The Irish Growers Thread!

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
just the orbital cfl`s (20w 2700k) have just the three on the go at the min but going to get another 3 in there to finish the 6 girls thats going at the min, hps after that.

have another 6 outside from the same batch of bagseed, hadn`t got the room for them all once potted into individual pots. I`m pretty much the same as you man, i have litterally just started in the last two months hadn`t a clue and just taught it would be too hard to grow..
then the lads round here started selling that sprayed weed and i`d rather smoke carpet than that stuff so had some seeds that i found in the last good baggie and said i`d give it a go, thanks to the help on here the girls are going grand, and the myth of growing has been busted...(uummm. wonder if mythbusters would try it?) there all the same age (3 months) just the indoor ones have 3 weeks flower under there belt while the rest are just left to nature.

now that i have a little setup that`ll get me by and can only improve ..

you already know more than i do.. Whats a thc level? hee heee heee... going to go with the kush and ww with the mazzar cross for now, could have that hps setup soon so fingers crossed i won`t need to fork out 280euro for anymore ounces...

got my seeds from the irish seed bank, was recommended and they have a shop in newbridge so handy just to pop into them and collect them in person,

looking forward to your grow you seem to be well into it by the tech questions.....


happy days in flower and all so your half way there anyways fairplay dude..

the plants you have outside did you just germinate them in tissue or a glass then plant them outside yea? i never knew till i seen ppl say on here last night that they,d even survive with our savage weather haha..

is your set up a hydro or are they just planted? im looking at your avatar an dues where dues are due man you have it goin very well..

eh as far as i no thc is the chemical in weed that makes your brain feel stoned basically ( open to correction on that )..

i was on the irish seedbank site it looks good alri.. only had a quick look do how are they priced??
and i see your name do you own an 86 dude..
thanks man fingers crossed itl go well im doin the exact same as you and just asking loads of qs so fingers crossed i dont fuck up.. i smoked sprayed weed before ( well a few pulls ) was told it was sprayed with 7up of all things to weigh heavier..

pricks out there all ya get is a bag of seeds and stems nowadays..
when we get things on the grow proper we should swap a few clones


Well-Known Member
hes known to do a bit of messing in Tullow alright ;)

My two ladies are coming on great, running on a 20/4 cycle and its great checking on them twice a day and seeing them getting bigger!

As for germing seeds and water pH, i just use Evian water and to germinate them i got a piece of kitchen towel, soaked it, folded it in half, placed the seeds down, folded it over, put it inbetween two plates and left it in the hot press for a few days (checking every 12-24hrs for moisture/root), just keep them moist! All 3 seeds germinated perfectly for me that way and it works well for other people too so this is how i will be doing it in future. Im just on week 2/3 of my first grow and its going well so far!


Well-Known Member

mmmmmmm stem porn

dave if its your first time id start with soil, its alot more forgiving, if you really want to try hydro then give hempy buckets a try, also the dangerine dream is on alot of peoples top smokes, what kind of smoke are you really looking for?

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
thats some stem, lst? how did you get it to fatten up?

@madra: :) know for messing everywhere.......

@dave: i went for soil, it seems to be the easiest method to start


tontoboy... do you think id be better off? i have all the hydro gear bought do and have read alot on it but im really looking for honest feedback from members with experience so what ever advice you can give me would be great.. and as for weed my preference would be the nice proper strains like you get in the dam , im sick of the bags off sticks and seeds we get in dublin.. what strain is that you have growing looks a good strong plant fair play dude!!!

madra.... whats up man its cool to see alot of other people who are on there 1st grows too i thought the site mite be full of just experienced growers.. how many weeks in did you switch to 20/4 cycle and what kinda setup do you have??

cheers lads


Well-Known Member
tontoboy... do you think id be better off? i have all the hydro gear bought do and have read alot on it but im really looking for honest feedback from members with experience so what ever advice you can give me would be great.. and as for weed my preference would be the nice proper strains like you get in the dam , im sick of the bags off sticks and seeds we get in dublin.. what strain is that you have growing looks a good strong plant fair play dude!!!

