Sorry tl;dr but I get the jist of it all. I find this really interesting. Even though i don't believe it quite yet. I definitely believe there are a group of people (nwo, illuminati or whatever they actually call themselves), that are affecting world affairs negatively (to me at least). The entire world has been completely fucked and horrible since earliest human history. I don't think that it's over quite yet. That would be too good to be true. Give it another 100 years. 50 at the least, the light at the end of the tunnel is showing now but we're not there yet. .
I don´t think that it all will be over soon, but i believe our god, the creator of humans,
will be exposed as the devil himself and the root of all suffering, raping and killing in heaven and on earth. A lot predictions say that the apocalypse and the devil will come, not armageddon and god, what our creator should claim in much books and statements.
After that it should give a capturing of this false god and lot other satanist in heaven, than a lot things should become better, but not all, i believe.
The apocalypse should be nothing else than exposing the evil demon that lurks behind the cruel world scenario and the creation of hell and mankind, i saw at a serious german tv channel.
Videos like this were the beginning of the exposure of the creator of humans.