The great RIU Conquistador grow '08!


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure what to tie them to! I'll have to figure something out. I thought about putting a screen over them and trying me some SCROG, but I'm afraid of fucking it up. I wish I could tell whether they're girls or not!! They sure do smell good. I think the Connies smell like lemons.


Well-Known Member
What I don't understand is how, if you put the screen above them, you would then take them out to change the res. Right now when I do it I put the lid of the container across a big spaghetti pot, wash out the res and change nutes in the sink, and then put it all back together and back in the cab.


Well-Known Member
Ohhhh... how about siphoning out the reservoir instead of hauling the whole thing out?

Don't listen to me. :roll:


Well-Known Member
Unknow dank ,its going for $60 an ounce right now all day super stinky
I bought 2.Dude has so much hes taking shit in from people in trade lol


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Well-Known Member
For some reason its always cheap here.Guess what happened.All 4 connies dead.Really sucks.Life goes on i still have 7 good healthy connie seeds though so il label em decide whether to clone some mothers and scrog or what depending on yalls results.Im still staying with the thread though ya cant make me leave damnit.The super skunks were 10 yards away from them and they were untouched!!!Peace :blsmoke:
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Well-Known Member
hey seamaiden......can you make a thread for me about your spidermite tobacco mix?...pretty please? I have some killing to do...pyrethrin is just not working for me....and everyone that uses your mix seems to be fine after they use he he :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Damn, Hydro, that sucks! Could squirrels have gotten them? *fucking squirrels GRRRRRR*

Can you start an indoor hydro grow with your remaining seeds?


Well-Known Member
hey seamaiden......can you make a thread for me about your spidermite tobacco mix?...pretty please? I have some killing to do...pyrethrin is just not working for me....and everyone that uses your mix seems to be fine after they use he he :mrgreen:
FloJo made a thread just for the spidermite control. S/he took my basic recipe:

10 grams loose tobacco (no additives, I use American Spirit or Bali Shag)
1 liter HOT water (does not need to be boiling)
Steep overnight, strain. Mix with a few drops non-antibacteria/antimicrobial soap to help break surface tension. Apply as fine spray, hit ALL surfaces including surface of soil.

Now, what FloJo did was up the ante, and uses 15 grams tobacco to make the tea. I can't remember if FloJo has added anything else, I seem to recollect a mention of something called Safer Spray, which I don't have and haven't used. Just remember, especially if you make the more potent mix, that if you get too much on your skin and/or you're sensitive, you'll be getting a bit of a nicotine buzz. Do not dispose into any waterways, this stuff is potent and kills all aquatic organisms as well as bugs. The only creature I can't say it works on is leafminers, but then again, once I started using it I haven't had a problem with them. Or any other bugs, actually, except now that I'm using Epsom salts and my seaweed extract I'm getting a LOT of baby hornets on the soil, only in the mornings. I found one sipping from the down-tube of my sprayer before I'd cleaned it off, so I'm guessing it's like a salt lick to them.

:) You kill those fuckin' spider mites!


Well-Known Member
Dammit, why won't my cab plants show sex??? I'm hoping it's because all three are female that they haven't started getting balls after a week of 12/12. Sometimes I'm not sure if I'm looking at leaves or hairs. The one male that showed outside had very obvious balls but none of the other ones do.

If I had four females outside and three in the cab, I'd be stoked.


Well-Known Member
Damn, Hydro, that sucks! Could squirrels have gotten them? *fucking squirrels GRRRRRR*

Can you start an indoor hydro grow with your remaining seeds?
Oh yeah and i plan too,fuckin heat outside makes it a 4 month or 5 month harvest cant have that Breaking out the rubbermaids!!!!Back to shit i know works.My friends got a bat population in her yard and plenty of guano.So ill be growin with bat shit too!!!!


Well-Known Member
How do you grow hydro with bat guano? Wouldn't it gunk up your system?

I can't believe how huge the roots have gotten on my cab plants!! They drink up a res full of water in three or four days. Tonight I cleaned it out and gave them two teaspoons of FloraNova bloom. Still none of them are showing sex at all. Seriously, how long does it take?? I put them on 12/12 and changed the nutes 10 days ago. The one soil plant in the cab got a dose of Rainbow Mix Bloom. I'm anxious to see how that stuff works.

Also, how light-tight does your cabinet have to be? Because mine's not, entirely. I have a folded-up sheet over it but you can still see a little bit of light underneath the sheet. Do I have to go crazy and tape it every time I open and close it?

My plants look great. The big one is as tall as the inside of the cab. I bent it over a bit because the light was squishing the top of it. If they double in size once they start blooming, this is going to be really interesting.

I ordered a new cable and battery charger for my good camera, so soon I'll be able to take close-up pics for you guys.


Well-Known Member
so learning from the connies I have goin I decided to change things up a little for the new seeds....a few soil amendments....would you believe I got this all for like 50 bucks....big ass bag of perlite....and a 15 lb bag of worm the hydro shop....when I get the new connie seeds they are gonna be so happy!:mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
How do you grow hydro with bat guano? Wouldn't it gunk up your system?

I can't believe how huge the roots have gotten on my cab plants!! They drink up a res full of water in three or four days. Tonight I cleaned it out and gave them two teaspoons of FloraNova bloom. Still none of them are showing sex at all. Seriously, how long does it take?? I put them on 12/12 and changed the nutes 10 days ago. The one soil plant in the cab got a dose of Rainbow Mix Bloom. I'm anxious to see how that stuff works.

Also, how light-tight does your cabinet have to be? Because mine's not, entirely. I have a folded-up sheet over it but you can still see a little bit of light underneath the sheet. Do I have to go crazy and tape it every time I open and close it?
My plants look great. The big one is as tall as the inside of the cab. I bent it over a bit because the light was squishing the top of it. If they double in size once they start blooming, this is going to be really interesting.

I ordered a new cable and battery charger for my good camera, so soon I'll be able to take close-up pics for you guys.
I use DWC aeroponics it may be a lil smelly come flowerering time!!!


Well-Known Member
when I get the new connie seeds they are gonna be so happy!:mrgreen:
I got an email from yeldah yesterday -- her new roommate is moving in a bunch of stuff and had boxes stacked up in front of the room the seeds are in. She says she'll get it to you as soon as she can get back in there! So hopefully you'll hear from her shortly.

Edit: You guys! I just CAUGHT A SQUIRREL in the act!! Ran out and chased it off but not before it chomped on a couple of leaves. And one of my cats was outside at the time! Those fuckers are BALLSY!!!