The Divided States of America

Yet they arrested none of the Pro-Trump demonstrators blocking the highway in Floyd County last week..gee, I wonder what the difference is....
That's been going on all summer long. It's infuriating.

We have a problem with fascists in our police and justice system. I don't know what other cities are doing but my local city, Portland has had an active Antifa network since 2007. Black Lives Matter is being used by them as cover for their campaign to push for changes in the police. I'm not exactly comfortable with their appropriating BLM to achieve their ends. On the other hand, they have the same goal in this regard. In any case, Antifa and BLM together are winning this battle. Not even close to winning the war but we are winning for now.
Ha Ha Ha!!!!!
Yup, it's only just begun :)

Gee maybe they are pissed off about what is going to happen, police and justice reform are widely popular a super majority, so some progress there and then there is the FBI with a whole new attitude when it comes to this shit and domestic terrorism.
My son asked me if I would cook a celebratory dinner (I like too cook) & "pop a cork" as the saying goes when Trump loses/Biden wins.
I said yes at that moment, Tuesday evening.
Now, sitting here Thursday evening still waiting for the final results, I don't think I will.
I can't see/feel anything to celebrate about with this election.
As a Nation, we all fucking lost it seems
Too much division at the worst possible fucking time in our History.
Oh well, it is what the fuck it is, right?
Stay safe/wear a mask & Peace out :)

do you think your son will be disappointed that you didn't cook?
I'm less frightened today than I was on Monday.

We are going to muddle through this. With Biden as Prez. Also, Trump's stormtroopers will have to consider what happens in a few months when the orange man is no longer covering for them. The whole situation becomes less fraught knowing that a different leader will be in charge in three months.
I am more frightened then ever! The Trump supporters are going to go fucking nuts once Trump tells them to. He was just cut off by the media because his lies resonate so much with his supporters. Twitter is cutting him off . Can he be completely cut off ? If not and he gets his supporters fired up we are in for a lot of damage.
You Americans have to do something about this election shit, Jesus it's like watching paint dry, watching the mathematical certainty is looking at the minute hand of a clock tick to the hour! I'm not nervous, just impatient I wanna have a glass of wine! Hence the whine! :lol:
Is it not possible they’re simply co-operating? Why must one be using the other - especially when all ‘antifa’ is is standing up against violence?
It's not monolithic. Portland's Antifa are mostly white millennials who are less disciplined and more likely to break some windows or start a fire. BLM is a movement led by and for Black people and they have complained about how the reckless property damage by a few Antifa reflect badly. There is partnership and cooperation. They do share the same goal of ending police brutality, so it's a natural fit but some friction, so I've heard. It's just that sometimes I see a crowd that is entirely white marching with BLM banners and it seems to me that they are more likely Antifa.
I am more frightened then ever! The Trump supporters are going to go fucking nuts once Trump tells them to. He was just cut off by the media because his lies resonate so much with his supporters. Twitter is cutting him off . Can he be completely cut off ? If not and he gets his supporters fired up we are in for a lot of damage.
Fuck them, too fucking bad, some are gonna die for a moron, thoughts and prayers. There are a few pissed off liberals too from what I understand, it should have been bigger, many black Americans are frankly insulted.
You Americans have to do something about this election shit, Jesus it's like watching paint dry, watching the mathematical certainty is looking at the minute hand of a clock tick to the hour! I'm not nervous, just impatient I wanna have a glass of wine! Hence the whine! :lol:
Did you ever stop and think that maybe this whole charade is about getting the proper security people in place to buy time before the announcement so they have a backup plan once they announce the winner. Why don’t you choke on your wine and cheese and crackers and shut the fuck up. You dirty rotten scoundrel
No Proof and this man has ruined our Democracy in America, Because those that believe the Current President are going to do what Democrats would never do. Go Nuts and try and hurt People that did nothing wrong.

SAD DAY For all American's
He wins a state and it's Okay, he loses and says someone Cheated. Wow. Just Wow. Bow Wow Jim :)

BTW It's not over till it's over, Sink the ship before it's sinking Great Captain
I am more frightened then ever! The Trump supporters are going to go fucking nuts once Trump tells them to. He was just cut off by the media because his lies resonate so much with his supporters. Twitter is cutting him off . Can he be completely cut off ? If not and he gets his supporters fired up we are in for a lot of damage.
We haven't seen any violence yet. At least, none that I know of. I do understand your concern and can't speak for other places.

I should have said that I feel safer today in my home state of Oregon than I did on Monday. Patriots Prayer and Proud Boys are losing their sponsor and I don't see them acting in the same way that they have without it. Fascist cops have been exposed and they have to be feeling a little less emboldened. But I hear where you are coming from. We really don't know what those white terrorists will do if Trump calls for them to act in the violent manner he has been threatening us with.
Did you ever stop and think that maybe this whole charade is about getting the proper security people in place to buy time before the announcement so they have a backup plan once they announce the winner. Why don’t you choke on your wine and cheese and crackers and shut the fuck up. You dirty rotten scoundrel
We haven't seen any violence yet. At least, none that I know of. I do understand your concern and can't speak for other places.

I should have said that I feel safer today in my home state of Oregon than I did on Monday. Patriots Prayer and Proud Boys are losing their sponsor and I don't see them acting in the same way that they have without it. Fascist cops have been exposed and they have to be feeling a little less emboldened. But I hear where you are coming from. We really don't know what those white terrorists will do if Trump calls for them to act in the violent manner he has been threatening us with.
I would be out of here in a heartbeat to get out of here now. I am trying to get a job in California right now . After all this shit I realize I need to be on the West Coast again.
Did you ever stop and think that maybe this whole charade is about getting the proper security people in place to buy time before the announcement so they have a backup plan once they announce the winner
When are you going to realize you are dealing with a desperate moron not Machiavelli, he is dangerous though. His followers have no large scale organization or plan and are pissed, in denial or depressed crying in their beer. They track less than 200 of these groups of morons amounting to a few thousand mostly losers. If they had an organization it would be infiltrated, Donald only has a public pipeline to them and can only incite limited random stochastic terrorism. 80% of republicans say they will respect the election results, same as for the democrats.

Donald has an IQ of 78 and you are seeing it on full display, this is going amazingly well and peacefully, a bit slow, but it gives the public an education into the process and builds confidence.

Get out of Okie and back to civilization before ya strangle an okie. PM jj if yer going to CA, he might wanna retire and will need a prize winning grower, a crew does the harvesting, buy the farm and pay with sweat.