The end of apocalypse, illuminati and NWO ?

Sorry tl;dr but I get the jist of it all. I find this really interesting. Even though i don't believe it quite yet. I definitely believe there are a group of people (nwo, illuminati or whatever they actually call themselves), that are affecting world affairs negatively (to me at least). The entire world has been completely fucked and horrible since earliest human history. I don't think that it's over quite yet. That would be too good to be true. Give it another 100 years. 50 at the least, the light at the end of the tunnel is showing now but we're not there yet. I find it surprising yet sad that so many people on this site supports hate, bigotry, misogynistism, and a general lack of caring about our entire planet that we all live on.
Sorry tl;dr but I get the jist of it all. I find this really interesting. Even though i don't believe it quite yet. I definitely believe there are a group of people (nwo, illuminati or whatever they actually call themselves), that are affecting world affairs negatively (to me at least). The entire world has been completely fucked and horrible since earliest human history. I don't think that it's over quite yet. That would be too good to be true. Give it another 100 years. 50 at the least, the light at the end of the tunnel is showing now but we're not there yet. .

I don´t think that it all will be over soon, but i believe our god, the creator of humans,
will be exposed as the devil himself and the root of all suffering, raping and killing in heaven and on earth. A lot predictions say that the apocalypse and the devil will come, not armageddon and god, what our creator should claim in much books and statements.

After that it should give a capturing of this false god and lot other satanist in heaven, than a lot things should become better, but not all, i believe.

The apocalypse should be nothing else than exposing the evil demon that lurks behind the cruel world scenario and the creation of hell and mankind, i saw at a serious german tv channel.

Videos like this were the beginning of the exposure of the creator of humans.

Well I dont really believe in the whole God/Devil Christianity thing myself. I believe that "God" (I'm just the word "God" as a placeholder) is unknowable. That we as humans can never understand what God is and are not really in the place or ready to comprehend that. I find it ludacris that we understand so little about the universe and that we don't even know how to lives among ourselves as a species but still has the arrogance to say we know what God is. I'm not trying to take a shot at your beliefs or anything, it's just what I believe. My point is that we as humans need to sort our own shit out. We are our worst enemies, not God or the Devil bc we contain both.
Well I dont really believe in the whole God/Devil Christianity thing myself. I believe that "God" (I'm just the word "God" as a placeholder) is unknowable. That we as humans can never understand what God is and are not really in the place or ready to comprehend that. .

I think god is understandable and knowable. We start to understand him, i think.
Maybe someday we start to know him.

I believe in this god or devil thing, because the existence of a devil would explain so much things like war, murder, diseases, disabled people, ghettos and all that cruel stuff, but i´m not sure. I hope for a better explanation for this cruel problems.


the only thing that scares me about this thread is that there are a lot of websites with threads just like this, where people are serious, and no one is making jokes, they're all preparing for Armageddon......
Bible or not, God or not. To think that our society can not collapse is silly. Every great nation in history has fallen. If we do not learn from history we are doomed to repeat it.

I'm not as hardcore as some. I do however have the means to feed and take care of my family indefinitely.
Bible or not, God or not. To think that our society can not collapse is silly. Every great nation in history has fallen. If we do not learn from history we are doomed to repeat it.

I'm not as hardcore as some. I do however have the means to feed and take care of my family indefinitely.

Hell ya we all should be able to take care our family if shit were to hit the fan.

This wouldn't be an issue if our country wasn't so hung up on fossil fuel. Take about out dated technology
this video is about the illuminati embedding and hiding symbolism in movies done by hollywood.. it also predicts 9/11.. i think we live in a complex computer simulation and these symbolism hidden in the movies is a glitch in the simulation that we live in

this video is about the illuminati embedding and hiding symbolism in movies done by hollywood.. it also predicts 9/11.. i think we live in a complex computer simulation and these symbolism hidden in the movies is a glitch in the simulation that we live in

... or the people who did that planned it and thought it would be no prproblem to mention it before...