madra.... whats up man its cool to see alot of other people who are on there 1st grows too i thought the site mite be full of just experienced growers.. how many weeks in did you switch to 20/4 cycle and what kinda setup do you have??

cheers lads
no real experience indoors, but soil then hempy is what id do, its the lazy mans hydro. as for strains this lot have convinced me to certainly give ssh ago after some experience , female seeds c99 or a nice northern lights cross are what iv seen before recommended for starters. Female seeds Bubblegummer and paradise seeds ice cream are suppose to be damn nice too. if you want cheap and cheerful look at royal seeds also.

btw since your growing in a home made grow box make sure there isnt any light leeks at all, what have you got for fan and filter and what brand is your ballast?

anyone running maxibrights?


Well-Known Member
just curious if anyones doing an outdoor grow this year and how theyre getting on with it? how is the rain affecting everything?


Well-Known Member
Dont do it man! Classic new grower problem (and effects all of us occasionally)! I know the urge to pick and smoke is unreal,but wait till they're ripe,harvested and fully dried. You can waste like 1/2 ounce of fresh, wet weed on 1 joint to only get you a little bit high,or use 1/3 gram when it's dry to get you SUPER high!

Always sample a little but leave it at that,trust me,took me 2 1/2 years to learn that even though I said it to myself everytime!

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
yeah i held back, i won`t touch it atall until its ready, hard as that may be i have enough brown to keep me going.

for now tho i`m really enjoying the aroma, i think i`m lucky too most lads seem to have to kill the smell. Friend thats a sparkie has a 400w hps he`ll let me have it for free so if i was to hook it up tomorrow how far from the plants should it be? How hot do they get, i can`t get fans where i`m growing at the minute so am i best to leave the hps until i get the grow box built properly?


Well-Known Member
I'd leave it till you get some fans,a 400w can heat up a medium tent to like 39C in less than 3 mins with no fans. At the very least have a desktop fan blowing sorta on the light and between the light and the tops of the plants,should let you get it to within 12 inches.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
going to have to leave it until the wardrobes fitted out really, got the pipeing the other day so all i need now is the wardrobe and an extractor fan i can get my hands on a couple of the small car type fans for conopy but is there a certain type of extractor to use or will a standard 4 inch one do?

i am trying to get it together asap want to start the nirvana seeds off straight away, thanks for the info harrekin its not falling on deaf ears.


Well-Known Member
I'd go for a 5 or 6 inch extractor,the extra inch over the 4 inch one is 25% more air movement and if you ever wanna upgrade to a bigger light it means not having to upgrade everything (and the cost difference is quite small aswell). I use a 5 inch extractor for my 600w but only cos my tent only has 130mm vent holes.


Well-Known Member
madra.... whats up man its cool to see alot of other people who are on there 1st grows too i thought the site mite be full of just experienced growers.. how many weeks in did you switch to 20/4 cycle and what kinda setup do you have??

cheers lads
I kept the light on for the first few days while waiting for the tip to appear and then the next day i switched to 20/4. The Pakistan Ryders are an autoflower so just need the one lamp on the one cycle the whole time (55 days or so). They grow so fast, i keep checking them every day and cant believe how much bigger they have got.


Well-Known Member
big time Tonto, My outdorrs ones have just stopped growing.

Sorry i havent been on forawhile guys, you know how it is during the veg period, nothing to see. Ive got a Barneys blue cheese which i vegged for just over 2 months and that i topped ( going to be amonster) and a Barneys Red Diesel both are just 4 days on 12/12. Out of my 3 Reddiesel its the only surving one, bad strain me thinks, What about u Lu...Hows your RD going....Will put some pics up tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
I have 3 bagseed seemingly Sativa hybrids outdoor, planted them out about 2-3 weeks ago, so they're way behind, but Ill throw up pics soon...they seem to be growing pretty fast tho!


I kept the light on for the first few days while waiting for the tip to appear and then the next day i switched to 20/4. The Pakistan Ryders are an autoflower so just need the one lamp on the one cycle the whole time (55 days or so). They grow so fast, i keep checking them every day and cant believe how much bigger they have got.
sound man.. so is there no switching timers with an auto strain no?? i never new that cheers..