The Irish Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
I'd love to sell a few zips of this,see if it comes back to me and what sorta Chinese whispers become attached to it.

Some guy asked me was I looking for any the other day,I said I had some and he asked "is it Amnesia Haze tho?".

First of all bullshit it is,and second of all if only he knew what I have ;)
I haven't bought weed over here in about 12 months. I've a mate over in Canada who makes a bit posting back home, no stoppages yet and it's amazing. I do laugh at the names I hear, Amnesia Haze, Blue Cheese, Lemon Haze etc etc. Some people quoting 500 an O!


Active Member
toker are they the grow operations there busting or just small time home growers. dont see much on the news but dont watch it much to be honest. amsterdam amnesia haze and the dealer was wearing adidas 5 stripe!, i never even used to ask what i was buying cos you knew you were just going to get a bullshit name.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
well theres been a couple of grow houses found round here, never made the news and they were big finds...

same here lu would never ask the name just check that it was decent, theres sticky weed going at the minute and dry fluffy kinda weed, crumbles easy and decent smoke, the sticky stuff smells great but hasn`t a great stone off it.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
looks good dave, seed case has dropped off an all so your well on your way .

Seed case`s stayed on mine for ages, won`t be long geeting big either..

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
bloody cat ...... jumped in through a window and managed to break one plant at the fourth node and take the fan leafs off the bottom of my best girl.....

@dave: as the man says dude when shes about another two weeks old, just mind the distance of your lights when you put them under them.

close enough they don`t strech yet far enough away they won`t burn...


Active Member
lu there people renting ou houses and jst using it for growin nt personal ders 2 fellas frm my way dat gt 5 n 3 years they hd 2 diff houses.


Active Member
im jst after readin about a fella dat got arrested bcoz of pics he pt n riu his user name was sticky mango


Well-Known Member
hi guys cut my last ak47 auto to day fucking some green fly on it anyone else ever had problems with green fly before


alri well its 4 days old tomor and its about 3 inches tall already.. should lst be done so young or should i give it a week.. at the min i have it under a white uv fluro tube and it seems to be triving.. have the light 2 to 3 inches above it.. will be transplanting into my grow tent ( as soon as fucking kit arrives )..


Active Member
the guy that got caught on here posting pics did he upload them to the site or did he link the pic from photobucket. when you right click on a pic and click on inspect element you see the address for photobucket where it came from, just wondering if he had other pics there on the same acount that had his face on or something.
thats why i always up load the pics to the site and not link.
so anyone uploading pics click on go advanced and then manage attachments. i think its safer if there is such a thing. if kids can hack microsoft no ones safe lol!
dave put the light about an inch from the seedling, theres not much heat from the old cfls and you dont want it too high cos the stretching could become a problem.
those fuckers growing in rented gafs are a different breed from us guys, wouldnt say the weed would be as nice either, plants need lots of tlc which i dont see them getting in the grow gafs.


Active Member
found that sticky page, thanks fro that link darren, looks like his ex grassed on him and she used the site to show the old bill his plants. i was reading the page about it and i dont think hes ever getting out. if what they say is true!
that is mad what info that link gives you tonto, doesnt work on pics that were uploaded to the site but pics that are attached through photobucket, well that a different story as it gives you loads of info. rep for the link.
tried to rep you darren but i have to spread the love a bit before i can rep you again! lol!