The great RIU Conquistador grow '08!


Well-Known Member
Supposed to be emergency services "pilot familiarization training". Trains new pilots to the area, they need to learn where possible life flight landing areas are, the terrain, all of that. Still, though, doesn't mean that someone's attention might not be attracted and a phone call and, oh, fuck. Ya know? :lol:


Well-Known Member
yeah...always better off playin it least you know it's not the feds trackin yo ass down.......they want our plants!!!! lol


Well-Known Member
You don't have that many plants, Seamaiden. I know it's better to be safe than sorry, but I would imagine that in your area there are much bigger crops than yours. I doubt it's worth it to them to come after your little personal garden.

So here are some pics from today! Am I nuts or did they have an INSANE GROWTH SPURT in the past few days?!? Oh, and check out the one I'm holding, it's one of the males I pulled up. I let it dry out so you could see the bondage stem!



Well-Known Member
Now here are some cab pics. As you can see, they're insane. They're touching the light. Every day they get taller, but there is ZERO sign of sex after almost two weeks of 12/12. I have two folded sheets over the cab. The only place that light could possibly be getting in is through the fan. You can see light coming out through the fan filter, does that mean it's getting in? The dark hours are at night. I don't always have all the lights out when it's dark outside, of course, but if I do they're all lamps, it's not like I'm living under fluorescents or something. I just changed the res, gave 'em 2 tsp of the FloraNova (which is the max it says to give), and I guess I'll just go forward...I sorta don't know what to do. Do I need to cut them back? Like top them by about 4"? Or will that delay flowering too?

Look closely at the 2nd pic and you'll see the bat's head in the foreground. He loves to sniff the plants. :)



Well-Known Member
WowEE, lb! You've got a nice little yard space there, surprising considering your locale. I've started playing with our Canon telephoto lens, took some great helicopter pix yesterday. :lol:

So, I've put my thinkin' cap on, and I realized that I've learned something that probably most folks who know take for granted, as far as when a plant starts to show sex and all that.. anyway, my point is that it doesn't seem to be related so much to chronological age as it is within a certain point in growth AFTER the plant begins to grow alternating nodes. I sure hope that statement made sense. I have plants that were started back in the first couple of weeks of April that have only JUST started to really show sex one way or the other. Then I have our Conquistador, which weren't planted until the end of June or something like that, and I've got at least three pretty for-sure males. (that's three out of eight total, so let's keep our fingers crossed)

The other thing that I've been thinking is that I can use a portable closet as a means by which to separate out males pretty well. They're zippered, allow air and light flow, don't collect moisture, can have a viewing window, AND I can probably build a bit of a shelf unit inside, so I can hold more than one plant (as there is more than one male I wish to breed). Whaddaya guys think? :) I think I made a thread on that, or on cloning.. no, on a solar still, nevermind. Solar still. :roll:

South Texas

Well-Known Member
As the newly adopted human Mamma said, posing as a fish, told all the little baby fishes, "This is NY, we don't have the water that you need to grow strong & survive!!!" Or to the plants, "We don't have the sunshine you need" and why do you look so pale & sickly?" "All we ask for is scraps from the table & a light from above!" Our Parents come from far, far away, where we have survived for 100,000 years, It's so cold here, I have no heat nor light. What have I done to deserve such treatment? Mamma, I'm soo cold! I once was a princess, but now, I am turning into a male to save myself. That fucking Squirrel is looking at my nut sack.

quote=littlebat;1199688]They're in NYC! It's not like nights are pitch-black here. :)[/quote]


Well-Known Member
LB - If there is light coming out light is gettin in. I dont know what to tell you to do except seal all light sources and make sure the lights stay off for 12 hrs. However, they do look nice in the cab. I would top just bec they look like they are aginst your light. That is a small space! The balcony ones are looking good too.

All - I cant believe how many, as a whole, of the commie seeds were males so far. thats alot ratio wise for fem seeds (they were fem seeds wernt they?)


Well-Known Member
All - I cant believe how many, as a whole, of the commie seeds were males so far. thats alot ratio wise for fem seeds (they were fem seeds wernt they?)
Heh, Commie seeds! ;)

No, they weren't feminized.

Is just the tiny amount of light that gets in through the fan from my lamps (house lamps, not grow lamps) enough to keep them from flowering?? I mean, plants flower at night outdoors where it's not completely dark, right? Otherwise nobody in large cities would ever be able to grow outdoors!

The light is burning my leaves on the tops of the plants. It seems like the only thing to do is severely top them, but I don't want to keep them from flowering any longer.


Well-Known Member
Hehheh.. Commies. That's PINK-O Commie (bastards!) to you! :lol:

So far, all that are showing sex, four of eight, are male. Definitely male. I need to do some figurin'. I don't want to perpetuate a trait that allows for such a high male ratio, and I don't want to lose what should be good genes. I'm thinking that the Conquistador might be a really good cross with the CIxBB I've got going (and they've got it goin' ON, I tell you what!). Or, maybe the Papaya. Definitely will cross out onto some lower buds of the last three SMS, one of my girls just looks SO different from the other two, and she looks mahvelous.

