The dream set up for a 1000watt light


Well-Known Member
MY Guess is to make a {{as you would say}}
make a Big ass carbon filter just like the Big Ass basast box ya got. {{loved how you said that I now giggle when ever I look at it}} and stuff that into that 8 Inch duct and be done with the ________{<-fill in your own adjitive}


Well-Known Member
woops giggling to hard Big ass Ballast Box... lol lol lol
I just love that coming from you... makes me proud of that Ballast box.


Well-Known Member
howdy fellers have kind of missed you.... did you know it can be rather tricky making a square stud wall against a crooked rock wall? then hang two dumpster diving doors in there is a lot of fun to.... but by there golly... pretty nice if i do say so myself.
and yes those are t-5's had the fixtures free from a contractor who had a BUNCH of em from a building sight. so got creative and works great and trust me safe and GROUNDED even have a box on them and a heavy cord and 3 prong plug so i do not get shocks.
The seed is some really tuff stuff to come by. LOL LOL LOL came from get this its the truth. a punch drunk X prize fighter turned contractor's flee ridden sofa. needed something to play with while I made the room. incase A 2x4 or something went crashing I did not want anything to nice out all the dirt and dust. but needed to play so I am about ready to try my hand and see if I can graft a couple together. someday I think it would be fun to have like out in the garden outside 2 or 3 typed of tomatoes different color tomatoes all growing from the same plant. and then tucked away have some special herbs grafted and bonsai them into a really cool variety plant. so figured I would start with free to kill because I have no access to good seeds with out paying an arm and leg. {but got em}
So bunny gets to play with this stuff for photos and experiment with nutes and what not. it is a LOT of fun. and I do so love to tinker. P.S. I love my light mover even more then I thought I would. bunny loves to go for rides.


Well-Known Member
hate to say it BUT I SWARE @ times it seems like I keep hitting my head on a rock wall...
mrmcgreggor says I am to much a perfectionist. {{shhhh I am I am}
o and are you guys {I hope going to be proud of my wiring }
3 separate circuits off the circuit box. each with GFI thing one is dedicated... light box.... light mover.... and fan... 2ed is from my room upstairs dedicated line.... for what ever
3rd is the rest of the upstairs hardly ever turned on.for what ever.. each are {Blast} 10 amp circuit
{wish were 20 amp} < you comprehend my humor with da bunny and electrical fun... turning on and off everything an fuse box was soooooooo much fun I felt like a damn fool. I put on more miles looking....

& sware and not kidding I have a BAD habit of sitting and staring at 16" on center framing and think ok light box there.... resprout... resprout there incase of that....
I should have just made a log wall....
but it looks a lot like the book. mrmcgreggor says HONEY no CONTRACTOR or home buyer is this picky.... but I am cuz I am making it and I hate a would have or a could have or worst of all the dreaded should have. when ever I create anything. I tend to read to much and way over analyze. BUT by golly I understand the sucker inside and out when I am done. and it will last. best of all and MOST important is O my goodness am I having fun learning and doing this and comprehending. nothing better then true comprehension.


Well-Known Member
running the door trim threw the plainer today.
and Mr. Mcgreggor is going to help me dry wall.
have 2 dedicated lines to the room with GFI plugs total 35 amps of power. and a total of 3 plug in boxes. one in the garden room 2 in the enterance
one is a 20 amp circuit one is a 15 amp circuit. can if need be tie into
a third line for another 20 amps. Nice new pretty wire all done proper.

there is a door to walk into the entrance. and you see another door. a little door
well that little door will have a slide out shelf. Like you see in nice kitchen cuboards to hold the water tank. then I can hook a hose on it to easy fill or empty. and should keep it cooler having it by the outside rock wall.
will rehook up fan an duct when drywall is done. did not want the mess going threw then nice new fan and stuff.
STILL having fun.

I have to get this done running out of room all the stuff is getting bigger. can't waite for moving day. and BEST of all I am done having to run around to the dentist.. whahooo..... had 3 blasted appointments this week alone. what a pain..... but am feeling MUCH better.



Well-Known Member
Looks like things are progressing nicely. You should be proud of wiring three new circuits! Is is fun and cool to be able to do things like that for yourself. And the added complexity of GFCI wiring makes it that much more rewarding.

One word of caution regarding your perfectionism, I would ask you to consider remembering the point of the grow is the plants - not the grow room! :mrgreen:

And I think wishing you would have done things a different way or some such is inevitable. I do it every time i set something up.


Well-Known Member
like this or like THAT?????
gee whiz.......
I need to repot. kind of out of room on the start shelves.
this is part of the garden this summer.
and have 30 seedless white grape vines comming this spring as well.
built the grape fence last fall.
Can not thank you fellers enough. as have said in the past when ever I tried to find advice prior just got the deer in the head lights look. or suggestions of Building a HUGE green house and trust me that is OUT of the budget. But I really love to garden and tinker and play. it is wonderful to have fresh new life growing around you. Just love how this is all working together. it just makes sence.



Well-Known Member
okay i come to you for help.....

im sure you are familiar with bamboo sticks/stakes right? if i were to use them with our hobby could i reuse them? If so, what do i have to worry about? I just dont wanna worry about possible spreading of rootzone dieases, gangagods forbid, but i just want to know?

