The far red thread

The basic problem is that either red & blue photons are reduced in strength/luminosity by 90-95% if it just hits a single leaf.
It may be that due to the fluorescent effects this estimated number is too high, and that more light is being dispersed from said leaf, but I think the above shown diagram "above + under" canopy is clear - it's just not enough PAR light that reaches the deep leaves.

So if you just bring the light to the sides but take the conventional spectrum then, it'll result only in the side leaves having an added PS effect - but not the ones at the middle center bottom canopy - exactly there where there usually are the popcorn buds.

I'm not even counting in the loss of sheer distance because in a 4x4 these sidelights would need to deliver satisfying photonic influx that reaches, at least 40cm deep. (ofc there would be some overlapping to the sides, which would result in doubled luminosity, but that could be taken care of by proper diode distribution.
And if one increases the sidelight raw output then it'll only fry the sideleaves... observe that lots of leaves would get light from these diodes at point blank range - and keeping a minimum distance is out of question because that would depreciate the total areal in which the plants coudl be grown.

Currently the very most efficient way to grow by LED is having a board/strip setup lighting out a SOG style clones run going 12/12 after rooting which is going to result in very small plants, that finish in a total of 12 weeks (indica dom).
And because the board can be moved quite close towards the canopy even the bottom leaves of the plants will get sufficient light. This allows for less overall height so one can actually drive 2 setups in the same space where growers with lowplant count only drive 1 setup - and these plants even give alot of popcorn whereas the SOG setup gives no popcorn at all.
(the only real alternative to this would be to do vertical scrogging like @tystikk on LED or @Sedan on HIDs did/do)

Furthermore, many plants change their leaf-angle to increase the photonic influx and that's even happening even to the sides - I've seen this multiple times, because I always light out my the corners with cheap e27 lamps.

Look at the left supercropped plant:
It does adjust 4 fanleaves to the sidelight, but the higher leaves towards the center light.
Center light: 250w S-HPS, side light 13w LED CFL immitate.

Proximity & homogenous light distribution is a huge artificial light problem - due to the inverse square law... can't immitate the sun, really.

So if you wanna deliver something to the under-canopy leaves then the necessary precondition is the the spectrum actually allows to be distributed to that place, and jusging from the above "under-canopy" measurement this is green & yellow light.

Maybe I don't understand the Emerson-effect at all? why's everyone harping on this 660nm + 730nm ratio? just because most studies cte these? sure, this combo makes for very efficicent light.
But isn't it that photosystem II can be excited with any kind of PAR photon + PS I, too AND EVEN the FR photons.
At least, that's how Bugbee explains it....
@Kassiopeija really nice example photo. Interesting points. I wonder about the return on investment in time and effort and resources. For lovers and tinkerers and hobbyists maybe its all good.

Sogging or scrogging and even tree trellising are successful approaches. Plant count seems to factor heavily in peoples choices.
An option for some maybe, growers can choose to side light, and perhaps apply periodical leaf stripping. Or fabricate some type of shielded/lensed bar for intra canopy.

Many associate large leaves and etoliation as desirable. With these reports and studies and anecdotal mentions, I guess you will see growers getting interested. Growers want to manipulate. If its possible why not? Before leds became a thing, many were already applying recipes of sorts. Flouro/MH veg, HPS flow. Now we have led, why not try manipulate during flower with some kind of regime. Maybe three or four stages of lighting. Pre stretch, post stretch/bud setting (R/Fr) and bulking (xxR/Fr) and finishing (xUV)? It may or not be practical, but seems like some get results and enjoyment out of it.

I see a lot of different grow examples here, that clearly show experienced growers who could probably do well with just basic light, a piece of string and a penknife. But if we can exert control of finishing height, bud density/bulk, increase terpenes and oils or finishing times.

Mr Bugby has a videos that show effects of different lights/wavelengths. Growers should experiment. Nothing to lose, maybe something to learn.
Yes, their aim is supplementing daylight and encouraging fruiting. Look at how components of daylight shift. Compare noon with evening.
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It will be interesting to see how your plant responds. I wonder if it will react as a whole system. Or you will see like others have described. With different exposed areas displaying exploded and engorged buds. How tall is it now. Any flower set yet? Determinate or indeterminate. I used to know the difference but have forgotten. One you can pinch off to encourage more growth and fruiting, other not.
This Unscientific experiment is in a 6 x 4ish area and there's 6 clone plants in it so the only way I can really judge it is compare the bud structure of the side lit plant and one in the far corner that's only getting overhead light.
I always like the 'Bush'
I just top them usually and create bushes
I got some costoluto genovese and opalka seeds. Maybe I should plant some of them. Roma always did well for me and good old money maker.
Yea Moneymaker but for monstrous harvests super sweet 100. Cherry Tomatoes
I've no greenhouse this year so I've Russian Tomato seedlings on the go, got them from St Petersburg, 2 varieties, 3 in the deck and 3 in pots Northerner Moscovite and Siberian Precocious instructions are in cyrillic!
Those heirlooms look nice.
Look lovely. I just trawled a online vendor for canning/paste type varieties. The two above are ones they had in stock (nickys nursery). Did not open them or plant last year. Did try the rollet squash. Was too late and got mould. Hopefully the remaining seeds sprout. Always leave stuff to last minute. The last successful tomato crop I had said Santa Fe on label. Was a knockdown price at BnQ So sweet. Imagine a cherry/salad size fruit the shape of Roma. I was quite startled at the sweetness on the first bite. :D

