The dream is dead.

Ya know, you really are something.

What help were you giving the girl that you beat and forced to fuck strangers? Was it that you let her keep a fraction of her money?

The best thing you ever did for anybody was let someone else raise your child. What did it take to get you to do that? My guess is that your brother threatened to cut off your trust fund.

Morality is easy for miserable narcissistic pieces of shit like you: anybody who doesn't recognize how special you are is evil.
Keep wailing and exaggerating so you can be as toxic as possible. You're consumed by your own hatred, worse than the most rabid Trumper.
It is difficult to propose without even a rudimentary plan.

No plan entirely? No.

No serious plan? Yes.

That said, we didn’t have an ear to the ground in Tokyo, so we had to equate capability with threat.
No plan.
Japanese Navy wanted our strategic location that Australia has. Japanese Army went no way, not possible, we may be able to land there but it will be nearly impossible to hold when Australia brings its armies back from over seas.

No plan. Also nothing to do with the Australian dream
"He's coming south" screamed the poster, featuring a Japanese soldier poised to trample over a defenceless Australia. It was part of a Curtin government campaign that contributed to a state of panic across the nation in 1942 after the fall of Singapore and air raids on Darwin.
Across the years, history books and high school lessons have repeated the stories of a Japanese invasion plan, foiled only by the diggers' desperate efforts on the Kokoda Trail and the United States' naval victory in the Coral Sea. An imaginary "Brisbane Line" was drawn to represent Australia's second line of defence against the approaching hordes.

The trouble is, someone forgot to tell the Japanese. The only real invasion plan appears to have existed in the minds of prime minister John Curtin and the Australian public.

"The plans got no further than some acrimonious discussions," Dr Stanley said. "The army dismissed the idea as "gibberish", knowing that troops sent further south would weaken Japan in China and in Manchuria against a Soviet threat. Not only did the Japanese army condemn the plan, but the navy general staff also deprecated it, unable to spare the million tonnes of shipping the invasion would have consumed.
That’s what happens when you turn your guns over to the government. Anyone can have their way with ya
Do Americans actually believe that Australians are not allowed guns? America just has a big gun culture unlike the majority of the worlds countries.

“Every week we hear of mass shootings in the USA and wonder at that country’s inability to address its gun violence problem,” she says.

“But many young people aren’t even aware that Australia used to have mass shootings, and that assault weapons were widely owned here."

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Do Americans actually believe that Australians are not allowed guns?

Sounds like the assholes in charge make it next to impossible to protect yourselves.

:A person must have a firearm licence to possess or use a firearm. Licence holders must demonstrate a "genuine reason" (which does not include self-defence) for holding a firearm licence[2] and must not be a "prohibited person". All firearms must be registered by serial number to the owner, who must also hold a firearms licence.
Uh huh.

Fuck off pimp. As long as you post here I will confront you because you are an awful, predatory, narcissistic piece of shit.
and a virtue signalling lying hypocrit...quit talking shit about America and start fucking fixing have way to much to worry about in the mirror to be trying to shame me for any fucking thing...and it failed shame felt. now, i'd send one of those drones after you
The Australian navy made a major contribution to the doomed defense of Indonesia and were magnificent in New Guinea and other Southwest Pacific battles. The brave contribution of Australisn coastwatchers was critical, especially in the early war.
there have been some great, heroic Australians...Harry Murray, Albert Jacka, Snowy Howell, Leslie "bull" Allen, who saved 18 wounded American soldiers, who had stumbled into an Ambush, carrying them out one at a time over his shoulder, while under fire. the inspiration for the scene in Forest Gump.
and not a single one of them post on this website...... :hump: