The dream set up for a 1000watt light


Well-Known Member
I try..... it can be confusing at times ergo so happy I stumbled upon roll it up. was a fluke I found this place. had an answeer to a question wanted answeers to. and the answeer was so complete continued to roam around reading. had checked a LOT of garden spots. and other places. was just lame. NO one wanted to give a strate how to answeer. and there are times you really don't know what to ask even. you just have a dream of somthing working. YOU fellers here have been so kind and not at all made me feel like I am just a dambdable fool for asking. Learning and tinkering can be such a true joy when one has wonderful resources. I will do it correect.
BTW.... may have figured a way to be able to access the chimmney for air out.can you set the carbon filter way out where it WILL get really cold I mean REALLY cold at times like 20 to 30 below and not worry about having it frost up from the warm moist air pushing behind it trying to get out??
prob. dident say that proper but you get the drift.


Well-Known Member
yes, i saw your contest entry... .i liked mad fdd laugh, so at least you've pulled that off!

you are very welcome for the advice and answered questions, i know how it feels to ask and not be answered....its all good. If i can help, i buts about it! Plus, i love do-it-yourself you cant go wrong!!!!! if it breaks, you can fix it yourself!!!!


about the charcoal filter, im not sure...don't get me lying to!!! What i do know is that the charcoal carbon will stop absorbing moisture at high humidity!!!!!

as long as the humidity isnt high, you should be fine!!!


Well-Known Member
ok chim. has a 8 inch duck hole. brick chim. its so close to the hydronic board.. so I wondered if you can slip it into that make a BIG carbon filter 8 inches round. then reduce the size to 4 inches to fit the fan. insolate the 4 inch Hard pipe. to the flex pipe that hooks on the light??? and that cools the light?? and cools the room??? I am still in the where the heck do I wanna put this stage. BUT NOT kidding it gets REALLY cold here in the winter. and the chim is brick NO insolation so wasn't sure if the carbon filter would frost up in there and render it self useless


Well-Known Member
ok i think I may have made this mess make sence....

but will it work??? remember IT gets frozen solid here for months on end....
and when I say 20 to 30 below I am not talking wind chill temps.



Well-Known Member
To go along with what loudblunts said about the filter clogging in high humidity it will also freeze solid as a rock in your temps,keep your filter in the room or atleast where its a bit warmer.

I live in a freeze your dick off state as well & it sucks.


Well-Known Member
ok that was my main concern... having it frost up.....I can move it back.... and it will not matter that the Fan and the filter are not next to the out put hole.. as long as air moves it will move it out the hole correct?? and keep the pipe bends simple slow and as few as possible...Correct??? and last keep the 4 inch wraped duck pipe all the way to that 8 inch hole opening and reduce it there....and that should offer it the most amount of draw.
if this is all correct by george I think we got it.. cuz the fan should be here soon


Well-Known Member
shrew...... major brain melt down..... with an euphony ending... thats cool.
was reading journals
always reading journals but most are not as complete as this one I just finished.
email468.... that guy is good... I don't desire to post lame sounding questions on his sight. so I shall throw it up here.
he says and I quote.LIGHTING: Sun System VII 600w HPST Super (SolarMax - 95,000 lumens) and 400w MH (AgroSun Gold Horizontal 40,000 lumens)

that means 2 bulbs1 hps and 1ms to total 1000watts running at the same time ...correct??

Air-cooled reflector (Super Spectrum) attached via duct with a 4" Centrifugal Fan (170 CFM)

is that the one with the carbon filter?? or just cooling the bulbs??

VENTILATION: 6" Centrifugal Fan (440 CFM) for exhaust and 3 passive 4" holes,

or is this with the carbon filter and what is meant by 3 passive 4 inch holes??

and 6" clip-on circulating fan

and this well.... figured that out all by my self ...
and he did not say anything about air coming in that I could figure.
Or is that 6inch fan throwing all the air he needs in that grow room
had some temp flux. example day 78 temp 77.5
day 79 temp 64.5
its not just there it happen here an there.
my question is is that by intent to harden up his plants orrrrrrrr
just the conditions of the enviorment???
I relize it isent a dramatic change but 14.5 degree dif in 24 hours drew my attention

just thought I would ask heck of a good journal....then again you already know that to.


Well-Known Member
what email means....

he has a dual spectrum ballast that runs metal halides AND high pressure sodium bulbs AT THE SAME time, from the same ballast...that can be ran in the same reflector granted its big enough!!!!

im pretty sure email has two different ventilation setups, 1 for his lighting as a 1000 watter can get pretty hot and another setup for the main grow area itself! Since the light is sealed with a glass, he has no need to worry about odorous air...because it is sealed. However, the second setup is where he has a more powerful exhaust to exchange the air in his area. The second exhaust/ventilation setup is where the carbon scrubber hooks to!

the oscillating fan for movement of air inside the air. you can be pumping air in all day, but if it doesnt move, it gets stagnant. oscillating fans help battle stagnant air. Yes, it used for environmental control conditions as well as stalk strength....simulating wind from great mother nature.

p.s. go ahead and ask email, if you like.....he's a great fella and very willing to help anytime you have questions.


Well-Known Member
prefer to keep ignorance at a min....
stupid humor thats one thing...
ignorance is another...
So glad you made me this feels so safe here


Well-Known Member
lol MrsMcGreggor, no question is stupid!!!!!

we all gotta start somewhere!!!! hell i dont know it all...i still a rookie compared to these pro's around here!!!!


Well-Known Member
opps you missed somthing in responce....

for exhaust and 3 passive 4" holes,
passive hu?? 3 areas for air to go in and converge to one???is that what that means??
then gos out the room threw that carbon scrubber??
he has 3- 4 inch hoses comming out of that thing


Well-Known Member
he doesnt force air into his area using a fan on his intake, he relies on his exhaust to pull the air in thru his passive intakes.

he is using negative pressure! also a good way to cut down on odor leaks.... if you want to do it that way just make sure your intake holes are smaller than your exhaust!


Well-Known Member
you think that is a complex system!!! ha... thas just the basics. people go crazy with ventilation ideas and such!

the benefits to running 2 ventilation setups is you can run co2 while keeping the light air cooled separated thus, drastically reducing crucial temps.....turning off your exhaust fan for the main room to let the co2 marinate in the room without you wasting that expensive co2 gas!!!!


Well-Known Member
ummmmmmmmmm you brought it up.....
have been waitting in the weeds for the co2 to come up cuz I think i swaged {scientific wild you know the rest}}
this one....
ummm mrs mcGreggor makes wine... lots of wine I was thinking I could ferment my wine in there that throws off a lot of co2. and mrmcgreggor makes beer {yuckie}
i don't care for beer. in all honesty I am a tea toddler... flunked alch. 101 years ago.
but I love making wine... anyway would fermenting wine give off the co2 required??


Well-Known Member
in order for the plants to take of advantage of the extra co2....or should i say, in order for the you to notice the beneficial effects of co2 i would have to say the range of co2 would have to be at a constant 1200-1500 ppm with all other factors in check (i.e. watering, lighting, ventilation etc etc)


Well-Known Member
EXCELENT relply I will do the math....
I had so much co2 going threw one carboy this fall that she BLEW the bung off and shot cherrys and juice to an 8 foot ceiling and all over the walls... what a mess.... wine, root beer o ya make that to. and beer can be very violent when warm conditions and white labs yeast with high sugar... btw I am not saying set one 5 in there.... Im thinking when your into flowering set 4 or 5- 5's in there. round 20 gallons at a pop.