The great RIU Conquistador grow '08!


Well-Known Member
Hahaha!!! Nice avitar LB. So true though. I DL the Cornbread and got stuff to make my 5 alarm chili. Was hoping for cooler weather but you made me do it, lol.

Both outdoor and cab lants look good and are starting to bud out. Have both continued to streach for you? Well if they finish in about 6 wks then we will see the fattening up coming soon. :clap:


Well-Known Member
Heh, I'm glad you like it. It made me laugh. Does anyone else want to run off to Mexico and be pot-smokin' beach hippies with me if he gets elected? :weed:

The outdoor plant is definitely continuing to stretch. We got rain from Hana yesterday, but today was sunny and beautiful, and she pretty much got bushier before my eyes. The plants in the cab were topped out of necessity, but I left the outdoor one alone because I wanted to see how close I could get to one of them big ol' colas. The top bud is definitely fattening up faster than the rest of them, but she has a good ten buds busting out all over -- LST rules!!

Here's how big of a dork I am: I always wondered when I looked at pics of plants where all those little leaves sticking out of the buds came from, and today when I realized mine were getting the little leaves I got all excited. For the very first female plant I ever grew, she's looking awesome. It's a testament to Subcool's genetics that these plants are so stable and hardy; they're growing beautifully under both indoor and outdoor total-n00b conditions. They also smell delicious -- they had kind of a sour lemon scent to me until they started budding, and now it's a bit more mellow and fruity. What do you guys think about the smell of them?

Oh, and look, here's something else I grew in my garden!



Well-Known Member
I already run off to mexico all the time....rocky point is four hours away ;)....woot woot....anyone wanna meet up at manny's ha ha ha


Well-Known Member
I went to Mexico for the first time three years ago -- went to a yoga retreat in Tulum (I'm telling you, I'm a total yoga beach hippie) and never wanted to return. Since then I've gone back every year, to different places. I've been to Coba and Oaxaca City and Puerto Angel and Zipolite. Every time I go back I fall deeper in love with it.

By far the coolest place I ever got stoned was in the jungle in Coba, at the foot of a pyramid, surrounded by these teeny little frogs that came out after a rainstorm. They were about an inch long and they were EVERYWHERE. Teeny little frogs, thousands of them, and they were all the same color as the stone used to build the pyramids. My two best friends and I sat and smoked a bowl out of a wooden pipe handcarved to look like a skull, and we were surrounded by these beautiful pink and red rainforest flowers. Then I took off and went mountain biking by myself...through the rainforest, over the roots of these massive palm trees that were busting out of the mud, just me and my iPod. It was awesome. :)


Well-Known Member
Excellent Honky. What was the mother again, I forgot? Seamaiden should be coming home tonight. Have you pooped the new Connie seeds yet?


Well-Known Member
If anybody here starts pooping Connie seeds, I want to know about it.

Here are some pics of my Conquistadoras today! Look at the orange hairs on the outdoor one! I took the A/MK out of the cab and put it back outside. It still isn't showing sex, and I'm realizing how limited my space is in the cab. I need to give the aero plants room to take over, as you can see, rather than having another plant in there fighting for light.



Well-Known Member
Very nice LB. lol you always catch me when Im not wearing my glasses or mistype. I agree with you moving out A/MK outside. Keeping my fingers crossed for girly. The bondage babe looks like she is really doing well. So does the Cab gals. Well done

Welcome back Seamaiden! Hows your grow lookin?


Well-Known Member
Found a hermie, CIxBB #2, no longer Miss, Ms, or she, but IT. Lost a bunch of clones. Gotta kill all the CIxBB clones because the notes washed off and I don't know which came from which. A few of 'em died because my instructions were apparently not clear enough. I am GLAD to get back home! Too many people, too noisy, too crowded. My husband says I'm going mountain mama or something like that.


Well-Known Member
So I set my A/MK outside last night, yeah? And this morning? Chewed to a couple of inches of stalk. ALL leaves completely eaten. The squirrels had a feast. There are giant holes in the dirt where they dug up the tiedowns. I am a moron.


Well-Known Member
No, they'll eat any pot plant, they're not discriminatory. The one that's out there growing now is up where they can't get to it, but I made the mistake of setting this one just outside the door before I went to bed. It's my fault. I'm wondering if I might be able to regenerate it in the cab after I harvest the Connies.


Well-Known Member
well I have had the seed germin for 2 days now and they still havent popped...but I am sure at least a few will...fingers crossed...I am gonna have to find a female from these seeds to cross the pollen with again...then I can start crossing those babies with dominant connie traits...but...the seeds were put into germ right away so they may not pop...they didnt have time to dry. anyway...I am gonna pull some more off tomorrow and dry em out. harley is gonna get some pollen here in a few days to make some true seeds. woot woot. that mofo has some nice ass plants. anyway...thought I would toss up a pic of some of the girls i crossed em with so you guys can get a good look at the other half of the new generation...btw...the sick one is the one that is tossin out beans already.

