The great RIU Conquistador grow '08!


Well-Known Member

So if LB, Seamaiden, or Honky wanted to make a cross with thir Connie would they have to back cross it with one of the original parents or would a proven (good traits) clone of one of the parents be sufficent? Like a C 99 clone or hash plant clone.


Well-Known Member
LB - THe best way to avoid transplant shock is to try not to disturb the roots much during transplanting. One way I have used is to prepare the new pot with soil (loose). Take an extra pot the same size as the current one the plant is in and push it down into the new soil in the new pot making a hole for the plant and soil. Invert the current pot and remove plant and soil intact. Place in hole in new pot and cover and tamp in. Not too tight. Then water. I have also used Superthrive when I do this in the water. They usually take off growing after the transplant especially if they are a little rootbound. Hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
LB - THe best way to avoid transplant shock is to try not to disturb the roots much during transplanting. One way I have used is to prepare the new pot with soil (loose). Take an extra pot the same size as the current one the plant is in and push it down into the new soil in the new pot making a hole for the plant and soil. Invert the current pot and remove plant and soil intact. Place in hole in new pot and cover and tamp in. Not too tight. Then water. I have also used Superthrive when I do this in the water. They usually take off growing after the transplant especially if they are a little rootbound. Hope this helps.
That's the same method I use. I've never had any signs of shock.:peace:


Well-Known Member
Spark1! POST PICS, DAMMIT! That's the deal -- I share the seeds, you share the pictues. :)

Just got back into town and took a look at all the plants. WOW!!! The outdoor Connie is growing like a mofo. I'm definitely repotting her today. Thanks for the info, Sub, I didn't see in that post where it talked about transplanting during flowering. Now that I know I can, I'm gonna.

Believe me, I have spent many hours with many bonghits reading this site. :)

The cab plants drank almost all their water in 4 days. I changed the res Friday night before I went out of town, and this morning it was almost dry and the plants were wilting. So they just got fed again. They're flowering right along, doing well. One of them in particular is busting out the hairs all over and is just gorgeous. The A/MK isn't showing sex yet. The outdoor SMS didn't have quite as much of a growth spurt as the Connie and she's still not flowering yet, but boy is she smelly!

I look forward to harvest -- only six more weeks to go!!


Well-Known Member
My outdoor Connie is busting out the hairs all over! She's looking gorgeous! Cab plants are doing okay too, just blooming right along. I had to top one of them pretty severely because it was touching the light and the leaves were burning, so it's a bit behind the other, but all is well.

I just found this funny pic from when I was in Humboldt trimming a few years ago. I had to share it with you. The trays we were using were lined with newspaper and I thought this one was too good not to photograph...



Well-Known Member
I remember that article, was going around with lots of giggles in the aquatic world. It wasn't just herring making all that submarine racket, though.... :lol:

On another note: I killed both my males yesterday. I am bummed. I do not intend to "pee in the genetic pool", I just want to grow some good stuff on my budget (which is pretty limited right now). I'm learning to clone.



Well-Known Member
Well, I had shit luck with the outdoor plants this year -- my lone SMS was a boy! This means I am now down to my one and only Conquistador, though I have plenty of SMS seeds and will be trying some in the cab. I moved her to a bigger pot two days ago, and yesterday I gave her a watering with molasses and Superthrive, and today she's significantly bushier.

I'm not too sad about the way things turned out with this summer's grow, because I've learned SO much about how to do things next time. Next year I'll be growing from clones, so I won't have any males to deal with, and I'll be building a protective enclosure to keep the squirrels out from the very beginning. It's so thrilling watching my babies sprout hairs for the first time! One of the Connies in the cab is definitely a keeper; her buds are getting bigger by the day and it's just such a trip. And please cross all your fingers and toes that the A/MK turns out to be a girl! I can't wait until the day I open the cab and see tiny hairs sprouting...


Well-Known Member
LB you have put so much into your hobby your next genetics are on me :)
Let me know when your ready and I will send u my best gear.



Well-Known Member
Thank you so much, Sub!! That's incredibly generous of you, it made my day. Here are some pics of your gorgeous gals in bloom!