Currently got recycled spring onions and potatoes. Easy low maintenance.

Would there be an "ideal spectrum" to use for under, intra canopy lighting as you already have far red and green down there?

On a side note any thoughts on these spectrums I found perusing the internet?
They look interesting but I can't find much information on them.
Probably very expensive......
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Blux will have something similar out soon, check ouut the vesta thrive, only some basic info as off yet but looks good...
Yea Moneymaker but for monstrous harvests super sweet 100. Cherry Tomatoes
I've no greenhouse this year so I've Russian Tomato seedlings on the go, got them from St Petersburg, 2 varieties, 3 in the deck and 3 in pots Northerner Moscovite and Siberian Precocious instructions are in cyrillic!
I've got the Super 100 and Moscovite going also, 3rd year now. Black Crimeans also, little slower growth till warmer weather but extremely drought and disease tolerant.
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Blux will have something similar out soon, check ouut the vesta thrive, only some basic info as off yet but looks good...
Pricing on digikey (availabilty zero) for Vesta 95CRI sucks for 25000 lot quantities. Especially considering efficiency.

They upped efficiency over Vesta Gen2. How? Also, what "No violet chip augmentation" means? Interesting white paper talking up ASD. Seems like Seoul semi pushed with "Sunlike™" range, and now appears high cri is a new thing and they can re-price and repackage accordingly for newly "woke about human-centric lighting" consumer. Hopefully we see same pattern as with other leds. Price comes down as time moves on. Not in industry, but guess only way to improve prices is by increasing volume. Which means lots of poorer binnings harvested and making their way into stuff.
Pricing on digikey (availabilty zero) for Vesta 95CRI sucks for 25000 lot quantities. Especially considering efficiency.

They upped efficiency over Vesta Gen2. How? Also, what "No violet chip augmentation" means? Interesting white paper talking up ASD. Seems like Seoul semi pushed with "Sunlike™" range, and now appears high cri is a new thing and they can re-price and repackage accordingly for newly "woke about human-centric lighting" consumer. Hopefully we see same pattern as with other leds. Price comes down as time moves on. Not in industry, but guess only way to improve prices is by increasing volume. Which means lots of poorer binnings harvested and making their way into stuff.
Can you link the vesta thrive strips? Remember they also come in 4ft. 25000 is too much even for me
Be positive!
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Stop smokin couch lockers!
Mo, im actually so stressed i cant even smoke kief. Today is my first day without valiums since Saturday. But its getting better, just need to push thru a couple of weeks of work in my flat and legal troubles with insurance and neighbours and i can calm down and relax in the knowledge that now im just in a load of debt, and not in debt and losing money in the same time. Its been a real grim year around my end im positive, at least im not getting divorced on top of it all XD.
Touch wood.
Maybe in a month ill be back smoking. But right now im quite fine with a clear head.

Ill look up thrive next week. And see if i can get a quote on the strips from my local guys, they get good deals on bluux.
Mo, im actually so stressed i cant even smoke kief. Today is my first day without valiums since Saturday. But its getting better, just need to push thru a couple of weeks of work in my flat and legal troubles with insurance and neighbours and i can calm down and relax in the knowledge that now im just in a load of debt, and not in debt and losing money in the same time. Its been a real grim year around my end im positive, at least im not getting divorced on top of it all XD.
Touch wood.
Maybe in a month ill be back smoking. But right now im quite fine with a clear head.

Ill look up thrive next week. And see if i can get a quote on the strips from my local guys, they get good deals on bluux.
Hey Rocket, sorry to hear that.
This lockdown shit doesn't help matters much either
So keep your chin up, relax and realise your troubles will soon pass.
Always look on the bright side of life or in your case light ........ lol speaking of which....

Hey Rocket, sorry to hear that.
This lockdown shit doesn't help matters much either
So keep your chin up, relax and realise your troubles will soon pass.
Always look on the bright side of life or in your case light ........ lol speaking of which....
Lol. Crucifixion is doddle. As for my building association i say only one thing: Nail em up! Nail some sense into them!