The French Cannoli` Hash Thread

Frenchy Cannoli

Well-Known Member
whats up frenchy getting ready to harvest some flowers in two weeks and will be repeating your upcoming
experiment of fesh, fresh frozen, and dry material and was curious what would be the best micron for the
dry sieve? thanks and heres some pics of the material ill be working with soon. sorry im no photographer!

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I will not experiment with fresh frozen because when you freeze fresh trims you destroy the structure of the leaves by transforming 75 to 85% of its water in iceNOT GOOD.
Dry sieve I start with a 190, then 160 as with water. Remember guys sieving is sieving is sieving, with or without water.
I love the future material which is a term that is almost demeaning when speaking of such gorgeous girls


Active Member
Water does not "corrupt" the trichomes but they add a tricky element: drying. Putting the material to process in the freezer before sieving is not the same than "ice water sieving". If you freeze greens that are made of 75% of water, all that water becomes ice and expand to the breaking point of the leaves cells and that would release a lot of chlorophyl and small leaves matter. As you all know I have no scientific background and cannot give you the reason sometimes for what I do and this is another one of those but do the experiment see in that case it would be smell.
When you put dry trims in water you will experience most of the time a huge change after they have been in the water for a few minutes, the smell come out with a revenge. I do not yet know the WHY behind but most of you must have had the experience I am talking about.
I wish I could share some of my Ice Water Hash with you my friend, it has everything to do with the flowers, it could change your mind on the subject. On the other hand I cannot wait to get to dry sieving again to do some comparative lab test.
The Hashish I am making here has nothing to do with the dry sieving I have done in producing countries. The genetic is a big part of it but the way I play around with humidity and pressing/curing is also a "game changing tool"
I get it thanks frenchy, it seemed really counter intuitive to put your trichomes in water and then let them dry but it's the best way to drop the temperature without freezing the material wich would corrupt the hash.

Thanks a lot!

jon daly

thanks for the info sir! with the fresh frozen i planned on freezing for 8hrs in a food saver brand vacuum sealed freezer bags.
do you think that would affect my trichomes? if so then i will discard the fresh frozen method. thanks!

Frenchy Cannoli

Well-Known Member
thanks for the info sir! with the fresh frozen i planned on freezing for 8hrs in a food saver brand vacuum sealed freezer bags.
do you think that would affect my trichomes? if so then i will discard the fresh frozen method. thanks!
I am not sure about frozen trichomes and if the resin is affected by such temperature, the membranes around the trichomes most certainly but the resin itself I do not know. The main problem is freezing all the green material

'ome Grown

Well-Known Member
I am not sure what do you mean by "raw" hash but the liver transform the THC in a totally different way
  • Δ9-THC, is converted to the more psychoactive 11-hydroxy-THC

than when you absorb the THC through the blood system (smoking, tincture, et.)
You do not need to decarb when it is for edibles.
I'm not understanding this frenchy.

I understand that when THCA is decarbed it turns into THC.
But delta 9 thc is converted into delta 11 thc by the liver - as you say, as do my cannabis books and google etc.

What I understand is, the liver is processing the THC, not the THCA. So it does in fact need to be pre-decarbed. Unless the liver does in fact convert THCA into delta 11 THC.

Any help clarifying that would be appreciated.

Frenchy Cannoli

Well-Known Member
[h=1]Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabinol (Δ9-THC)[/h][h=2]The primary active constituent of marijuana (Cannabis sativa) responsible for its psychoactive and medicinal properties[/h]

  • Catalog No: APH-02021
  • CAS Number: 1972-08-3
  • Chemical Formula: C[SUB]21[/SUB]H[SUB]30[/SUB]O[SUB]2[/SUB]
  • Molecular Weight: 314.47
  • Purity: > 99% CP HPLC
  • Appearance: Slightly colored ethanolic solution
  • Solubility: Soluble in methanol and ethanol

  • Stability: Δ9-THC is very unstable, decomposing rapidly in the presence of oxygen and light. It appears to be more stable in ethanol and methanol than as a solid.
  • Storage: -20°C
  • Shipping: On ice (5°C)
  • Handling: Avoid exposure to oxygen and direct sunlight.
I will have to ask some scientist friend about your question because I can only guess on that one.
It does not matter if you decarb or not when you ingest orally, the liver will transform it in 11-hydroxy-THC.
Tetrahydrocannabinol must be THCA but any help on clarifying the subject would be appreciated


Well-Known Member

Thank you so much for posting your hash making videos on youtube, I'm also glad you post on roll it up. I watch weed nerd and saw subcool wearing a t shirt that said Frenchy Cannoli, so I googled and found your videos. Since then I've been researching over hash as much as possible and smoking much more of it lol. I recently bought a mini washing machine and bubble bags. I had some super lemon haze trim that I ran 3 times. There was much more in the 70 than the 40, I just pressed the first wash of the 70 yesterday actually and it looks and smells incredible. You have convinced me to try and cure the first wash for a couple months. The quality however drop dramatically after the fist wash and my water was much much more green than yours, yours was a beautiful tan. My first collect was nice and tan but my second had a green tint to it. Do you think this is due to the quality of the trim or the quality of my bags? I skimped out on buying the boldt, I will eventually get them though and can see why you have the thinners bags, it's hard to do the plate trick with thick bags.

