The Daily Blow by Blow Impeachment Hearings and Trial of Donald Trump

Republican Senators, White House Map Out Impeachment Trial

November 22, 20193:14 PM ET

As the House appears to wrap up the investigative phase of its impeachment inquiry, a group of Senate Republicans met Thursday with White House officials, including counsel Pat Cipollone, to map out how a potential trial on articles of impeachment of President Trump could play out in the upper chamber.

During an extended phone interview with Fox & Friends on Friday morning, the president said he would like Rep. Adam Schiff, the chair of the House Intelligence Committee, to be called as a witness.
"Frankly, I want a trial," he said.
A day earlier, the White House hosted a group of GOP senators, including Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, Mike Lee of Utah, Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, Ted Cruz of Texas, Tom Cotton of Arkansas and John Kennedy of Louisiana, according to congressional aides. An aide also confirmed that in addition to Cipollone, acting chief of staff Mick Mulvaney, Trump's son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner and White House counselor Kellyanne Conway attended the meeting.
The group discussed how a Senate trial could begin, and how soon it could be dismissed. Separately, a congressional aide confirmed Washington Post reporting that there was also discussion on whether a Senate trial could last just two weeks: "It depends on how long the Democrats want to make their case," the aide said.

Graham, a key Trump ally and chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, told reporters he wanted to make it clear to White House officials that a trial couldn't be dismissed before it started. He also shared that White House officials are still holding out hope that Trump may not get impeached by the House of Representatives.

"I think they were curious as to like 'What are you thinking about?' " when it comes to a possible Senate trial, Graham said. "They think they've got a better than 50/50 (chance) — that maybe this doesn't happen in the House. But I don't know ... so eventually we're going to have to cross that Rubicon."

The Thursday morning meeting was followed by a lunch among Trump and another group of Republican senators, including Mitt Romney of Utah, Shelley Moore Capito of West Virginia, Susan Collins of Maine, Rand Paul of Kentucky and James Lankford of Oklahoma.

The gathering was part of a new, weekly effort by Trump to meet with various groups of Republican senators as the impeachment inquiry picks up steam. The senators said they discussed prescription drugs, proposals to ban flavored vaping products, trade legislation, as well as impeachment.

"I think he's understandably unable to defend himself," Capito said of Trump's impeachment talk. "He feels that whatever has come forward has been exactly what he says, 'useless,' so that was basically it. No surprises."
Romney and Collins remain two of Trump's toughest Republican critics. In return, Trump has called Romney a "pompous ass" on Twitter. Still, Romney said the lunch meeting was cordial.

"Overwhelmingly the meeting was about issues we all raised," he said, later adding, "The president didn't say anything new with regards to that topic [impeachment] that I haven't heard multiple times on TV."

Speaking to reporters, Graham, who attended the morning meeting with Trump, said he doesn't want White House officials to believe there's sufficient ground or enough Senate votes to stop a trial before it even begins. He said such a move, before any evidence is heard, would be inconsistent with what Americans know trials to look like.

"The idea that you would dismiss a trial before they presented a case is a nonstarter," Graham said. He added, "I don't want them (White House officials) to believe there's an ability to dismiss the case before it's heard ... I just think the best thing for the country is to get this done quickly, but it's got to be done in a way that is acceptable to the body."

Some Republicans have highlighted the possibility that a senator could move to dismiss the trial through a procedural motion to cut the effort short. The move harks back to West Virginia Democratic Sen. Robert Byrd, who unsuccessfully moved to dismiss the articles of impeachment against President Bill Clinton in 1999.
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New details In Lev Parnas’ Reported Effort To Help Devin Nunes | The Last Word | MSNBC
The Daily Beast reports that indicted Giuliani associate Lev Parnas arranged meetings in Europe to help Rep. Devin Nunes' investigative work in 2018. Betsy Woodruff Swan, who broke the story, tells Ali Velshi that Parnas' lawyer claims Nunes and his team were looking for dirt on the Bidens. Barbara McQuade also joins. Aired on 11/22/19.
I was not under the impression he has a stuttering problem. It’s his choice of words that I find curious. Like at the debate he says.... “ we will keep PUNCHING away at the issue of domestic violence “
Or when he listed his black supporters, one being “the only African American woman elected to the United States Senate,” referring to former Illinois senator Carol Moseley Braun. Which was wrong and disrespectful to Kamala standing right next to him , her being another black women senator and he had to be corrected.
Some of those fumbles are very weird and I wonder is this guy trying to be funny but it’s not funny at all or is he just really old and senile and completely out of touch.

