• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

The biggest scandal in u.s. History


Active Member
Forget executive privilege, contempt of Congress, "fast and furious," how many documents the government has produced and who said what to whom on which date.

The Obama administration has almost certainly engaged in the most shockingly vile corruption scandal in the history of the country, not counting the results of Season Eight on "American Idol."

Administration officials intentionally put guns into the hands of Mexican drug cartels, so that when the guns taken from Mexican crime scenes turned out to be American guns, Democrats would have a reason to crack down on gun sellers in the United States.

Democrats will never stop trying to take our guns away. They see something more lethal than a salad shooter and wet themselves.

But since their party was thrown out of Congress for the first time in nearly half a century as a result of passing the 1994 "assault weapons ban," even liberals know they were going to need a really good argument to pass any limitation on guns ever again.

So it's curious that Democrats all started telling the same lie about guns as soon as Obama became president. In March 2009, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton announced to reporters on a trip to Mexico: "Since we know that the vast majority, 90 percent of that weaponry (used by Mexican drug cartels), comes from our country, we are going to try to stop it from getting there in the first place."

As she sentimentally elaborated on Fox News' Greta Van Susteren show: "The guns sold in the United States, which are illegal in Mexico, get smuggled and shipped across our border and arm these terrible drug-dealing criminals so that they can outgun these poor police officers along the border and elsewhere in Mexico."

Suddenly that 90 percent statistic was everywhere. It was like the statistic on women beaten by their husbands on Super Bowl Sunday.

CBS' Bob Schieffer asked Obama on "Face the Nation": "It's my understanding that 90 percent of the guns that they're getting down in Mexico are coming from the United States. We don't seem to be doing a very good job of cutting off the gun flow. Do you need any kind of legislative help on that front? Have you, for example, thought about asking Congress to reinstate the ban on assault weapons?"

At a Senate hearing, Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., said: "It is unacceptable to have 90 percent of the guns that are picked up in Mexico and used to shoot judges, police officers and mayors ... come from the United States."

And then, thanks to Fox News -- the first network to report it -- we found out the 90 percent figure was complete bunkum. It was a fabrication told by William Hoover, of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATF), and then spread like wildfire by Democrats and the media.

Mexican law enforcement authorities send only a fraction of the guns they recover from criminals back to the U.S. for tracing. Which guns do they send? The guns that have U.S. serial numbers on them. It would be like asking a library to produce all their Mark Twain books and then concluding that 90 percent of the books in that library are by Mark Twain.

You begin to see why the left hates Fox News so much.

Obama backed away from the preposterous 90 percent claim. His National Security Council spokesman explained to Fox News that by "recovered," they meant "guns traceable to the United States." So, in other words, Democrats were frantically citing the amazing fact that almost all the guns traceable to the U.S. were ... traceable to the U.S.

Attorney General Eric Holder told reporters that even if the percentage is inaccurate, the "vast majority" of guns seized in crimes in Mexico come from the United States. (And he should know, because it turns out he was sending them there!)

This was absurd. Most of the guns used by drug cartels are automatic weapons -- not to mention shoulder-fired rockets -- that can't be sold to most Americans. They are acquired from places like Russia, China and Guatemala.

Right about the time the 90 percent lie was unraveling, the Obama administration decided to directly hand thousands of American guns over to Mexican criminals. Apart from the fact that tracking thousands of guns into Mexico is not feasible or rational, the dumped guns didn't have GPS tracing devices on them, anyway. There is no conceivable law enforcement objective to such a program.

This is what we know:

(1) Liberals thought it would be a great argument for gun control if American guns were ending up in the hands of Mexican criminals;

(2) They wanted that to be true so badly, Democrats lied about it;

(3) After they were busted on their lie, the Obama administration began dumping thousands of guns in the hands of Mexican criminals.

We also know that hundreds of people were murdered with these U.S.-government-supplied guns, including at least one American, U.S. Border Patrol agent Brian Terry.

But let's look on the bright side. The BATF was originally going to ship warheads to Iran until realizing the explosions might disable the tracking devices.

(Contrary to more Democrat lies, there was no program to dump thousands of guns in Mexico under George W. Bush. The Bush administration did have a program that put GPS trackers on about 100 guns in order to actually trace them. That operation was ended almost as soon as it began because of the lack of cooperation from Mexican officials. You may as well say Holder's program was "started" by the first cop who ever put tracer dye on contraband.)

