The Continuing Outdoor Adventures of doublejj v.2019

Very nice that's even better! But no just for the clear plastic layer. I'm trying to figure out how to make one on my pvc hoop greenhouse. I want to keep it open most of the time and cover it only when it's raining or heavy wind especially in the fall time. Basically I want as much direct sunlight on the buds, I can get.

Here's two pics of my unfinished greenhouse! Still need the doors and vent holes made!
Nice....I would just cover the top all the way to the ground and roll up the sides for ventilation...
JJ and folks I think I really seen the end of the great outdoor marijuana run. I just got the looksie at 70 acre hemp field with plans to plant another 60. State sanctioned all outdoor, 5 million invested. :shock: They told me they get seeds from humbolt with a guaranteed fem rate of 90%:roll:. Even if true thats hundreds of males! Pollen everywhere fuckers.
JJ and folks I think I really seen the end of the great outdoor marijuana run. I just got the looksie at 70 acre hemp field with plans to plant another 60. State sanctioned all outdoor, 5 million invested. :shock: They told me they get seeds from humbolt with a guaranteed fem rate of 90%:roll:. Even if true thats hundreds of males! Pollen everywhere fuckers.
our farm is located up in the mountains and miles away from any suitably flat land for hemp farming. I don't think pollen travels that far. We should be ok