The Divided States of America

I have little respect for most attorneys, pompous windbags, afraid to do the right thing and risk their privilege.

Attorneys are agents of the Court. The Court is a State appendage. Nearly all attorneys will protect their license and the State before they are interested in protecting your rights.

The problem is people accept the idea of the "permission state" and celebrate when the State "allows" them to have weed etc. That thinking is based in a (state) parent - child (us) relationship. Even when people "win" , as in weed legalization, they lose their inherent freedom in favor of "permission". Fuck that.

i'm talking about basic right of employees, injured list? FMLA? your company fighting with your doctor? we are plug and play pack up your laptop/phone Fedex it back and it goes to the next.
nothing is the way it used to be..if she's remembering the good memories..that's all they are now..has she been back?

my daughter in Rhode Island says same about Florida when she goes back even in the few years she's been gone and that if given the opportunity she wouldn't return.

Come to Colorado it's beautiful here, blue state, programs you're treated well and they have the UC Health system so there are medical trials for earthquakes.

people from Cali come here and are the biggest number of transplants in CO.
And you have Pike's Peak!
Beau nailed it James, this wasn't about politics it was about morality, lapses in judgment can be more easily forgiven than moral failings. A friend fucking up is one thing, but if you catch him stealing from you, it will take some doing to ever trust him again.

A man is defined by his morals and they are the heart of his honor and integrity, you can be a clever asshole, but they are seldom good men. These people put their imagined fears and unconscious conditioning above their common sense and the morals they were raised with and taught their own children. They don't have a political party, the have a death cult of personality with a moral vacuum at it's center, it's a social pathology, it takes two to tango and they danced with Donald.
Donald will own these stupid pricks until he is convicted, discredited an silenced behind bars, even then he would try to control the republican party and could be nominated by the base from prison I suppose.
Be fair, you learned from the British, it was elected legislative assemblies who revolted and they were around for a while. America didn't invent democracy and liberalism, but they did put it down on paper!
It started with Magna Carta in 1215. 800 years and it's still shit! :D
Be fair, you learned from the British, it was elected legislative assemblies who revolted and they were around for a while. America didn't invent democracy and liberalism, but they did put it down on paper!
The US is the oldest existing Democracy or more accurately put, Democratic Republic. Not the oldest, not the first and from what I see around the world today, not the best.
The US is the oldest existing Democracy or more accurately put, Democratic Republic. Not the oldest, not the first and from what I see around the world today, not the best.
The Greeks had a democracy long before America existed. The UK's democracy started around 1295.
The Greeks had a democracy long before America existed. The UK's democracy started around 1295.
They had the allthing in Iceland too

It was the British formulation and separation of powers between the administration (king) and parliament that was the model with the separation and independence of courts with jury trials. It took a revolution in England a hundred years before and the chopping off of a kings head. After the American revolution it was a symbiotic relationship, each country feeding off the other, an American could not be more free than an Englishman etc. America did much to improve British democracy and showed what was possible, the French revolution provided the dire warning to change.
The US is the oldest existing Democracy or more accurately put, Democratic Republic. Not the oldest, not the first and from what I see around the world today, not the best.
If you guys want the beginnings of a royal family we've got a Prince you can have.... :D