gently (not boil,this is vital) for 3-5 hours,stirring as often as possible (no point standing over it tho).

After the time has passed,pour it through a strainer into a second pot and leave aside to cool. When it cools enough,put into the fridge to set. After it sets,I use a big spatula to lift the hardened butter off the water and put it into a Tupperware lunchbox to freeze/use/etc.

Definitely works this way from experience,made 500grams of butter yesterday ;)

I'll give you a Space Cookie receipe Im fond of too if you want for the butter?


Well-Known Member
Theyre both tasty and potent man,
225g flour
100g caster sugar
Teaspoon of Baking Power
Filling (I use peanut butter,vanilla,White and regular chocolate chips,honey and hundreds and thousands,lol)
1 large egg
100g's Enriched Butter

Step 1: Sieve flour and baking powder into a bowl
Step 2: Mix in butter with your hands until mixture is like breadcrumbs
Step 3: Throw the sugar and fillings in (except honey) and knead into a dough
Step 4: Preheat oven to 120C
Step 5: Use rolling pin to flatten dough,cut out cookies and put them on a tray
Step 6: Put in oven for 20mins
Step 7: After 20mins take them out,pour honey over the top and Put back in for a few mins.
Step 8: Take em out and cool on a wire rack (if you have one)
Step 9: Enjoy,but not too many at once!

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
yum yum yum, thank you very much buddy, i will make the butter later and the cookies tomorrow......

never got to go collect the seeds in nirvanan the other day, had to bring one of the kids for scan in hospital, now was going for great white and mazzar cross but friend reckons that the kush is a better strain to get for myself he says its an easier grow and good yeild especially since i`ll be useing the 600w hps for next grow.. any recomendations lads... i haven`t a clue what strain to get...


Well-Known Member
Id recommend AK 48. It takes alot of abuse, grows crazy fast, and I only flowered for 52 days and its KILLER stuff with what looks like a pretty solid yield. Its gonna be my regular from now on tbh.

Plus its only €30 for 5 guaranteed females.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
sounds like my kinda grow too, 52 days. Sorting myself out here at the weekend so with all going well these lot will start next week went with the wardrobe setup from the earlier link, looking forward to putting it together now the bits have bit gathered.

the girls are looking good as is, still haveing trouble loading pics but as soon as i can i`ll update you


Theyre both tasty and potent man,
225g flour
100g caster sugar
Teaspoon of Baking Power
Filling (I use peanut butter,vanilla,White and regular chocolate chips,honey and hundreds and thousands,lol)
1 large egg
100g's Enriched Butter

Step 1: Sieve flour and baking powder into a bowl
Step 2: Mix in butter with your hands until mixture is like breadcrumbs
Step 3: Throw the sugar and fillings in (except honey) and knead into a dough
Step 4: Preheat oven to 120C
Step 5: Use rolling pin to flatten dough,cut out cookies and put them on a tray
Step 6: Put in oven for 20mins
Step 7: After 20mins take them out,pour honey over the top and Put back in for a few mins.
Step 8: Take em out and cool on a wire rack (if you have one)
Step 9: Enjoy,but not too many at once!
haha aw stop man your a hero il be flat out when i get the setup going properly...

what strain is that in your avatar out of curiosity??


Well-Known Member
haha aw stop man your a hero il be flat out when i get the setup going properly...

what strain is that in your avatar out of curiosity??
That was Lowberry, didnt get anything from it (spidermites ate it) and it didnt autoflower. Tightest nodes Iv ever seen tho!


i was reading about spider mites but didnt relize we had them here lol...

yea its such a cool looking plant have never seen 1 so neat thats why i asked...

how did ya find the ak48??? i ordered 2 fem seeds of pix n mix seeds there yesterday said id give it a go...


Active Member
sweet.jpgsweet1.jpgheres the couple of pics of the few ive got going.
the pics are not the best as i turned the light off. the ones in the light are about 2 weeks behind the others but i dont think theyll get as good. the large one is the sweet tooth, huge leaves!
only trouble ive had so far with bugs was black fly and bug clear sorted it out for me.


Active Member
52 days flowering harrekin, was that from the first bud sites?
that is a quick flowering plant, might give the ak a go after the buddha.


Well-Known Member
ever found a 48 day pheno harrekin?

luci if you want some other quick stuff look at some c99 cross's, apollo 11 or dutchgrown seeds also.


Well-Known Member
Some of them could've been pulled at 48 days (by tric colour)for sure,but the extra few days fattened them up be honest tho I couldn't avoid pulling them and would've loved to have given them another week.

Gonna start up again ASAP,just need more pips and more soil...thinking about a second tent too,more AK goodness!

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
Some of them could've been pulled at 48 days (by tric colour)for sure,but the extra few days fattened them up be honest tho I couldn't avoid pulling them and would've loved to have given them another week.

Gonna start up again ASAP,just need more pips and more soil...thinking about a second tent too,more AK goodness!
can you let a plant go "too far" as in the trichs are uesless or the stone would be too heavy?


Active Member
give the canna soil a go harrekin, its lovely stuff. ill never use the all mix again and i used to think it was great stuff. all down to trial and error. one thing about the canna nutes is they dont seem to need too much at all, the plants are huge now and ive only fed them on3-4 occasions. very green aswell.
ae86 i normally class mine as done when i get 20-30% amber trichs, nice heady without too much couchlock, if you like couchlock then more amber might suit you better. personally i hate that sort of buzz. its all down to your personal preference, a lot of people just go 50/50, for a mixture of both but you need some patience to let them go longer. especially if you cant wait to smoke the bugger!