No one has explained what putting 2,500 untraceable guns in the hands of Mexican drug dealers was supposed to accomplish.

But you know what that might have accomplished? It would make the Democrats' lie retroactively true -- allowing them to push for the same gun restrictions they were planning when they first concocted it. A majority of guns recovered from Mexican criminals would, at last, be American guns, because Eric Holder had put them there.

Unfortunately for the Democrats, some brave whistleblower inside the government leaked details of this monstrous scheme. As soon as Congress and the public demanded answers, Holder clammed up. He just says "oops" -- and accuses Republicans of racism.


ink the world

Well-Known Member
Nice copy and paste from Anne Coulter....sad enough to copy and paste, but coming from that hate spewing windbag is the icing on your hyperbole cake

Iran/Contra, Watergate, Iraq War> this fictitious "scandal"

Keep making mountains out of molehills, its your only chance. Weve all seen the Teabaggers for what they are. Puppets of their corporate donors and the christian right

ink the world

Well-Known Member
Right Wing "thought" process:

The program started under the Bush administration was really a secret plot by Senator Obama!

Obama wants your guns!

Pathetic that you guys are being played by the NRA and dont even realize it. Wanna stop the REAL problem? Stop allowing people the right to purchase 100's of guns within a couple months. The NRA is the murderer here. If Repubs wanted to slow down the violence they could, they just dont have the balls to go against the NRA


watch the movie wag the dog, all of this has been a distraction by our government to instill fear in americans we have so many variety of countries here its no wonder their is havoc,our greatest enemy is our own government they have taken the american dream away from our children and grandchildren one nation under GOD,and for the people by the people they must be reminded a
house divided will not stand ect.ect a complete overhaul is in order :)~~


Active Member
i am getting so disgusted by what the world has become. Everyone has their own "truth" that can be backed up by any crazy motherfucker on the internet.


New Member
Forget executive privilege, contempt of Congress, "fast and furious," how many documents the government has produced and who said what to whom on which date.

The Obama administration has almost certainly engaged in the most shockingly vile corruption scandal in the history of the country, not counting the results of Season Eight on "American Idol."

Administration officials intentionally put guns into the hands of Mexican drug cartels, so that when the guns taken from Mexican crime scenes turned out to be American guns, Democrats would have a reason to crack down on gun sellers in the United States.

Democrats will never stop trying to take our guns away. They see something more lethal than a salad shooter and wet themselves.

But since their party was thrown out of Congress for the first time in nearly half a century as a result of passing the 1994 "assault weapons ban," even liberals know they were going to need a really good argument to pass any limitation on guns ever again.

So it's curious that Democrats all started telling the same lie about guns as soon as Obama became president. In March 2009, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton announced to reporters on a trip to Mexico: "Since we know that the vast majority, 90 percent of that weaponry (used by Mexican drug cartels), comes from our country, we are going to try to stop it from getting there in the first place."

As she sentimentally elaborated on Fox News' Greta Van Susteren show: "The guns sold in the United States, which are illegal in Mexico, get smuggled and shipped across our border and arm these terrible drug-dealing criminals so that they can outgun these poor police officers along the border and elsewhere in Mexico."

Suddenly that 90 percent statistic was everywhere. It was like the statistic on women beaten by their husbands on Super Bowl Sunday.

CBS' Bob Schieffer asked Obama on "Face the Nation": "It's my understanding that 90 percent of the guns that they're getting down in Mexico are coming from the United States. We don't seem to be doing a very good job of cutting off the gun flow. Do you need any kind of legislative help on that front? Have you, for example, thought about asking Congress to reinstate the ban on assault weapons?"

At a Senate hearing, Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., said: "It is unacceptable to have 90 percent of the guns that are picked up in Mexico and used to shoot judges, police officers and mayors ... come from the United States."

And then, thanks to Fox News -- the first network to report it -- we found out the 90 percent figure was complete bunkum. It was a fabrication told by William Hoover, of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATF), and then spread like wildfire by Democrats and the media.

Mexican law enforcement authorities send only a fraction of the guns they recover from criminals back to the U.S. for tracing. Which guns do they send? The guns that have U.S. serial numbers on them. It would be like asking a library to produce all their Mark Twain books and then concluding that 90 percent of the books in that library are by Mark Twain.

You begin to see why the left hates Fox News so much.

