The Daily Blow by Blow Impeachment Hearings and Trial of Donald Trump

Stephen's Catchy Jingle Makes The Trump Impeachment Inquiry Easy To Understand
For some people, the impeachment inquiry has become an epic saga with too many characters to keep track of. That's why Stephen Colbert and Jon Batiste created this simple yet effective way to remember how the President landed in this mess in the first place.
GOP 'ride or die' mentality shows fealty to Trump | Chris Cuomo
CNN's Chris Cuomo says he's never seen a party of a president be more partisan than the Republicans currently are under President Donald Trump.
Thank you DIY-hp-LED, that was a really great video piece. It’s so on point. If he doesn’t go down with this one, he will no doubt fuck up again soon. His party is doomed by following him like this. They will go down forever as destroying the name Republican. People will shame that name eventually . I listened to a really great interview with Buttigieg this morning on the
Daily and I am so impressed with his character and how down to earth he is and easy going and smart and calm cool and collected. I wouldn’t mind seeing him as POTUS. If Trump doesn’t get the Presidency taken away from him and he does get another chance at 4 years there is now so much MORE fuel To add to the fire with what we have learned from the impeachment hearings . It will make him look so bad on that debate stage . if we have the right democratic candidate savvy enough to deliver the punches with swift precision it will be an easy knockout. Personally I don’t think Biden will do. He is clumsy and consistently puts his foot in his mouth and it’s my impression he has some type of mental disability eating at his brain like dementia or Alzheimer’s. He looks bad. Warren, Buttigieg, Kamala and Amy would make him suffer and bleed. I’m happy that the billionaires are in the playing field offering their millions in anti trump campaign commercials. How is your daily meditation going?
Thank you DIY-hp-LED, that was a really great video piece. It’s so on point. If he doesn’t go down with this one, he will no doubt fuck up again soon. His party is doomed by following him like this. They will go down forever as destroying the name Republican. People will shame that name eventually . I listened to a really great interview with Buttigieg this morning on the
Daily and I am so impressed with his character and how down to earth he is and easy going and smart and calm cool and collected. I wouldn’t mind seeing him as POTUS. If Trump doesn’t get the Presidency taken away from him and he does get another chance at 4 years there is now so much MORE fuel To add to the fire with what we have learned from the impeachment hearings . It will make him look so bad on that debate stage . if we have the right democratic candidate savvy enough to deliver the punches with swift precision it will be an easy knockout. Personally I don’t think Biden will do. He is clumsy and consistently puts his foot in his mouth and it’s my impression he has some type of mental disability eating at his brain like dementia or Alzheimer’s. He looks bad. Warren, Buttigieg, Kamala and Amy would make him suffer and bleed. I’m happy that the billionaires are in the playing field offering their millions in anti trump campaign commercials. How is your daily meditation going?
Former Vice President Joe Biden has been under increasing scrutiny this morning. But are his missteps on the debate stage a stumble or a stutter? A new story in The Atlantic explores Biden’s stutter and how the former vice president still handles that challenge. The author of that piece, Atlantic Senior Politics Editor John Hendrickson, joins Stephanie Ruhle to discuss why this piece is so personal to him.

I like Pete a lot too.

Trump coming after Biden for overcoming a lifelong stutter might not be the best idea.
How is your daily meditation going?
Hi Amber,
I'm practicing about an hour or more a day and boning up on my secular Buddhism, there are a lot more online resources available these days. I just made a poster for the local meditation group I'm starting in the middle of January and I'm making arrangements for a space to meet. I want to gather experienced practitioners and those with an interest locally and if there is enough interest, do the usual non profit group stuff like elect officers and take voluntary donations (danna bowl) for rental expenses etc. I have a friend who is interested with a spare house, that she rents out part of to an artist for a studio, and she holds house concerts there on the weekend, we are gonna talk. She also likes to smoke pot, so some barter arrangements might be possible...;-)

I might steer clear of this place for a spell though, dealing with Trumpers makes the harsh speech precept particularly hard for me to keep!:D It does them no good either and I can't change too many hearts and minds here by skilful means, there's no cure for stupid I'm afraid... Most of them are sock puppet accounts created in 2018 and a lot created in 2019 by the Trumpers on this site who are ashamed to post under their regular account. These hate and fear driven lying fools cannot be reasoned with, are too stupid to use their hearts (assuming they have one) and are impervious to facts. You folks will just have to outvote the racist traitors by a large margin if you wanna save your country, constitution and the rule of law. America needs a clean sweep with a landslide victory for a democratic POTUS, house and senate, only then can ya push the "reset" button on America.

