The Chronikool of the Crytochrome and the all Conquering Cree™

Too bad he has never WON any war :mrgreen:...........the froggster is good at posting "cute" pics/gifs though, ill give him that

Ya know when I'm not being a burnout and fuckin up, I can grow those dumbass cup plants :). C'mon remember Amish Delight here, all revegged out and smellin wonderful? It was gonna mop the floor with your cheatin' ass entrant bro :!: , now I gotta plant that no one else in the world has. So who LOST exactly :mrgreen:?

PS Chroni tell PF that I'm sorry for thread jackin' to banter with PSU on RIU. Thanks. Oh, and nice plants bro! :hug:

Please Be Safe Everyone.​