Obama backed away from the preposterous 90 percent claim. His National Security Council spokesman explained to Fox News that by "recovered," they meant "guns traceable to the United States." So, in other words, Democrats were frantically citing the amazing fact that almost all the guns traceable to the U.S. were ... traceable to the U.S.

Attorney General Eric Holder told reporters that even if the percentage is inaccurate, the "vast majority" of guns seized in crimes in Mexico come from the United States. (And he should know, because it turns out he was sending them there!)

This was absurd. Most of the guns used by drug cartels are automatic weapons -- not to mention shoulder-fired rockets -- that can't be sold to most Americans. They are acquired from places like Russia, China and Guatemala.

Right about the time the 90 percent lie was unraveling, the Obama administration decided to directly hand thousands of American guns over to Mexican criminals. Apart from the fact that tracking thousands of guns into Mexico is not feasible or rational, the dumped guns didn't have GPS tracing devices on them, anyway. There is no conceivable law enforcement objective to such a program.

This is what we know:

(1) Liberals thought it would be a great argument for gun control if American guns were ending up in the hands of Mexican criminals;

(2) They wanted that to be true so badly, Democrats lied about it;

(3) After they were busted on their lie, the Obama administration began dumping thousands of guns in the hands of Mexican criminals.

We also know that hundreds of people were murdered with these U.S.-government-supplied guns, including at least one American, U.S. Border Patrol agent Brian Terry.

But let's look on the bright side. The BATF was originally going to ship warheads to Iran until realizing the explosions might disable the tracking devices.

(Contrary to more Democrat lies, there was no program to dump thousands of guns in Mexico under George W. Bush. The Bush administration did have a program that put GPS trackers on about 100 guns in order to actually trace them. That operation was ended almost as soon as it began because of the lack of cooperation from Mexican officials. You may as well say Holder's program was "started" by the first cop who ever put tracer dye on contraband.)

No one has explained what putting 2,500 untraceable guns in the hands of Mexican drug dealers was supposed to accomplish.

But you know what that might have accomplished? It would make the Democrats' lie retroactively true -- allowing them to push for the same gun restrictions they were planning when they first concocted it. A majority of guns recovered from Mexican criminals would, at last, be American guns, because Eric Holder had put them there.

Unfortunately for the Democrats, some brave whistleblower inside the government leaked details of this monstrous scheme. As soon as Congress and the public demanded answers, Holder clammed up. He just says "oops" -- and accuses Republicans of racism.

blah blah blah Anne Coulter Suck my dick...

Nice how she jumps on this bandwagon after talking so much shit about libertarians..when she gets to point fingers at the "democrats" all about the finger pointing and hatred...sure we believe you main stream media..There is only two types of people in this world right democrats and republicans and thats it? And every Republican/Democrat is a fucking saint right? ARGG PLEASE STOP YOUR ANN COULTER SPAM ITS HATESPEACH!


Old fucking news....



Well-Known Member
Right Wing "thought" process:

The program started under the Bush administration was really a secret plot by Senator Obama!

Obama wants your guns!

Pathetic that you guys are being played by the NRA and dont even realize it. Wanna stop the REAL problem? Stop allowing people the right to purchase 100's of guns within a couple months. The NRA is the murderer here. If Repubs wanted to slow down the violence they could, they just dont have the balls to go against the NRA
I know what you mean, each and every person should be required to only own 1 car or truck in their lifetime. There are roughly 235 Million passenger vehicles in the USA and I hear Jay Leno has like a hundred cars. Did you know that vehicles kill about 40,000 people every year? Cars/trucks are terrible weapons being used to kill our children and also being used in almost every conceivable and heinous crime imaginable. Bank robbers use them to run away, rapists use them to drive themselves home after raping, murderers use them to put distance between themselves and the person they just killed, Corrupt politicians use them to sneak around Washington. We need to ban vehicles in the USA, they are BAD BAD BAD!!

ink the world

Well-Known Member
I know what you mean, each and every person should be required to only own 1 car or truck in their lifetime. There are roughly 235 Million passenger vehicles in the USA and I hear Jay Leno has like a hundred cars. Did you know that vehicles kill about 40,000 people every year? Cars/trucks are terrible weapons being used to kill our children and also being used in almost every conceivable and heinous crime imaginable. Bank robbers use them to run away, rapists use them to drive themselves home after raping, murderers use them to put distance between themselves and the person they just killed, Corrupt politicians use them to sneak around Washington. We need to ban vehicles in the USA, they are BAD BAD BAD!!
I knew when i posted what i said about guns that someone would take my words and blow them out of proportion. Kinda bummed that its you, youre more rational than that.