If I were an American, I wouldn't care if the democratic nominee had horns and a tail!:D
Dr. Fiona Hill Wastes Trump
It was the final day of public testimony in the House, Dr. Fiona Hill laid absolute waste to Trump and those doing his bidding, Jimmy recaps the whole public impeachment trial in two minutes, and Joe Biden doesn't do himself any favors during the Democratic Debate.
Second Week of Impeachment Testimony Ends with More Damning Evidence: A Closer Look
Seth takes a closer look at a week of impeachment hearings that have been nothing short of jaw-dropping.
Trump can also be prosecuted for this shit when he is out of office, and it would make a dandy conspiracy case to put all involved away for life.
'Trump's Own Guy, Put Knife In His Back': Historic Impeachment Testimony Ties Trump To Bribery Plot
The Beat breaks down a week unlike any other in the Trump era, with impeachment hearings revealing bribery evidence against President Trump. Neal Katyal, former acting solicitor general of the United States called Amb. Gordon Sondland’s testimony “devastating” and the witnesses “perfect” because “key details that launched this investigation have now been corroborated.” Ryan Goodman, former special counsel to the general counsel at the Defense Department “absolutely” sees several felonies with “clean facts” emerging. The New York Times’ Michelle Goldberg calls the case “overwhelming” but thinks the hearings were rushed, not getting the “full spectrum of corruption” in the Trump administration out. Aired on 11/22/19.
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I was not under the impression he has a stuttering problem. It’s his choice of words that I find curious. Like at the debate he says.... “ we will keep PUNCHING away at the issue of domestic violence “
Or when he listed his black supporters, one being “the only African American woman elected to the United States Senate,” referring to former Illinois senator Carol Moseley Braun. Which was wrong and disrespectful to Kamala standing right next to him , her being another black women senator and he had to be corrected.
Some of those fumbles are very weird and I wonder is this guy trying to be funny but it’s not funny at all or is he just really old and senile and completely out of touch.
Hi Amber,
I'm practicing about an hour or more a day and boning up on my secular Buddhism, there are a lot more online resources available these days. I just made a poster for the local meditation group I'm starting in the middle of January and I'm making arrangements for a space to meet. I want to gather experienced practitioners and those with an interest locally and if there is enough interest, do the usual non profit group stuff like elect officers and take voluntary donations (danna bowl) for rental expenses etc. I have a friend who is interested with a spare house, that she rents out part of to an artist for a studio, and she holds house concerts there on the weekend, we are gonna talk. She also likes to smoke pot, so some barter arrangements might be possible...;-)

I might steer clear of this place for a spell though, dealing with Trumpers makes the harsh speech precept particularly hard for me to keep!:D It does them no good either and I can't change too many hearts and minds here by skilful means, there's no cure for stupid I'm afraid... Most of them are sock puppet accounts created in 2018 and a lot created in 2019 by the Trumpers on this site who are ashamed to post under their regular account. These hate and fear driven lying fools cannot be reasoned with, are too stupid to use their hearts (assuming they have one) and are impervious to facts. You folks will just have to outvote the racist traitors by a large margin if you wanna save your country, constitution and the rule of law. America needs a clean sweep with a landslide victory for a democratic POTUS, house and senate, only then can ya push the "reset" button on America.

If I were an American, I wouldn't care if the democratic nominee had horns and a tail!:D
Terrific news about the new meditation group! That’s so awesome! I wish you all the best . That is terrible news about those trump trolls and I understand how that would interfere with your peace of mind . It’s been a pleasure reading your delightful posts and peace love and happiness to you always. Namaste
I was not under the impression he has a stuttering problem. It’s his choice of words that I find curious. Like at the debate he says.... “ we will keep PUNCHING away at the issue of domestic violence “
Or when he listed his black supporters, one being “the only African American woman elected to the United States Senate,” referring to former Illinois senator Carol Moseley Braun. Which was wrong and disrespectful to Kamala standing right next to him , her being another black women senator and he had to be corrected.
Some of those fumbles are very weird and I wonder is this guy trying to be funny but it’s not funny at all or is he just really old and senile and completely out of touch.
It was pretty interesting and eye opening, they had the writer who has a bad stutter on talking about the speech classes Biden would have went through to get rid of his stutter.

And what people like Biden do is when they feel the stutter coming on, they try to switch out of what they are saying into a new sentence so that the stutter doesn't take place. It is interesting finding this out about him today, the guy said that Biden clearly did not want to talk about it, and has hidden it his entire life.
The 58 most bananas lines from Donald Trump's Friday 'Fox & Friends' interview

(CNN)Looking for a shelter in the storm amid one of the most damaging weeks of his presidency, President Donald Trump phoned in for a nearly hour-long monologue -- er, interview with "Fox & Friends."

The "questions" ranged from the merely pedestrian (how do you make sure people know all the good things you have done for the economy?) to the outright outlandish (how high did the corruption go in the last administration?).

1. "They were spying on my campaign and it went right up to the top and everybody knows it and now we're going to find out."

In which Trump repeats a debunked claim that the FBI was "spying" on his campaign and then President Barack Obama ordered it. There is zero evidence to support that charge. What did happen -- as far as we know -- is that as part of the FBI's counterintelligence operation into Russian interference in the 2016 election, it did obtain a FISA warrant to wiretap then-Trump foreign policy aide Carter Page's phone. Also: Away we go!
2. "And this was spying on my campaign. Something that has never been done in the history of our country."
[narrator voice] It wasn't.
3. "This was an overthrow attempt at the presidency. They tried to overthrow the presidency. This is a disgrace."
"This" -- to the extent a "this" actually exists -- is a counterintelligence operation run through the FBI aimed at getting to the bottom of Russia's attempts to interfere in our election. The FISA warrant to listen in on Page went through the proper channels and had zero to do with Obama.
4. "So my conversation was a perfect conversation. The Ukrainian president said, what are they talking about? They must think we're nuts in this country."
I don't doubt that last sentence is true.
5. "It was appropriate. It was perfect. It was nice. It was everything."
The July 25 phone call referenced here between Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky raised concerns among several longtime diplomats who were either on the call or received a read out of it. And in some cases they immediately reported their concerns to their superiors. And oh yeah, you can read the transcript of the call and it sure as hell isn't "perfect."
6. "Now, Adam Schiff is a sick puppy."
What's remarkable is that Trump has so stretched the bounds of acceptable conduct that him attacking the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee as a "sick puppy" barely merits mention.
7. "What you're going to see, I predict, will be perhaps the biggest scandal in the history of our country, political scandal."
What is Trump even talking about here? Presumably that there was some sort of "deep state" conspiracy aimed at trying to keep him from winning in 2016? No matter what it is, it's going to be BIG. BIGGEST.
8. "I think you're going to see things that are going to be incredible if it's -- if it's done right. And I purposely stay out."
This was Trump's "answer" when pressed about what, exactly, he was talking about in regards to the biggest scandal in American history. My favorite part? How he adds the "if it's done right" -- handing himself an out when nothing happens to say it was a coverup. Truly astounding.
9. "You have a FISA report coming out, which the word is, it's historic, that's what the word is. That's what I hear. And if it's historic, you're going to see something."
This is a reference to the report being prepared by Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz into how the FISA warrants on Page were obtained. Horowitz is expected to present his report next month.
10. "I don't like to use the word 'deep state.' I just say they're really bad, sick people."
"Tonight, we forcefully condemn the blatant corruption of the Democrat Party, the Fake News Media, and the rogue bureaucrats of the Deep State. The only message these radicals will understand is a crushing defeat on November 3, 2020! #KAG2020." -- Donald Trump, October 17
11. "They were spying on my campaign. This is my opinion. I said it a long time ago."
"This is my opinion." Yes, yes it is. And there is zero factual evidence to back it up. What we know was happening -- again -- is that the FBI had obtained a series of FISA warrants to listen in to Page's conversation because they had reason to believe he had been compromised by the Russians.
John Bolton: White House blocked my Twitter account
Former national security adviser John Bolton claims the White House blocked his Twitter account after he resigned.
It was pretty interesting and eye opening, they had the writer who has a bad stutter on talking about the speech classes Biden would have went through to get rid of his stutter.

And what people like Biden do is when they feel the stutter coming on, they try to switch out of what they are saying into a new sentence so that the stutter doesn't take place. It is interesting finding this out about him today, the guy said that Biden clearly did not want to talk about it, and has hidden it his entire life.
That’s fascinating. I think he should come out about this openly in an interview. I’m completely in understanding now and a now able to make sense of his dysfunction instead of trying to understand what the issue is. Thank you for bringing this to my attention.
That’s fascinating. I think he should come out about this openly in an interview. I’m completely in understanding now and a now able to make sense of his dysfunction instead of trying to understand what the issue is. Thank you for bringing this to my attention.
I just heard it today, it is really interesting times we are in. The machismo of the past is starting to fall away, painfully kicking and screaming, but still, progress.
It seems if we get this "crowdstrike" thingy all will be revealed. His followers love this type of ruse. If you look closely faux and other trumpeter media looks a lot like the 700 club etc. Fundraising is by the sponsors. Easy pickins.....
Deep State = flotus...