The far red thread

think you might be a little quick with your 2.22kHz, i'd come down abit to about 1.8kHz or so, if you can put out a few more milli-amps or nano-amps you should still get your brightness, yeah the blue used inconjunction with red but at different frequency's cause's an optical harmonic- it would if it were sound.
the stuff just keeps getting technical but more fun, have you heard of Joel Sternheimer and Plant Protein Music, i had loads of stuff i downloaded off the net, but playing with Tesla resonance ideas kinda wiped my computer's- yup wiped out several while trying to figuring out the relationship's of wavy stuff.
am off to bed cos it's 3:30am here. Enjoy
I'm a little lost ..
let me restate that
people say using far red after lights-off takes off 2 hours of your required dark cycle

normally youd be running 12/12
add FR and its 'effectively' 12(on)/14(off)
or if you run 14/10,add FR and its 'effectively' 14(on)/12(off)

14 hours of daytime should promote more growth in theory
14 hours of nighttime should promoter earlier finishing in theory
let me restate that
people say using far red after lights-off takes off 2 hours of your required dark cycle

normally youd be running 12/12
add FR and its 'effectively' 12(on)/14(off)
or if you run 14/10,add FR and its 'effectively' 14(on)/12(off)

14 hours of daytime should promote more growth in theory
14 hours of nighttime should promoter earlier finishing in theory
So what do I need to do?
@BobCajun. the 1.8kHz(near enuff) i use for the blue and about 2kHz for the red on different pwm drivers, can't remember the on/off ratio but it's a fairly short on time. i'll have to get the o'scope out to see it.

i find i get more pleasure playing with my Knob than typing code, Hahaha!!
sorry i couldn't resist that one. bongsmilie
BTW, earlier I mentioned that blue light might act like FR. I just a while ago found an article that says that it actually acts like red light, it will prevent flowering in short day plants. Weird but true, at least when the light is on for 4 hours in the middle of the night like in the article.

told ya so dumsht
told ya so dumsht
Only problem is, I wasn't actually wrong after all. Turns out that different plants respond differently to blue light. Chrysanthemums, which are very similar to Cannabis in how it flowers, can have 4 hours of blue in the middle of the dark period and still flower normally. Maybe Cannabis does too. And I believe name calling is banned on this forum. Pretty sure "dumsht" qualifies as name calling. How old are you, sonny? Shouldn't you be in school or something?
Only problem is, I wasn't actually wrong after all. Turns out that different plants respond differently to blue light. Chrysanthemums, which are very similar to Cannabis in how it flowers, can have 4 hours of blue in the middle of the dark period and still flower normally. Maybe Cannabis does too. And I believe name calling is banned on this forum. Pretty sure "dumsht" qualifies as name calling. How old are you, sonny? Shouldn't you be in school or something?
older than you
I didn't like the way the far red was making the plants stretch so I have switched to end of day red instead, supplied by two 13w red CFLs. With those on for 10 minutes, the far red stretch effect will be nullified. I can get by with a regular 12/12 cycle if it means shorter plants. I don't need the extra 2 hour effect. The stretching is outrageous. Far red is the enemy now.
I didn't like the way the far red was making the plants stretch so I have switched to end of day red instead, supplied by two 13w red CFLs. With those on for 10 minutes, the far red stretch effect will be nullified. I can get by with a regular 12/12 cycle if it means shorter plants. I don't need the extra 2 hour effect. The stretching is outrageous. Far red is the enemy now.
You were using it the entire time lights were on right?
hm..... this is strange. So far red led diodes caused this with just 10 mins of them after lights out?
Not diodes but incandescent blacklight. Yeah, that's what FR does, either during the photoperiod or right after it. In fact they use end of day FR to cause stem elongation in plants where that's desirable. So you may get faster flowering but you also get stretch. No way to get one without the other. But do you really need faster flowering or a couple more hours light? I don't know yet if the red light will keep them shorter, but it's possible. Here's how they look now. Those ones in the back were right under the blacklight so they got stretchiest.

Not diodes but incandescent blacklight. Yeah, that's what FR does, either during the photoperiod or right after it. In fact they use end of day FR to cause stem elongation in plants where that's desirable. So you may get faster flowering but you also get stretch. No way to get one without the other. But do you really need faster flowering or a couple more hours light? I don't know yet if the red light will keep them shorter, but it's possible. Here's how they look now. Those ones in the back were right under the blacklight so they got stretchiest.

I'll take a few inches of stretch for a week or two shorter flower time any day. We'll have to see how these diodes fare.