"The Compassionate Tea Party State of Utah AKA What Sick Fucks"..

desert dude

Well-Known Member
I blame Mitt Romney. Clearly, he is the actual head of the public teachers union in Utah.

One quick point: The kids who were bullied and had the food snatched from their wide spread jaws were not on the dole, their parents were paying for their lunches and had let the account balance go to zero. The only appropriate response is to call child protective services and rescue those poor children from the oppressive, white-male dominated, patriarchal fascists that torment them with promises of luke-warm macaroni and cheese only to snatch it from their mouths, and turn them over to the loving state to raise.

I am surprised at the lefty outrage expressed here. These children being starved by the evil lunch lady are young tea party patriots in training. I would have thought skylard, et al, would be gleeful at the prospect of killing them while they are young and helpless.

<edit> totally off-topic cartoon, but I thought it funny:



Active Member
I blame Mitt Romney. Clearly, he is the actual head of the public teachers union in Utah.

One quick point: The kids who were bullied and had the food snatched from their wide spread jaws were not on the dole, their parents were paying for their lunches and had let the account balance go to zero. The only appropriate response is to call child protective services and rescue those poor children from the oppressive, white-male dominated, patriarchal fascists that torment them with promises of luke-warm macaroni and cheese only to snatch it from their mouths, and turn them over to the loving state to raise.

I am surprised at the lefty outrage expressed here. These children being starved by the evil lunch lady are young tea party patriots in training. I would have thought skylard, et al, would be gleeful at the prospect of killing them while they are young and helpless.

<edit> totally off-topic cartoon, but I thought it funny:

^^^^ I like That ^^^^^


Well-Known Member
why, thank you!

have a nice day!..i will it's sunny, 70's..i'm going to school and then happy hour with friends from school tonight..then i will come home and concentrate on my "hobby"..have you heard?..were voting on medical marijuana this midterm election..that combined with my marketing savant skills from kushy fortune 500 + hobby skills..you get the idea:wink:
Don't give the idea! Good luck with that vote. I visit FL every year and no one wants to see me all Jonesed out, here on RIU, like before Thanksgiving.

My dad, is a guy that would be perfectly OK about da kine, as long as the State of Fl was.


New Member
unfortunately, i have to get to school for another "A" on a test this morning to go with my current GPA of 3.8..
Damn Schuylarr, if you're in college, where do you find all this extra time to post on political forums?
I've worked my butt off the last thirty years and am near retiring, well, semi retiring anyway.
Hell, in my college days, the only free time away from studies I had, was when I worked part time or the occasional party.
Are you a part time community student, or taking online classes?
Just curious.


Well-Known Member
If a state had 1 person population and that one person had watched porn at any time, then the rate would be 100%.

Utah doesn't have the largest number of Porn watchers, it has the highest RATE of pornhub subscriptions. ( a rate of .547%) California has the highest number of porn watchers by far, it has the highest population.


Watch out!! almost half of one percent of People in Utah have a Pornhub subscription. Must be an epidemic!! Probably has something to do with the fact (LOL Cheezy facts) that All people from Utah belong to the TEA party.

You are a terrible consumer of information Cheezy.

Utahns, famous for their wholesomeness and frugality, buy online pornography at higher rates than the rest of America.
That's the conclusion of a Harvard economics professor who tracked subscriptions to online porn sites. Utah ranks No. 1 in subscriptions, according to Benjamin Edelman, who reported his findings in the article "Red Light States: Who Buys Online Adult Entertainment?," published in the most recent edition of the Journal of Economic Perspectives.
The most porn-watching ZIP codes in Utah, "with unexpectedly high subscriptions relative to their population and broadband usage," are 84766 in Sevier County, 84112 in Salt Lake County, 84018 in Morgan County, 84006 in southwest Salt Lake County, and 84536 in San Juan County



Well-Known Member
Three times with the phone and pen reference. Must be today's right wing talking point for their ignorant base

"he's got a phone and a pen, we have the constitution" is the latest rallying cry from the depths of the radical, racist right.

these people are like fucking sheep who will recite anything alex jones tells them to, they lack the ability to think for themselves, formulate their own opinions, etcetera.


Well-Known Member

"he's got a phone and a pen, we have the constitution" is the latest rallying cry from the depths of the radical, racist right.

these people are like fucking sheep who will recite anything alex jones tells them to, they lack the ability to think for themselves, formulate their own opinions, etcetera.
As a whole Right wing activists have no imagination. They will repeat loyally and without question anything fed to them in the Republican Echo chamber

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
As a whole Right wing activists have no imagination. They will repeat loyally and without question anything fed to them in the Republican Echo chamber

If you like your insurance, you can keep it. No wait....

Where are all the liberal war protesters anyway Mr. pot Prohibitionist?


Well-Known Member
in case there was any doubt:


Obama On Executive Actions: &#8216;I&#8217;ve Got A Pen And I&#8217;ve Got A Phone&#8217; [HR][/HR]


Send him back to Kenya now!

Is that right Uncle Sambo?

Remember kids:

We're all in this together...just pay the tab honkey!

Obama is turning this into a welfare nation. He expects whitey to work hard for the nonwhites.

I wish someone would tell Obama:

"I've got a deportation order to send you to Kenya and two border patrol agents to escort you to the airport."

He is not an American.

No Negro is actually what most of of consider an American, though.

Feeding and leaching off the society created by white Europeans does not make one an American.

Hell, my dog is more of an American than this homo Kenyan clown.

^^^^^^those are the comments that the "phone and a pen" thread beget from the people who fall for that crap.


Well-Known Member
If you like your insurance, you can keep it. No wait....

Where are all the liberal war protesters anyway Mr. pot Prohibitionist?

ahem. recall...

Special rights and quotas granted and enforced by government based on skin color
Is the fact that Obama is mulatto supposed to keep him from being criticized?
Is it possible some people wouldn't want this erm "free healthcare" if it weren't championed by a mulatto
He's a mulatto


Well-Known Member
If you like your insurance, you can keep it. No wait....

Where are all the liberal war protesters anyway Mr. pot Prohibitionist?
So what have you accomplished in Life Rob? Not interested in platitudes.
Tell us how you have been successful