The dream set up for a 1000watt light


Well-Known Member
need 0.66 cu. ft. of CO2 every four hours. If one pound of CO2 makes 8.7 cu. ft. of CO2 need 0.08 lbs. of sugar, every one pound of sugar only makes 1/2 lb. of CO2, so double the amount of sugar needed 0.08 X 2 = 0.16 lbs. of sugar every four hours.
there are six four-hour periods in a 24 hour day, so need is 0.16 x 6 or 0.96 lbs. of sugar a day.
roundoff to one pound of sugar a day,
so 42 lbs. of sugar in six weeks.
or break that down to apple wine 5 lbs of sugar {I use a little more makes a 5 gal batch} or 8-1/2 batches of wine total.
or a batch and 1/2 a week??? for a 6 week period. could leave it in longer but I prefer to go to 2ed ferm. after 1 week. taste better.
thought it would take WAY more then that.

good experiment


Well-Known Member
MrMcGreggor came home safe and sound from beer making class. bringing with him 15 gallons of beer in 3 glass carboys... sheese.. anyways is co2 good to be around new baby starts... or are they to young?? and he must have had a good time he smiled and said yaaaaaaaa it was fun ya know you should order up that light mover ya want so bad.
SO IN your opinion...
8 foot room...
6 foot mover??? was looking at
The Hydrofarm Light Track eliminates shading and allows more even growth and development. It's a simple way to increase your harvest. The Hydrofarm Light Track slowly moves your fixture back and forth along its length, simulating the effect of the sun travelling across the sky. It takes about 20 minutes to travel 6 feet.​
  • Swiss-made motor​
  • Chain driven - simple and reliable​
  • Available in 4' or 6' lengths​
  • Best value on the market​
  • thats what the add says or is there somthing more advisable. NOT asking for you to advertise one product I am just asking our opinion.​


Well-Known Member
got the first fan today whahoo... ordered the light mover.
and just had to tinker with the co2 idea. I know 12 hours and one test is NOT enough data to make a sound conclusion. BUT holly smokes I sure was not expecting ANYTHING like this.


Virulent Amoeba

Well-Known Member
got the first fan today whahoo... ordered the light mover.
and just had to tinker with the co2 idea. I know 12 hours and one test is NOT enough data to make a sound conclusion. BUT holly smokes I sure was not expecting ANYTHING like this.
looks very nice, and beer mmmmm should be bottled and aged a tad by the time those buds are ready. :)

you should swap them out tonight and see if the laggers can catch back up.


Well-Known Member
freight 20.00
freight 20.00
I am so glad I dident buy the duct yet. Thought that sucker looked mighty big. And it sure is a Elicent. By Golly.
what a great day this has turned out to be. figured I would take it with me just to make sure I got the proper duct. and it is 6 full inches. on the sale he said it was 4 inches. I really wanted a big one like you fellers use. but I could not afford them.
So Doing A happy feet dance.


Well-Known Member
freight 20.00
freight 20.00
I am so glad I dident buy the duct yet. Thought that sucker looked mighty big. And it sure is a Elicent. By Golly.
what a great day this has turned out to be. figured I would take it with me just to make sure I got the proper duct. and it is 6 full inches. on the sale he said it was 4 inches. I really wanted a big one like you fellers use. but I could not afford them.
So Doing A happy feet dance.
what a nice thing to have happen! congratulations.


Well-Known Member
Yes Mr.Blunts its shhhhhhhhhhhhh quiet...
and Mr.Email thanks for the food info... very comprehensive. Printed and read it several times already... as I have told Mr.Blunts it is wonderful to go to you fellers. when you read on the web one is never sure if they really know what the heck they are saying. but here with you fellers dang there is no question. so I shall study hard. take all your suggestions {i can afford that is} and I do hope make you proud. This has been such a joyful learning experience. I promise I will do my best so you never feel you wasted your time in teaching me. thank you all ever so much.


Well-Known Member
well thanking me, is thanking mr. email.... (along with a few others, they know who they are....which they are helping you in this thread with me i had to bring them along for the ride...only one missing is munchbox)


Well-Known Member
Do you have ANY idea how that flatters me????
I mean I know I was silly with FDD in the tin foil hat contest.. was almost afraid to do it for fear you may think I was just {well a pardon the pun} but a Dumb Bunny..... I am serious about this. as I was collecting the recommended parts I did feel like such a dumb bunny so I figured laugh with me instead of at me.
YOU folks have said NOTHING that dose not make sense. when I have not comprehended have taken the time so I do.
seems so fibula to just say thanks. but for now thats all I can offer. My very humble heart felt thanks.


Well-Known Member
Do you have ANY idea how that flatters me????
I mean I know I was silly with FDD in the tin foil hat contest.. was almost afraid to do it for fear you may think I was just {well a pardon the pun} but a Dumb Bunny..... I am serious about this. as I was collecting the recommended parts I did feel like such a dumb bunny so I figured laugh with me instead of at me.
YOU folks have said NOTHING that dose not make sense. when I have not comprehended have taken the time so I do.
seems so fibula to just say thanks. but for now thats all I can offer. My very humble heart felt thanks.
you are very, very welcome. we all want to see everyone who wants to grow marijuana (or anything) be successful.


Well-Known Member
well thanking me, is thanking mr. email.... (along with a few others, they know who they are....which they are helping you in this thread with me i had to bring them along for the ride...only one missing is munchbox)
thanks LB - you are very kind - but i see your posts. i believe your weed growing knowledge has exceeded mine. :joint:


Well-Known Member
The other day while tinkering in the basement there came a knock on the door.
The ups man.
Shortly after that. Another knock …. The mailman..
I went back to the basement to tinker more. When ANOTHER
Knock. A wonderful senior couple in need of a little love for they
Had just returned from her brother’s burial. Bringing me food from that sad occasion.
Ok thought I this is outrageous… I have not seen this many folks since when?
No sooner had I returned to the basement and just started to tinker once more then
What it couldn’t possibly be happening… another knock????
There was of all things a Jehovah witness. As this nice dedicated duty filled man
Spoke of gods love. How god sent his only son to die for us. And speaks softly to the soles of those who believe in him. I heard one voice in my head loud and clear.
And the voice said…. “ YOU gotta make yourself a sealed entrance to that garden room you have going on.” The man rambled on I stood there pondering where the door should be. Alas as he was to make his exit he asked, “Do you believe in god’s love?”
I had to be honest. I replied…
“ Oh you have no idea how much I think God watches over me. I gotta say the good lord sure works in mysterious ways don’t he,”
The Jehovah witness set off to continue his good works.
And I set off to find my book “Basic construction techniques for houses and small buildings Simply Explained”


Well-Known Member
a good thing i heard was - you should have at least two solid locks between your growing area and the outside.


Well-Known Member
thats not a bad idea there...
matter of fact a pretty dog gone good one. will have to pick up some more 2x4's
an a bunch more dry wall. already have the insolation, doors and hardware. ya know think I will to have to bring my chop saw in the house. was -14 last night befor windchill and getting mighty cold running back and forth.