ANOTHER THING!!! :twisted::twisted::twisted:

im feeling kinda like a garden gnome around here :twisted::twisted::twisted:

do you have any experience in rain water harvesting? i think im about to build a little system for my outside flowers and shit.

i want to hook the rain barrel up to a system like: Tropf Blumat Watering System

im also interesting in composting. i will need your help with that. i have no idea as to what goes in it...for how long? i probably will buy a composter with the tea at the bottom

something like this: Enviro-Cycle Composters from Growco Indoor Garden Supply

now my question would be... as far as the compost, could i still pull out the main hole? like to mix with my soil? or can I ONLY use the compost tea?

next question.... could i possibly mix the compost tea into my rain barrel? would it be beneficial to add an airstone or something to aerate the res aka rain barrel?????

and i also need some ideas/suggestions to some nice flowers; curbside appeal if you will


Well-Known Member
o baby I am yours.....
bamboo sticks NO problem.... if in doubt give a little rinse with 10% bleach solution. {I rinse and let the sun kiss them dry} have had mine for over 10 years I kid you not. if you want to have starts indoors and move them out doors you have to introduce them to the sun and wind. I set my starts in the garden cuz it has rabbit fence around and then I have 5 gal old plastic paint buckets I cut the bottoms off and then cut them in 1/2 now you can stand them in the ground and protect your baby's from getting beat to crap by the wind. works great around tomatoes or anything really. and costs a WHOLE lot less then cedar shakes.I have had My bucket 1/2's for many years aswell. again can be rinsed with bleach and water.
Tropf Blumat Watering System yes I have looked at that. I use a rainbird system off the pump. I can insert a mirical grow feeder to it and have various zones to control. usto at the old house have a rainbird system that went out of the lake to do everything. That had a timmer and pump. was a really neat system. Have been rereading a book by Resh called Hydroponic Food Production. he shows at spas and resorts how hydroponics can sistain the entire resort for fresh foods. this is where the strawberry tower idea comes from. Welcome to Dr. Howard Resh, Hydroponic Services go threw and kind of look at that.
now gravity feed. because we have a systren I need not worry about an air stone for it remains cool enough to keep from bad stuff growing. BUT..... O have i ever figured a way to have a gravity feed system. I thought if one was to tie into the gutter sysem off the house or what ever other structure one has. think mini tree house. ok so you have a raised platfrom bassically. now have the gutters run into the barrel on the platform. now tie a drip line you would have to use an air stone a a bit of peroxide in the water. and let nature work for you. Gravity Feed Kits - Drip Irrigation Kits - DripDepot Drip Irrigation Store ... you can add a battery and timer on this. and if you just don't get the rain you require just fill the sucker up with a garden hose. remember you want a opaque rain catcher. now I should ask do you plan on doing like pots or raised beds or a tower or what for your garden. I ask for you kind of want to hold moisture. weed free blanket is CHEEP and you can put peat or coaco bean on it to hold moisture and keep fungas from growing JUST remember coaco bean is toxic to pets. BUT it sure can keep the bugs and pests away. ummmmmmmmmm mulch.... I asked Fdd and he dose not use emzymes. I believe in them if you want FAST compost use emzymes Compost Accelerator - Veseys and keep the sucker warm. it just roasts all that stuff into a nice weed free compost. Mantis ComposT-Twin - Veseys
thats the one I drool over but one should be able to make one real easy. fdd made his. the one you were looking at is NOT very big. and well it would work but not as well as others. the trick is add some water. enzyme. let the sun kiss it warm. and trun it. and you will have wonderful compost fast. basic plans for composting. I think if one was to get a BIG drum sealed at both ends. now make a hinged flap with a slide boldt to close and drill holes in the drum and make a stand have a rod. threw with a turn crank better yet a motor you could flip on. {have a thing about power stuff} you could easily make your own better bigger just remeber enzyme, warm, turn, and some water. not to flood it just to make it moist and create heat to bake in the sun. you could make a really neat one have have a ready made tea catcher from the excess water that can come out of it. making tea is easy and fun. just add water let it set to have the solids go to the bottom. you can make one think BONG ok have a bigger pc pipe with a bottom ... ok ya know how you have the opening on top. and then you have where the bowl go's in? there would be a hose with a plug or valve. no hole in the back for the thumb. now have a little spray gun filter or filter paint bag to catch any large stuff. and let it gravity feed your plants you can get real wild with this kind of stuff. making your own nutes is FUN. I will tell you another old time trick My grandpa taught me. coffee ground tea leafs keep em all and always put them in a nice kind of shaded warm area. you can add ground up newspaper. some peat moss, and some vermiculite keep moist now you have a worm bed. when we lived on the lake I always kept my worm bed by the kitchen door. when ever I wanted to go fishing one scoop of dirt and I had my bate.
and I had an area I could always get a scoop from to make worm tea for the garden boxes I had on the house. is this any help at all??? I owe you fellers BIG time... and since I can not send beer or wine or food well my poor explanations will have to do.


Well-Known Member
O i should ask you... what grow zone are you in?? for the yard plants. do you want to do annuals or perennials..if this is to be a long term project I suggest you have a few perennials and add annuals. Perennials can $$$ unless you have friends you can get a little root start from... do you want a show of rotating color.... or do you want an eatable yard... I like the eatable yard. do you have any pics of the yard. please make sure you do not show anything that would be a recognizable area to anyone. if you have to go to paint and blank out anything subject to such. aswell let me know North south east and west. and a hint of what you have in mind. I would love to be able to help you choose plants. they can be a LOT of fun to start seeds indoors. if your wife cooks think herb bed... I love My herbs.... why buy crappy spices. all the pots you saw in the last pic are herbs.