Do you really think a person needs to buy 100's of assault rifles in a few months? Do you understand that agents had some of the straw purchasers and had to release them because prosecurors could do nothing?

Im not anti gun, far from it. Just got pellet rifle for my kids to start shooting. I own firearms. Theres a difference between a gun collector and a gun trafficker. Our laws allow gun trafficking. There needs to be some sane and rational approach concerning people that traffick in large amounts of firearms without trampling on peoples rights.


Well-Known Member
I knew when i posted what i said about guns that someone would take my words and blow them out of proportion. Kinda bummed that its you, youre more rational than that.

Do you really think a person needs to buy 100's of assault rifles in a few months? Do you understand that agents had some of the straw purchasers and had to release them because prosecurors could do nothing?

Im not anti gun, far from it. Just got pellet rifle for my kids to start shooting. I own firearms. Theres a difference between a gun collector and a gun trafficker. Our laws allow gun trafficking. There needs to be some sane and rational approach concerning people that traffick in large amounts of firearms without trampling on peoples rights.
Our laws do now allow trafficking it's just our government dont give two shits about the law.

Lets recap.....
US Government
1. Executes without a fair trial - Illegal
2. Kills people for their religious belief - Illegal
3. Blackmails other nations - Illegal
4. Hacks and created computer viruses to attack other nations - Illegal

We have a hypocritical government, need I say more?

ink the world

Well-Known Member
The ones that allow a person to buy 100's of assault rifles in a short time while not tracking those guns. Cmon man be realistic, the reason American guns get into Mexico is because our lax gun laws make it easy. Im not trying to stop an gun sales, but if someone is gonna move hundreds of guns we should be at least keeping track of shit.

You wanna own an AK or an AR that's fine with me. Lets just tighten up on tracking and private sales. Our system encourages illegal gun trafficking by making private sales annonomous.

Mr Neutron

Well-Known Member
The ones that allow a person to buy 100's of assault rifles in a short time while not tracking those guns. Cmon man be realistic, the reason American guns get into Mexico is because our lax gun laws make it easy. Im not trying to stop an gun sales, but if someone is gonna move hundreds of guns we should be at least keeping track of shit.

You wanna own an AK or an AR that's fine with me. Lets just tighten up on tracking and private sales. Our system encourages illegal gun trafficking by making private sales annonomous.
How is keeping law abiding citizens from purchasing weapons, keeping weapons out of the hands of criminals?


Well-Known Member
Normally I go with the liberal side of issues. I'm with the conservatives on this. It's completely wrong from the planning to the cover up. The conservatives will defend their criticisms all day. The liberals are acting like it is ok to cover up this event.

jessy koons

New Member
The biggest scandal in US history is a pretty big statement. Are you exaggerating at all? How does this scandal compare to other large scandals? Are you trying to get attention for your thread by creating outlandish headlines? Did you write the first post? Please respond.


Well-Known Member
The biggest scandal in US history is a pretty big statement. Are you exaggerating at all? How does this scandal compare to other large scandals? Are you trying to get attention for your thread by creating outlandish headlines? Did you write the first post? Please respond.
lol anne coulter bro, anne coulter


Well-Known Member
The ones that allow a person to buy 100's of assault rifles in a short time while not tracking those guns. Cmon man be realistic, the reason American guns get into Mexico is because our lax gun laws make it easy. Im not trying to stop an gun sales, but if someone is gonna move hundreds of guns we should be at least keeping track of shit.

You wanna own an AK or an AR that's fine with me. Lets just tighten up on tracking and private sales. Our system encourages illegal gun trafficking by making private sales annonomous.
I don't know about your state, but when I purchase a firearm they directly call a branch of the ATF confirm some questions with me, talk to the agent about my ID before approving the transaction. If there is any failure to blame it falls squarely on the department that performed the illegal activities. I don't blame Obama or Holder for what happened, only the cover up. Our LEO branches are too big to manage, we have so much law enforcement going on at any given time that a lot of bad shit can slip through the cracks. We refuse to cross train, and merge departments to make a more efficient more manageable system. Each agency tries to out do each other for a bigger cut of money pie. I was taught "if you can't measure it, you can't manage it" and we haven't been able to measure our current law enforcement system in some time.