How about this sentence bob harris. Feeling better about yourself yet? obviously don't understand how local cops target locals.

if domestic violence was the reason.. they could have cited that as the reason.. when in fact that was not that case.

they used the guise of marijuana to enter the home. though...

this has never been enough for CPS to take a child and no marijuana was in his system whatsoever,.

bob.. you can't defend the cops in this situation at all..

also...most up here can't afford lawyers.

Cps used the cannabis report to visit the home. They then left. Cps DID cite domestic violence and conditions as additional reason for the order to remove the child.

NONE OF US KNOW WHAT ELSE THE CPS SAW ON THAT VISIT. but the fact is, that CPS decided to take the child, based on their observation and the cannabis report.

CPS then REQUESTED police assistance in serving the papers to take the child..BECAUSE OF THREATS OF VIOLENCE during the prior confrontations.

I'm not saying I on the cops side..I'm saying I don't know what happened...I wasn't there..none of us were. There fore, I can't pass judgment on the police, or the man who was shot.

But I can say, if he hadn't pulled the knife...he would be alive today.
and if the cop would of used the 2 or 3 tazers, he would also still be alive today, knife irrelevant.
How the f.. can you say knife irrelevant? that's totally insane...oh...and what size knife was it again?

umm... my tax money goes to cops.. and their health plans.

i'd rather have a cop killed or maimed in action from a knife while he was trying subdue a person with or without a taser than have the person go dead and unjustly so in front of his child..

cops are paid to be put in harm's way.

and a taser will always out range a knife.
umm... my tax money goes to cops.. and their health plans.

i'd rather have a cop killed or maimed in action from a knife while he was trying subdue a person with or without a taser than have the person go dead and unjustly so in front of his child..

cops are paid to be put in harm's way.

and a taser will always out range a knife.

I understand you thought..but the cop isn't going to feel that's him taking the knife...that we still don't know the size of, or the proximity of the "lunge"
the lunge had to be far enough away, that the shooter was able to holster his tazer, pull his service revolver, and put 2 bullets into this mans body, killing him on the spot, and still not be with in range of a 3 inch pocket knife, which if you would Read, or maybe Listen to the News Report i posted, you would know the Facts as presented, that i am holding as correct for the moment. This tells me the physics of the situation. if he had enough time to re holster his Tazer, and pull his leathal weapon and get 2 shots off, then the Father with a 3 inch pocket knife could not of been to close. takes time to holster a tazer and pull a gun. even if the tazer was dropped, and the gun was drawn. a lunge happens fast.

So i question was it a lunge, or just forward motion. but unless he was weilding a 5 ft long sword, a 3 inch pocket knife still looses to 2 or 3 100,000v tazers at 5 ft or more. lunge or not. and if this guy was within 10 ft. then there would be no time for the revolver to be pulled. which tells me it was pulled with the intent to use deadly force. why do i conclude that? Police have NON Lethal Tazers they are supposed to use in situations where immediate death from a perpetrator is not possible to hostages. This Father was not threatening his son, he was protecting him, just as you would yours. So the question becomes then, Was lethal force needed, and there is ZERO chance that it was, when 2 or 3 officers hand 100,000 volt tazers in hand read to deploy, but this ONE lone ranger thought he needed to use his Lethal Weapon.. against a 3 inch knife. yes a 3 inch knife can kill. but you better be up to 2 ft away.

Now think about the logical side of this. This man, 3 days after his death, was scheduled to go to court to gain sole physical custody of his son. the same 2 yr old son that just watched his father get executed trying to protect him. but you can gaurentee, the boy is already being brainwashed to tell everyone what a bad guy this guy was because he was *GASP* A POT USER, but he wasnt using and autopsy reports proved it. Why, because he was fighting for Custody of his Son.

Now, ask yourself, does it make any sense, that he would ATTACK Police in a manor that would completely jeapordize his case three days later? I understand he may of felt his was protecting his son. but at the same time, his main goal he had been fighting for was for custody of his son. There is more to this than meets the eye im sure. but on thing that is obvious here, Deadly force was completely not needed, unless this guy had a gun, or a 5 ft sword for a weapon.

Now i was in a pretty nasty custody battle and I was given custody of my daughter, because her life was far better with me, than it could of been if she was left with her mother... So dont think i take this lightly on any level, i dont.

Its stated he had a pocket knife with a 3 inch blade, do your own foot work to present your opinion bob. i did mine, and i shared it, if your to lazy to do a little of your own investigation to form an opine based on fact, then stay out of the conversation.

Sorry bob. i hold human life more valuable than you apparently do..
the lunge had to be far enough away, that the shooter was able to holster his tazer, pull his service revolver, and put 2 bullets into this mans body, killing him on the spot, and still not be with in range of a 3 inch pocket knife, which if you would Read, or maybe Listen to the News Report i posted, you would know the Facts as presented, that i am holding as correct for the moment. This tells me the physics of the situation. if he had enough time to re holster his Tazer, and pull his leathal weapon and get 2 shots off, then the Father with a 3 inch pocket knife could not of been to close. takes time to holster a tazer and pull a gun. even if the tazer was dropped, and the gun was drawn. a lunge happens fast.

So i question was it a lunge, or just forward motion. but unless he was weilding a 5 ft long sword, a 3 inch pocket knife still looses to 2 or 3 100,000v tazers at 5 ft or more. lunge or not. and if this guy was within 10 ft. then there would be no time for the revolver to be pulled. which tells me it was pulled with the intent to use deadly force. why do i conclude that? Police have NON Lethal Tazers they are supposed to use in situations where immediate death from a perpetrator is not possible to hostages. This Father was not threatening his son, he was protecting him, just as you would yours. So the question becomes then, Was lethal force needed, and there is ZERO chance that it was, when 2 or 3 officers hand 100,000 volt tazers in hand read to deploy, but this ONE lone ranger thought he needed to use his Lethal Weapon.. against a 3 inch knife. yes a 3 inch knife can kill. but you better be up to 2 ft away.

