The great RIU Conquistador grow '08!

South Texas

Well-Known Member
Had 10 seeds. 5 were tried, they didn't do well at all. BUT, that is my fault. I was trying to do too many things at one time. I have the other 5, stored with a couple hundred seeds, & will start germing them next month for my indoor grow. The Buds on an Afghan isn't that big, but they cover the entire branch. Crossed with the MK, the buds still cover the entire branches, but they are the size of golf balls.
The Af/Orange is also awesome, baseball to softball size buds. By they way, the tobacco tea works, but due to the extreme heat around here, it scared me. I finally got some liquid seaweed, and it works, & the leaves love it.

Those look awesome! Are any of them Connies?



Well-Known Member
South Texas - Your plants look like they are ok after Ike. I use to live in Houston and remember the southern humid flow.

LB - Hows the cab growing and did the Squirril Connie regrow? Hows the outdoor grow going?


Well-Known Member
Okay, here are the gals today! Note that the outdoor buds are turning purple -- what's the reason for this? Should I be worried? They're getting plain water every 3 or 4 days, and once every other week I put molasses in it.

My aero plants went into bloom at roughly the same time, and you can see they look quite different. The hairs on the buds are thinner and whiter. My outdoor girl has plenty of amber hairs now, but the indoor ones don't. Take a look and give me your opinions, please! Do you think I should add one of those "bud blaster" nutes to the cab plants? Do you feel (Sub especially if you're reading this) that Oct 20 is still a good estimate of harvest time both indoors and out?



Well-Known Member
Movin' right along, yep. :D It's not at all uncommon for some strains to go purple as the overnight temperatures dip. I've been waiting to see some color change myself, as we're having to close up at night for the past week now. So far, coloration is limited to my Bagseed Girls, one's got pistils that are very slightly pink.


Well-Known Member
Okay, here are the gals today! Note that the outdoor buds are turning purple -- what's the reason for this? Should I be worried? They're getting plain water every 3 or 4 days, and once every other week I put molasses in it.

My aero plants went into bloom at roughly the same time, and you can see they look quite different. The hairs on the buds are thinner and whiter. My outdoor girl has plenty of amber hairs now, but the indoor ones don't. Take a look and give me your opinions, please! Do you think I should add one of those "bud blaster" nutes to the cab plants? Do you feel (Sub especially if you're reading this) that Oct 20 is still a good estimate of harvest time both indoors and out?

Little Bat I dont add nutrients so I have no experience with new products and such.
If the plant shows signs of deficiencies then it will need some food.
It wont hurt to use at half stregnth and tehn watch how they respond.



Well-Known Member
Quick question for anyone who can answer, including (obviously), Subcool. One of my Conquistador gals has pistils that I could swear have become a light pink, just the faintest blush but it's definitely there. The other two appear to be more white. Is this a normal phenotype?


Well-Known Member
I know I will not be able to impart the wisdom of the Sub man but I can tell you Conquistador [Hashplant X Ortega X Cinderella 99] has Cindy-99 in its makeup, which has pinkish pistils from the grows I've seen. Thats all I know.


Well-Known Member
Cannabis floral clusters are basically green, but changes may take place later in the season, which alter the color to include various shades. The intense green of chlorophyll usually hides the color of accessory pigments, Chlorophyll starts to loose it’s vibrant green color late in the season and anthocyanin pigments also contained in the tissues are uncovered and the amazing colors are produced at this time. Purple, resulting from anthocyanin accumulation, is extremely common in Cannabis, this color modification is usually triggered by seasonal change, and also can be influenced indoor by a temperature drop of between 20-30 degrees.

[FONT=&quot]This does not mean, however, that Purple is controlled by environment alone and it can be passed on genetically. For purple color to develop upon maturation, a strain must have the genetically controlled metabolic potential to make anthocyanin pigments and be responsiveness to environmental change such as cold nighttime temps. This means a strain can have the genetic potential to change color but if conditions never exist you may never know it. I have grown Jacks Cleaner for a long time and when I moved west and it found some dramatically cooler temps I got a nice maroon/ purple coloring at maturity

[/FONT] There are other pigments that effect the color of mature cannabis for example Carotenoid is largely responsible for the yellow, orange, red, and brown colors in buds. I find this effect is much easier to accomplish in Organics and soil but in order to really call a strain Purple it needs to have more than colored outer leaves and the inner buds need to actually be Purple.


Well-Known Member
How low are your overnight temps, lb? I think mine have been dropping into the 50s, but it's also warmed up the past couple of days now.


Well-Known Member
Low 60s/high 50s, so about the same. We got a lot of rain last night and it got cold, but all my outdoor plants seem to be just fine!


Well-Known Member
Interesting. I'm only seeing a faint pink blush, you're seeing purple, and I've still got two more girls who are just white pistiled (I made that up). And, I'm still waiting to see them get that frosty look. Got a few trichs, but my Bagseed Girls are the ones who are really getting the most trichomes that I can see.


Well-Known Member
I can't wait to grow some of your bagseed girls next summer! And to find out from you how they taste. :)

I just checked my cab plants for the first time in a couple of days. I've had the flu and have spent the past 24 hours in bed -- oh how good it feels to finally get up and shower, next I'm going to try to eat something! But yeah, so, I didn't even turn my computer on yesterday, I was just sleeping and puking. Today when I looked in on the cabbies, their buds were turning amber! Wooooo! But yeah, only the outdoor one is purple. It's more like a fuchsia, kind of, somewhere between purple and pink. All of them are buddin' right along, though! :)


Well-Known Member
LB - Sorry to hear your sick and hope you will be feeling better soon. Did your Squirrilistador plant ever reveg? Your cabbies prob wont turn purple because its not too cold in the cab but maybe a little pink.

Seamaiden - Did you ever crack any of those seeds (good for hip pain relief) from the pot your sis gave you? Those ought to be interesting.
How are the survivors doing?

Honky - any connie success?

I wana see some pics you guys <taps foot> (Except LB cuz shes sick)


Well-Known Member
I haven't cracked my seeds just yet, I want to get the grow room set up first. And that means I have to make up my mind about the lighting, price it out for Dave, and so on and so forth. I took some pix earlier today, I'll upload them. But I'll be honest, they're not very impressive.


Well-Known Member
Im in the same situation. I have some seeds I want to crack but my grow area is not even close to being setup. I have my light and pots and soil etc. but I need to build the area and get electricity to it.


Well-Known Member
Speaking of lights and setups and such, I'm trying to figure out how to manage the cab over the winter, and basically I have to come up with some kind of little cloning chamber. I'm trying to figure out the easiest way to do this. Do you think just putting a lamp on the upper shelf of my closet -- like a clip light -- and using the little tupperware-cloner-box someone showed on here (Honkeytown, I think) would do the trick?