I just wanted to thank you for posting all the information and you are an amazing person.
Here are a couple pics of my first wash, pressed and rolled to my first CAnnoli!!!
Oh also my Cannaoli isn't as round as it was last night, I guess it got warm in the bay last night haha.

Frenchy Cannoli

Well-Known Member

  • I recently bought a mini washing machine and bubble bags. I had some super lemon haze trim that I ran 3 times. There was much more in the 70 than the 40, I just pressed the first wash of the 70 yesterday actually and it looks and smells incredible. You have convinced me to try and cure the first wash for a couple months. The quality however drop dramatically after the fist wash and my water was much much more green than yours, yours was a beautiful tan. My first collect was nice and tan but my second had a green tint to it. Do you think this is due to the quality of the trim or the quality of my bags? I skimped out on buying the boldt, I will eventually get them though and can see why you have the thinners bags, it's hard to do the plate trick with thick bags.
    Hey Trasher, nice job for a first one.
    So let me answer your question:
    1) You want more (a lot more) trichomes in your 70 than in your 40, it means that the grower waited until the plant was totally ripe
    2) The drop of quality may be due to the quality of the strain, or to a less gentle handling. Also the cleaning with water of the trichomes in the bag (before drying with a towel and taking from the bag) has to be really sorrow with a pretty strong pressure to wash the green IN the bag.
    3) The quality of the bags is not important yet because they are new but the bad news is that the plastic of most of these bags is shitty and not food grade.
    You are welcome to the teaching, it is a treat to see beginners doing such a great job and very rewarding



Active Member
would the green water be cause by frozen trims maybe even when I watched mat rizes video his water looked slighty green on his first wash I just remember when he sprays the trichomes after he drains the water (just like you do) you can see green where yours didn't look green at all, also when you do that (rinse the trichomes) why don't you do that over the 45 bag so anything that washes through get caught in the 45 in stead of being wasted or do you use it some other way

Frenchy Cannoli

Well-Known Member
would the green water be cause by frozen trims maybe even when I watched mat rizes video his water looked slighty green on his first wash I just remember when he sprays the trichomes after he drains the water (just like you do) you can see green where yours didn't look green at all, also when you do that (rinse the trichomes) why don't you do that over the 45 bag so anything that washes through get caught in the 45 in stead of being wasted or do you use it some other way
That is very good point that you are making, did not think of that one. I NEVER freeze my trims and if yours were "overly frozen" it could well be the cause.
I reuse the water from that wash in the machine or just pass it in the bags again. It is easier to do that wash separately in a different container

'ome Grown

Well-Known Member
by "raw" hash i just mean eating hash by itself, so wondering if decarbing is necessary when not cooked into edibles?
I don't think there is a raw the sense that it isn't decarbed. Pressing with heat + time = decarbed hash. Well, from what I understand. Hence, press to activate. I would consider ice wax to be 'raw'.

I've eaten 'raw' hash before and got a kick from it. But I believe that happened because it was decarbed. I don't think I would get the same feeling if I were to eat a cured bud of the same potency potential.


New Member
I use to eat hash when I was at school, use to just munch a eighth of gold seal and would get me baked the whole day, tasted like shit though and bits get stuck in ya teeth and taste it for hours, lol.

Frenchy Cannoli

Well-Known Member
I don't think there is a raw the sense that it isn't decarbed. Pressing with heat + time = decarbed hash. Well, from what I understand. Hence, press to activate. I would consider ice wax to be 'raw'.

I've eaten 'raw' hash before and got a kick from it. But I believe that happened because it was decarbed. I don't think I would get the same feeling if I were to eat a cured bud of the same potency potential.
Oh yes you would! Bhang in India is just mashed buds + spices+ water. Again the liver process THC differently and does not need a decarb, you need a decarb when the THC goes through the blood system because THCA does not pass through

Frenchy Cannoli

Well-Known Member
I got this sweet vid to show you guys.
Very nice technique to use for an extra quality wash when you are not happy with your result. My Afghanis friends used a similar technique to "super clean" their stash. Note the drying process also.
Thank for sharing my friend.
Please everybody, you do NOT need my permission to post anything connected to Charas/Hashish or concentrate.
I actually really appreciate the input. Remember I am here to learn as much as I teach