Now think about the logical side of this. This man, 3 days after his death, was scheduled to go to court to gain sole physical custody of his son. the same 2 yr old son that just watched his father get executed trying to protect him. but you can gaurentee, the boy is already being brainwashed to tell everyone what a bad guy this guy was because he was *GASP* A POT USER, but he wasnt using and autopsy reports proved it. Why, because he was fighting for Custody of his Son.

Now, ask yourself, does it make any sense, that he would ATTACK Police in a manor that would completely jeapordize his case three days later? I understand he may of felt his was protecting his son. but at the same time, his main goal he had been fighting for was for custody of his son. There is more to this than meets the eye im sure. but on thing that is obvious here, Deadly force was completely not needed, unless this guy had a gun, or a 5 ft sword for a weapon.

Now i was in a pretty nasty custody battle and I was given custody of my daughter, because her life was far better with me, than it could of been if she was left with her mother... So dont think i take this lightly on any level, i dont.

Its stated he had a pocket knife with a 3 inch blade, do your own foot work to present your opinion bob. i did mine, and i shared it, if your to lazy to do a little of your own investigation to form an opine based on fact, then stay out of the conversation.

Sorry bob. i hold human life more valuable than you apparently do.. just edited your original post to include "pocket"..and you want me to believe you are being straight forward. Your simply trying to make a sad story, fit your needs..

The initial report that YOU posted as fact, said nothing about pocket knife, or size.

It also stated that the cops put away their tazers, and drew weapons, before the "lunge", not at the time of.

Your trying to state as fact, things that are NOT in the report, and things you could have no knowledge of how they occurred.

What's the whole story behind the custody battle? THAT"S what caused this case..cannabis odor was meerly a mitigating circumstance. Perhaps the man knew he was going to lose...

But please stop making things fit your make shit up, and you got caught. Editing to add pocket...god man, how desperate are you? You didn't even spell POCKET rught, in your lame attempt to edit in your lie. just edited your original post to include "pocket"..and you want me to believe you are being straight forward. Your simply trying to make a sad story, fit your needs..

The initial report that YOU posted as fact, said nothing about pocket knife, or size.

It also stated that the cops put away their tazers, and drew weapons, before the "lunge", not at the time of.

Your trying to state as fact, things that are NOT in the report, and things you could have no knowledge of how they occurred.

What's the whole story behind the custody battle? THAT"S what caused this case..cannabis odor was meerly a mitigating circumstance. Perhaps the man knew he was going to lose...

But please stop making things fit your make shit up, and you got caught. Editing to add pocket...god man, how desperate are you? You didn't even spell POCKET rught, in your lame attempt to edit in your lie.

though i know the story did just say "knife"

i've heard many reports, even from locals, that it was indeed a pocket-knife. so i assume a 3-5 inch blade. or... at least... a knife in which he could keep in his pocket. so maybe 6 inches tops.
correct story just said knife, but pocket knife was confirmed in the report i read, or watched. SO sorry bob. im not a lying pos like you, i have no need to go cover my ass, i didnt write the original report i only pasted it and left my comment dumbass (Red from that 70s show kicks ass, DUMBASS) lol.
correct story just said knife, but pocket knife was confirmed in the report i read, or watched. SO sorry bob. im not a lying pos like you, i have no need to go cover my ass, i didnt write the original report i only pasted it and left my comment dumbass (Red from that 70s show kicks ass, DUMBASS) lol.

Most reports say 4.5 inch "pocket knife". But the point is you posted the story as fact and proof positive, then added 3.5 inch pocketknife to a rebuttal..then edited your original post to try and cover your guise...gonna lose you some points in debate class. And if it was a 4.5 inch blade, that's approaching folding hunting knife, and that's a real weapon.

So why did you try so hard to minimize the size of the knife? You were spewing the image of a "jacknife" trying to make the guy look the best you could.

So my question remains: Why as the self proclaimed teller of truth and facts,why would you intentionally disregard the truth and skew the facts?

With it being pretty common knowledge that LEO is trained to draw GUNS when a suspect draws a "deadly weapon"...and the fact that they put away the tazers, warned the guy to drop the knife...he choose to lunge at a policeman holding a gun...what would you expect the outcome to be? Police are trained to avoid hand to hand combat if at all possible, they are trained to use more force (ie gun vs knife) when a weapon is wielded at them.

It was a justifiable shooting..the root cause was NOT cannabis and the guy is not a martyr.

My other problem is why do you want cannabis to be the cause? the article that YOU posted includes this quote In addition, there is concern for the safety of the child due to a domestic disturbance and threats made toward law enforcement by the father.”

The point being, if the guy had been reasonable on the first visit by cps...there may have been no order to remove the child, on alleged cannabis alone. I feel for this's tragic....but it is not a poster case for police misconduct in any way.

Your a conspiracy nut, who's willing to omit relevant facts from his argument, edit posts labeled as "TRUTH" then when caught...admit to an honest error..(which wasn't an honest error..or you wouldn't have edited your original post)...and stick with the "smallest knife imaginable"..which you must know isn't true, because you are an authority on these matters, and in fact, their is no report anywhere on the internet, that reports the knife as that small.

You never stop biasing the facts, even when your caught...and accuse me of YOUR behavior....get a life.....but please stop trying to help the cause.....people like you have caused enough to be taken from medical users.