I've run from cops in Peru because I would smoke joints with my cousin, on the streets everyday. They still have beat cops there and one day we turned a corner and just bumped into a female cop. My cousin and I just looked at each other and ran 3 blocks home. The cops there wear boots so it wasn't that hard.

I've also run from cops after hopping the fence at the soccer stadium.

So yeah I'm real how about your wanker ass? Still not racist?

what part of peru? my mom is from cuzco, i've always wanted to go but haven't gotten around to it. looks like a beautiful country too, the mountains.
did you present proof he's born in hawaii? or are you setting up an argument that only one side has to prove what they say? and i guess the nuances of adult conversation are difficult with some. when someone says " i'm for neither side and there are compelling arguments on both" that means they are neutral. so why would i provide proof either way? i don't care either way.

i don't need to present his birth certificate, obama has already done so.

your turn, racist loser.

don't flounder, like you are known for doing.
Hey comandante mamahuevo my links are real and I grew up in NYC and witnessed this shit first-hand. You can't even deny that I called your insular small town ass out. For you to dismiss the evidence and inmediate outrage is at the least tone deaf. Are you just tired of hearing about injustice?

Go back to the Post Office and talk to a cop about the weather.
What links? You posted them in this thread?

I posted an infographic saying that blacks are more prone to abuse at the hands of police EXCEPT when loss of life is concerned as found by an african american Harvard professor of economics in June 2016 in this thread and linked to the pdf a few times, quoted it's abstract once.
I posted a snopes link that pretty much eviscerated the OP to start my participation in this thread.

Seems like I was aware enough of the injustice to cite findings supporting that it happens.
Did you miss those? Chupame la pija.
what part of peru? my mom is from cuzco, i've always wanted to go but haven't gotten around to it. looks like a beautiful country too, the mountains.

I have all kinds of family all over Peru. Rich family in politics in the mountains and dirt poor family in shacks in pueblos jovenes. Alianza Lima Corazon carajo!

Come on man your mom is Peruvian and the shit Trump says about Mexicans doesn't bother you? My brother is an Iraq and Afghanistan vet but he has a beard and is dark skinned. People call him a Muslim and say horrible shit to him on the street. Am I going to vote for a President that feeds that kind of hate? GTFO
I have all kinds of family all over Peru. Rich family in politics in the mountains and dirt poor family in shacks in pueblos jovenes. Alianza Lima Corazon carajo!

Come on man your mom is Peruvian and the shit Trump says about Mexicans doesn't bother you? My brother is an Iraq and Afghanistan vet but he has a beard and is dark skinned. People call him a Muslim and say horrible shit to him on the street. Am I going to vote for a President that feeds that kind of hate? GTFO

my mom is 1/2 peruvian 1/2 chinese, and no the shit that some Trump supporters say doesn't bother me just like the shit some hillary supporters say doesn't bother me. simple fact is i agree with more he says than her. some people are just better at weeding through the bullshit.
i don't need to present his birth certificate, obama has already done so.

your turn, racist loser.

don't flounder, like you are known for doing.

dodgeball must have been one of your favorite sports as a kid, even though you were horrible at it. you still haven't answered why it was racist to say barry was from kenya. now you aren't providing the proof that you requested from me. your slanted argument is becoming more apparent as we go. you don't play by the same rules as you demand of your opponent, and i'd say that is being hypocritical but i'll leave the name calling to the less mature.
dodgeball must have been one of your favorite sports as a kid, even though you were horrible at it. you still haven't answered why it was racist to say barry was from kenya. now you aren't providing the proof that you requested from me. your slanted argument is becoming more apparent as we go. you don't play by the same rules as you demand of your opponent, and i'd say that is being hypocritical but i'll leave the name calling to the less mature.

quit floundering and provide even one iota of evidence that obama is from kenya, skinhead.
It helps if you quote a bit more and lie a bit less:

do you just get selective amnesia about your history of lying?
Bush's highest deficit was -$458.5B in his last year in office,.
even your own source lists bush's last deficit as 1.413 trillion you retarded fuckwad.
anyone who wants to see the full breadth and depth of your non-stop lying can click on the two dots just to the right of where it says "choomer said" or "unclebuck said". it will then bring you to the post in which you lied blatantly about the content of your own links, and where i called you out and caught you red-handed lying about the content of your own links.
thanks for asking for that instead of just quietly accepting what i said as fact.
You wanted to steer the conversation to deficit and I was talking about DEBT (as was posted in that thread).
President Barack Obama
President Obama has the largest deficits. By the end of his last budget (FY 2017), the total deficits will be $6.695 trillion for his eight years in office. Obama started off launching the $787 billion economic stimulus package that cut taxes, extended unemployment benefits, and funded job-creating public works projects. The Obama tax cuts added $858 billion to the debt in its first two years. Most important was increased defense spending, which added as much as $800 billion a year. Federal income decreased due to lower tax receipts from the 2008 financial crisis.