Given the state of the ones in the cab, if you can give me any indication of when harvest might be, that would be great. They're growing very fast, and I *way* overshot the amount of veg time I needed so I don't want to do that with bloom. I know you're a soil snob, but your plants sure do love Supernatural nutes!!

I would love to grow anything of yours, but if you felt so inclined as to include some Pandora or Jillybean I would be quite honored to grow them. :) Which one did you say you recommend to people first? Vortex?

Honkey: seeds are coming your way from yeldah.

Seamaiden: I would love to have some more SMS...they smelled soooooo good! I thought I had more and when I went looking for them I found an empty bag. :(

One of the things I've learned this year is that I'm not crazy about the Rainbow Mix Bloom. Why? Because it's so powdered it's like dust, and it gets everywhere. You can see how muddy the soil looks, and how there's a fine coating of dust around the rim of the planter...that's because it's almost impossible to mix this stuff in. The dust gets all over your plants too, and I personally would prefer not to put fertilizer directly on my buds. Next year I'll be trying something new.



Well-Known Member
LB - Your outdoor plants are looking good. Is that hemp jute you have the connie tied down with? Very appropriate if it is, lol. Looks like your internodal spacing on the connie is very nice too. Bring em home to the finish! Hows the Cab doing? Did your topping help or just multiply the growth. Whatever you are doing in there the plants love it. Did the othere Cap plant sex up yet?


Well-Known Member
It's floral wire from Michael's (the big craft store.) It's just a really thick wire wrapped with a waxy rope of some kind -- kind of feels like raffia. It's great stuff, perfect for the job!

Still waiting for the A/MK in the cab to show. It's my only one so keep your fingers crossed!! I topped the aero plants by about 6", and now they're almost back up to the light. I have to figure out the best way to tie them down.

As for "whatever I'm doing they love it" -- all they're getting is Flora Nova bloom! Two tbsp every four days in plain tap water, no kidding, that's it.

Here's my dumb question: what's internodal spacing, and what is it about mine that's good? :)


Well-Known Member
Space between the nodes, which are where the leaves or branches grow out from.

Try making a "belt" around the pots, then tie whatever you're going to use to LST the plants to that. It acts as a pretty good anchor, doesn't come out of the soil or anything like that.


Well-Known Member
The reason I like this wrapped wire is that you just cut long pieces and stick 'em down in the dirt, and they stay. It's about the same thickness as a coathanger.

I'm making molasses cornbread and my fabulous chili, and let me tell ya, it smells GOOD! I used tomatoes I grew myself, which is always awesome. I'm smoking some of my Humboldt friend's trees and I have the munchies bigtime. :)

I'm also doing laundry and just hung everything on the clothesline to dry. Can I just say how much I treasure having a clothesline and a place to grow veggies and other greenery in the middle of NYC? I also dye my own yarn, so right now there are freshly-dyed skeins hanging out there too. It's my little hippie DIY wonderland! :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I had some hippie shoes, but I gave them away. They were vintage, if you know what I mean. Crocheted with suede. I have to write up instructions for my husband to take care of my plants while I'm gone.


Well-Known Member
Here's my cornbread recipe: Recipe: Sassy Molasses Cornbread

It's sooooooooo delicious! Molasses -- it's not just for your plants! :)

And I make my yummy vegetarian chili with pinto beans, black beans, tomato sauce, corn (all canned), Morningstar Farms burger crumbles, a packet of chili seasoning, hot sauce, and lots of fresh garlic and homegrown tomatoes. Easy and yum!!!!

Now for some pics of the girls -- the outdoor one got a lot of rain yesterday and seems very happy today! She's bustin' out the buds! One of the cab plants is moving right along, the other's going a bit more slowly. I'm really psyched to see how much I get out of the cab vs. the outdoor plant.



Well-Known Member
I have to go out of town Oct 19, so my plan was to harvest the day before and hang them out in the open in my apartment with the fan on while I'm gone. Sub said that was around the time they matured where he is, so I'm hoping it will be pretty close here. We're supposed to have a warm Sept (we are so far), so I'm hoping for big growth this month!

Incidentally, I am a longtime registered Democrat, and the icon is a JOKE, before any of you tree-huggin' stoners start in on me. ;) I thought it was hilarious and had to use it.