The end of apocalypse, illuminati and NWO ?

Reads like the telemarketer calls I get. Goodbye.
It´s all not proofed and could be just a story, so i hope that the people who read it don´t think too much about it and start to worry before it is proofed.

But when this should be true and god is our enemy, we should be informed about it, than we maybe can avoid to walk in his trap.
It´s all not proofed and could be just a story, so i hope that the people who read it don´t think too much about it and start to worry before it is proofed.

But when this should be true and god is our enemy, we should be informed about it, than we maybe can avoid to walk in his trap.
God our enemy? What you are smoking ... I want none of it.
Here is another interesting article about the loosing nwo.
When you want the whole article.


You hear it all the time, “we can never change the world or take down the powers that be, so don’t bother trying.” This was always something I greatly disagreed with due to the fact that I always understood that our repetition of cycles in life only continued to support the elite and is what powers them.

The very consciousness and intentions that are sent to the ether when we utter those words or decide to live life blind from the cues to change our ways is what powers the elite. So how can we change this? We change our consciousness. Our thoughts, intentions and awareness around any given situation. As much as people do not want to see this at times, the ultimate play of the elite is a war on consciousness. They are not as concerned about power, money, energy etc. as much as they are concerned about suppressing our consciousness.

That being said, humanity’s consciousness is shifting -this is very clear if you look at the big picture. As a result, we are seeing very big changes in the way people see the world, and importantly, the elites control is beginning to dissolve.

We are seeing this in a number of ways. People are not buying into the lies any longer. They are discovering the lies of the past and how they helped shape a corrupt world. They are not supporting war and realizing terrorism is an illusion. They don’t blindly follow corrupt medical practices or health practices. They are taking their lives into their own hands and realizing their government does not have their best interests at heart.

I came across an article outlining a list of visible changes that relate to the loss of control the elite have over the people. Check it out below.
Losing = opposite of winning
Loosing = not an English word

I like to think we can change the world with proper spelling and grammar. The elites like to make us think they're not important, but they facilitate clear thinking. Barf. Derp...