I have to correct your statement here. I don't know if Carol Moseley Braun is the only black female Senator, but Kamala Harris is not African American.

BTW that's something that an Okie would say! :lol:

Donald doesn't appear to be that confident that Mitch McConnell won't fuck him in the senate trial, he's nervous for a reason. The 2020 election won't be kind to Donald, or the GOP, they'll need the entire Russian army manning the polling stations, not just Russian help online. If Mitch acquits him in the senate, he won't hold it, or the WH in 2020, the results of the vote might be quite shocking for the GOP, they could even be in trouble down in Dixie by the time election day rolls around. They would have to be nuts in Kansas to elect Pompeo to the senate after this shit, and if he got in and the democrats won, the courts would put him in prison for conspiracy along with the rest of "team Trump". For Trump, Pence and many in the GOP, the 2020 election is gonna be win or prison, your gonna be dealing with a lot of desperate people.

An honest democratic (or a former republican) AG would have plenty evidence to put many of them away for life, and they haven't even started to squeeze nuts yet. There would be a great deal of enthusiasm among the lifers in the DOJ and FBI to come down hard on these assholes. The courts will convict them all no problem, the evidence is overwhelming and there will be much more of it when they go to trial. Think of all the criminal scandals so far, not just Trump and the latest Ukrainian shit storm, but from Nunes, to McConnell (and his wife), to Trump's cabinet, to Nikki Haley's email scandal, the list is very long, the sentences will be too! They have to win in 2020 and will do anything, if they lose it means prison for many. they will collude with the Russians again and by not acting to protect the 2020 election, Moscow Mitch is already demonstrating it. Still no appointment to the FEC and I wouldn't look for one before the election either, they are gonna cheat, lie and steal as much as they possibly can, they are desperate.

So what will it be for America in 2020, slaves of Putin and his vassal Trump, or a free country? How low will the Trumpers go? They already have hit bedrock at the bottom of a very deep hole and are furiously swinging the pickaxe looking for magma, not maga.
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what's so bad about being from oklahoma? Ada Lois Sipuel Fisher is from oklahoma, she seems like she was pretty smart.
brad pitt and ed harris are from oklahoma, they both seem like pretty decent fellows.
Will Rogers was from oklahoma. View attachment 4426520
Brad Pitt is a total fucking asshole. I am living in Oklahoma as a pit stop on my way back home to New Jersey. once these okies hear my New Jersey accent they are not very welcoming. They do not like outsiders plus the men here are extremely misogynistic. Never lived in a place with so much domestic violence. The food absolutely sucks and there is no culture. I can’t wait to leave . My contract is till 2021 but they lied to me about the position so they are not getting their sign on money back. I’m leaving 2 months before my apartment lease is up and traveling to Europe then packing my shit up and getting the fuck out of here.
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Brad Pitt is a total fucking asshole. I am living in Oklahoma as a pit stop on my way back home to New Jersey. once these okies hear my New Jersey accent they are not very welcoming. They do not like outsiders plus the men here are extremely misogynistic. Never lived in a place with so much domestic violence. The food absolutely sucks and there is no culture. I can’t wait to leave . My contract is till 2021 but they lied to me about the position so they are not getting their sign on money back. I’m leaving 2 months before my apartment lease is up and traveling to Europe then packing my shit up and getting the fuck out of here.
well, you're there and i'm not, so i'll take your word for long as you don't bad mouth Will Rogers...
Brad Pitt is a total fucking asshole. I am living in Oklahoma as a pit stop on my way back home to New Jersey. once these okies hear my New Jersey accent they are not very welcoming. They do not like outsiders plus the men here are extremely misogynistic. Never lived in a place with so much domestic violence. The food absolutely sucks and there is no culture. I can’t wait to leave . My contract is till 2021 but they lied to me about the position so they are not getting their sign on money back. I’m leaving 2 months before my apartment lease is up and traveling to Europe then packing my shit up and getting the fuck out of here.
I guess ya miss the "Jersey Shore" Amber, Snooki and all the gang! :D
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That Steven Colbert is hysterical! hahhahahahahaha
And the plot thickens.
what a moron that Nunes loser is.
It's time for the Socialist Democrats to come up with a new attack on our Country & President. They have worn this one (#637) out.