The great RIU Conquistador grow '08!


Well-Known Member
I've found that the boys make a "thing" at the top of the growing point, which very quickly become tiny little testicles. The girls either seem to do nothing, or grow little hairs (pointy things) at the nodes. The boys thing looks like.. you know how wheat looks with the little points all coming up? That's what it looks like, except green. I have pix somewhere, but my Ghetto Sistah is coming with just under one ounce (her husband first told her that she is "not allowed" to drive with the baby and pot in the car, and then he told her she cannot bring me my full ounce--he's being STOOPID) and I need to get into the shower.

Also, my man is building me a temporary deck extension so my good plants have more room to grow. Should be fun. :)


Well-Known Member
Here are a few pics of the outdoor plants today! Excuse the laundry hanging from the clothesline. Also, I had to include a pic of my old lady cat (we call her The Steak) looking unimpressed, mid-bathing. And of course one of the Little Bat, chillin' with the plants, looking all adorable with his fangs showing. :)

All the little seedlings that look teeny-tiny are the Afghani/MK. I'm not sure why they're stunted, but hopefully I can move them inside and grow them in the cab when the season's over.


South Texas

Well-Known Member
It looks like the MK is predominate over the Afghan, in MUST cases. Both are from the same region, a mix should have done well. Some of mine have done the slow growing single stalk (MK), and others, the 4 & 5 ft. traits that I am accustomed to with the Afghan. Their Mamma's had 24 hr lighting. These in the field with sole sunlight dam sure acts stunted to me. Growth rate will increase if you can give the 18 to 24 hrs light. It don't have to be a lot of light, but the more the better. The pine cone looking plants with the 12" to 18" Buds is OK, I guess. Impressive for sure, but the yield sucks. I'm impressed with the KC Brain"s Easy Sativa & the Danky Doddle. I'll cross those with the Afghan next, & see how it works. Due to the drought, got several heat stressed MK/AF. Hemies. Took 107 seeds from one this morning, planted 40. The seeds has been dropping & coming up. It's a twilight zone. Hang in there.


Well-Known Member
Cool, good to know. They're in the exact same soil and light as the others, but the Connies & Mystery Seeds planted at the same time have grown much faster. I'll put them in the cab if the plants in there turn out to be male. Speaking of which, how the hell much longer do I have to wait for my cab plants to give any indication whatsoever of sex!?? I'm going crazy here!!

South Texas

Well-Known Member
Killed 2-2 ft tall males today, been growing for a moth or so. Cover one branch with breathable black cloth 12 hours per day. That branch will either show male or female. Whatever it is, that's what the plant is. Quick sexing.


Well-Known Member
I thought about trying that...perhaps I'll cut up some old black t-shirts tonight and fashion some kind of covers.


Well-Known Member
Well... I have some good news and some bad news. Bad news (I always like to save the best for last) is that I definitely have one male Cali.Ind. x B.B., and two Conquistadors who are making like they're gonna swing that way.

The GOOD news is that I have one definite Cali.Ind. x B.B. female, the Conquistador that's looking boyish is the Little Borked One (I may start calling him The Little Tortilla Boy, his sperm may be useful if I can separate male & female), AND....! Dave built me a f'ing AWESOME deck extension to the south, uncovered, that gives me something like 6'x7' completely open-to-the-sky space. :mrgreen: He'll be finishing it up tonight, pix later.

South Texas

Well-Known Member
Plant size management. Littlebat, check out a method called Super Cropping. My GR has a 7' ceiling. With 3 gal pots & a 1,000 hps w/ lite-mover, the Afghan plant height was too much, burned my buds. I didn't know about super cropping until later. Also, topping works, but just read that too much topping may causes undue stress & make the Ladies into Hermies... so use good judgment. Is the baby Af/Mk under 24 hr lighting. They look pale. Any type of nite time lite would be better than non.


Well-Known Member
All the baby A/MK plants are outdoors. They do look pale. I'm not sure exactly why. They're getting the exact same light and soil as all the other outdoor plants. They look like they had a bit of a growth spurt yesterday though!


Well-Known Member
pictures....woot woot! I know I have a full on boy and what I think may be a of the connies is maken pistils out the top of her little it is a are the can really see the difference in the if the one herms then I will have pure connie seeds....can you guys see the pollen dust on some of the leaves? :eyesmoke:



Well-Known Member
Wow, it's cool to see them having any kind of flowers at all! My cab plants just keep vegging right along without the slightest indication of sex. Bloom nutes and 12/12 be damned, they refuse to give it up!!!


Well-Known Member
Honky are you going for seed production?

LB - Any genetalia showing on those cab plants yet?

Seamaiden - I guess with the new deck extension you will be making clones off existing plants to fill your new space. Can you send your hubby my way to help with my indoor grow. lol


Well-Known Member
Honky are you going for seed production?

LB - Any genetalia showing on those cab plants yet?

Seamaiden - I guess with the new deck extension you will be making clones off existing plants to fill your new space. Can you send your hubby my way to help with my indoor grow. lol
yes I am going for seeds. I crossed the connies with a nice sativa I have and I am also hoping the one is a hermie which will give me some pure connie seeds!...just gonna have to scrub the shit out of my flower area when I get the seeds done. :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
No prob. :) One of my outdoor plants sprouted balls overnight so he's gone too. It was one of the plants that suffered several squirrel attacks. I also pulled up one of the A/MKs because it was turning yellow and wilting. So now I'm down to my three best Connies, my favorite ones, and I really really hope to god they turn out to be girls. They're growing into lovely little bushes! I have another that I started a bit later, and one of Seamaiden's seeds is doing quite well. The other two plants I have outdoors are A/MK, and they're short but they're getting bushier these last couple of days. Damn I hope I have some girls...oh, and speaking of which, still no sign of sex on the cab plants at all. I can see some little things forming at the nodes though. They're sucking up the water like nobody's business, I have to feed 'em tonight.


Well-Known Member
I have not had such a good morning this morning. A black and gold helicopter was flying in these circles and figure-eight patterns, worked its way towards us, then was right on TOP of us (I moved everyone under the roof and got some pix), and generally made a huge ruckus and gave me one HELL of a good scare. It took hours to fly all over the place! Hovering for a while at the ridge line, then circling, then hovering, then sometimes backing up! :wall:

I mean, ok, let's say they're not someone out specifically looking, but how many people get busted because someone was out and happened to see something that they reported to authorities? Even if I'm working within limits, it doesn't protect me from the feds. They've been moved in, then back out, then back in, then back out, then BACK in, and are now out again and I ain't goin' anywhere until I'm satisfied those motherfuckers are GONE!

Oops... I hope it's ok that I said that. :shock:


Well-Known Member
damn girl...I say look at the choppa through some good binoculars and it may make you feel a little better....I dunno...but that sucks...damn feds!