Both Presidents Bush and Obama had to contend with higher mandatory spending for Social Security and Medicare than their predecessors did. That's because health care costs were rising, and the American population was aging. In 2010, Obama launched the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act to reduce the debt by $143 billion by 2020. For more, see National Debt Under Obama.

President George W. Bush
President Bush is next, racking up $3.293 trillion over two terms. He responded to the attacks on 9/11 with the War on Terror, driving total military spending to at least $600 billion a year. The Bush tax cuts, also known as EGTRRA and JGTRRA, cut taxes to address the 2001 recession. Unfortunately, the cuts did not sunset when the recession was over, adding to the housing boom and depleting revenues during the 2008 recession. He attacked the 2008 financial crisis with the $700 billion bailout. Congress added it to the mandatory budget, where it became the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP).
It also labels Obama as the most deficit ridden president.
It wasn't my original link, that one was from and it doesn't agree w/ the numbers of this site either, but since you won't trust the source you pay for with your taxes and choose instead to like advertisement driven news sites for your info, I thought I'd oblige.
Oh wait....I see what you're doing.
You're claiming that Shrub was a more effectual president because in 8 years in office he was able to influence the next 4 years afterwards to be -$1T+ deficits and Obummer is less effectual because he couldn't "fix" it in his 8 years.
So was the gentlemen in Dallas who shot the cops. He was scared.

No see, he wasn't scared. He was a delusional, demented, murderous piece of trash who did more in 15 minutes to hurt his cause than he could have in any other way. He did all black people a huge disservice because of his unjustified hate that was taken out on cops at random, thereby probably reducing the number of good cops, while probably not reducing the number of bad cops by near as much.

Dallas + Baton Rouge + the next sick attack on cops in general will accomplish only this: a reduction in the number of police academy applicants, and a trend of current cops (mostly good) pursuing insurance agent jobs.

Since an entire post went missing "mysteriously" again, I figure anyone interested can do the research themselves and if they wanna believe you, more power to them as nothing I say will change that.
Interesting that when it comes to showing you your ass via history, things just go "poof" (like you, although in a different way)?

I hope you are able to bolster your self worth for the next decade as you have for the previous one via site manipulation and revisionist history thereof (I wonder if those posts I quoted are even there anymore).

Now get out the mascara and diaphanous apparel to emulate your hero and dance monkey, dance as it was a bit of fun for a while to watch you caper but your baboon ass will hang out for anyone w/ a discerning eye to see without me pointing it out.

I'll just do it again later when I get bored. ;)
No see, he wasn't scared. He was a delusional, demented, murderous piece of trash who did more in 15 minutes to hurt his cause than he could have in any other way. He did all black people a huge disservice because of his unjustified hate that was taken out on cops at random, thereby probably reducing the number of good cops, while probably not reducing the number of bad cops by near as much.

Dallas + Baton Rouge + the next sick attack on cops in general will accomplish only this: a reduction in the number of police academy applicants, and a trend of current cops (mostly good) pursuing insurance agent jobs.

You're forgetting about the chance of a martial law declaration due to a "race war" that could keep Obummer in the drivers seat way past his legal office tenure.
Everything else is pretty spot on.

Since an entire post went missing "mysteriously"
Interesting that when it comes to showing you your ass

Now get out the mascara and diaphanous apparel to emulate your hero and dance monkey, dance

I'll just do it again later when I get bored. ;)

Bombast and the stench of imbecile shit. Brilliant
You're forgetting about the chance of a martial law declaration due to a "race war" that could keep Obummer in the drivers seat way past his legal office tenure.
Everything else is pretty spot on.

that is almost as retarded as your belief that obama started the iraq war, or that he is deficit cutting us into fiscal insolvency.

maybe go ahead and lie about what is in your own links some more, then call obama a gay kenya muslim, then claim that you never said it, and that you are not racist.

you are pathetic and desperate beyond words.
You're forgetting about the chance of a martial law declaration due to a "race war" that could keep Obummer in the drivers seat way past his legal office tenure.
Everything else is pretty spot on.

Few posts scream chaffed asshole so proudly. Conferring your your imbecile clown's approval is rich!
that is almost as retarded as your belief that obama started the iraq war, or that he is deficit cutting us into fiscal insolvency.

maybe go ahead and lie about what is in your own links some more, then call obama a gay kenya muslim, then claim that you never said it, and that you are not racist.

you are pathetic and desperate beyond words.

Meaning so much from you, the hypocritical tax dodging racist w/ downs.
Ain't that stink-bait tasty?