Also, did a little cloning yesterday (last night). I need a bigger plastic bin (I've got one, but some of my clothes and shoes are still in it, this is a problem that needs to be resolved). But, I think I've got a decent technique down where a good bit of sand mixed into my organic soil, with earthworm castings that I pushed my last peat pots into should be a decent medium in which to root them. Along with that and a good soak in my seaweed extract and the generous dip into rooting hormone, built up the sandy-soil mixture so that I would have at least two nodes covered that will HOPEFULLY sprout roots.

If the cloning works, then I will have some gifts for a few of the special people in my life. 8) I cloned Ms. Papaya and two of my CIxBB girls (whom I got switched, so i don't remember which cuttings were taken from Ms. CIxBB #1, or from Ms. CIxBB #2. Oh well. :roll: Still, all cuttings are lookin' perky this morning, and Seamaiden knows, this is the start of a happy cloning session. :D


Well-Known Member
Well, I seriously topped the two hydro plants. One thing I've learned with the cab is that next time they're getting max 3 weeks of veg before I switch to bloom. Still not the slightest showing of gender on any of the cab plants today, including the one in soil, which has grown tremendously in the last week. I forgot to mention that I'm not sure what the soil plant in the cab is...I lost its marker! It's either SMS or A/MK...I *think* it's the former. I just want it to be a girl at this point. The outdoor plants have almost doubled in size in the past two weeks. It's insane. Even the runty little A/MKs are having a growth spurt! Dammit, I really wish I knew how to make these cab plants flower...

Oh, and the tops I cut off I dipped in rooting hormone, put in Superthrive-soaked rockwool, and stuck into soil. Might as well see if I can perfect the cloning techniques since I have all the stuff to do it!


Well-Known Member
I have confirmed two Conquistadoras son senoras. I will clone. WHEW! I was starting to sweat it. :D
yay yay yay seamaiden......way to go girl....BTW...littlebat...check your actual email....I am gonna shoot something your way in a few minutes K. :eyesmoke: also...I killed one of the boys today....i didnt need him anymore...:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I still have more male than female of the Commies, but at LEAST I've got those girls. I thought I was going to have to cross out to maintain any of the Commie genetics. Now I don't. :)


Well-Known Member
Sorry about the miss spell. I didnt have my glasses on.

Seamaiden - YAY for you! Female finally. Watch it so it doesnt hermie out on ya. Wheres the pics of the new deck extension with a view? <envy>

LB - Was your friends original Connie a hermie? Thought you said it was. May be time to try those methods (banana skins, higher N ferts, etc.) to sway the % of females from seeds. Duno seems like an awfully high % male. Did you top and clone your cab plants yet? Outdoor grow is looking good too. Anymore squirril adventures?

Honky - wheres your pics . <taps foot> Lighting insense for females for you.


Well-Known Member
Sorry about the miss spell. I didnt have my glasses on.

Seamaiden - YAY for you! Female finally. Watch it so it doesnt hermie out on ya. Wheres the pics of the new deck extension with a view? <envy>

LB - Was your friends original Connie a hermie? Thought you said it was. May be time to try those methods (banana skins, higher N ferts, etc.) to sway the % of females from seeds. Duno seems like an awfully high % male. Did you top and clone your cab plants yet? Outdoor grow is looking good too. Anymore squirril adventures?

Honky - wheres your pics . <taps foot> Lighting insense for females for you.
nah brotha...I got males...well one i think is a hermie...but I am not 100% sure can see it in the bottom right of the pic



Well-Known Member
the cabs looking great littlebat. the plants look real heathy and strong. looks like the supernatural is living up to its name. fingers cross ya get a female.



Well-Known Member
Thanks guys! I sure hope I have at least one girl in the cab! I'm not sure but it looks like my favorite outdoor plant is a male. The ones that have shown sex so far are getting multiple tiny "balls" at the nodes. To answer the hermie question, these seeds came from more than one plant. It would seem it's a case of the males showing much earlier than the females with this strain. Would be interesting to hear what Subcool has to say.

Yes, I topped the cab plants, and attempted to root the tops...I think I wrote that a few posts ago.

Yeah, Bigspud, the Supernatural nutes rule. Super easy to use, very forgiving, I'd highly recommend them for beginners. But for flowering I'm using Flora Nova one-part bloom (I think it's 4-8-7 NPK.) So far they've continued to veg like mofos but not even the slightest indication of sex. Been on bloom nutes and 12/12 for about two weeks now.

I gave the outdoor plants some molasses in their water yesterday. It was one of only two times I've had to water this whole summer. They LOVED it! Look how much bigger they grew overnight!!! Note that the plants in pics 1-3 were ones that got chomped down to stalks by the evil bastard hellbeasts, and I almost pulled up both of them at that point. Here is what patience, LST, and Superthrive can do!!



Well-Known Member
Not just showing earlier (and not by much at all, to tell you the truth. If I weren't checking every day, I could have just discovered that all were showing), but definitely more males. Out of eight total sprouted, I've got three girls. YAY! Three girls! And I kept one boy. The biggest, strongest, handsomest, most athletic boy. With the largest package as well, because I want my girls to be satisfied. :twisted:


Well-Known Member
I HAVE A GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!

ONE of the plants in the cab finally gave it up today...not one of the hydro plants, mind you, but the one in soil. The one whose genetics I can't remember. So I don't know what it is, but for the very first time today I SAW HAIRS ON A PLANT I GREW!! I can't believe how excited I am! :D
