Well-Known Member
I think you're the only one who is butthurt because people disagree with you, and quite respectfully at that. You're the one name calling but I'm certain you won't acknowledge that. Like I said, just because you had a bad experience with hydro doesn't mean the OP will have the same. You're being bias towards soil which isn't exactly helpful. There are benefits to both and there are pitfalls to,you people are funny.
I didn't realize that you guys were so sensitive.
I didn't know I would get a bunch of you all stirred up over personal grow preference.
Does it really matter how we grow as long as we succeed.
I just personally don't care much for hydro,that's all.
I would rather grow in soil,what's the big deal.
I'm just trying to suggest to this guy the best and cheapest way to grow from my personal preference and experience.
This is supposed to be an educational and helpful thread but everyone turns it into a personal thing.
Hydro does cost more money since you have to buy way more equipment to do so.
All you need for soil is a few pots,a grow light,some dirt and nutes.
For hydro you need resevoirs,grow light,meters,nutes,you have to empty and refill resevoirs,always check ppm's and ph,adjust your nutes accordingly,just alot more work is all I'm saying.
Take it easy everybody.
If that's what you like to do then that's cool.
I just like to spend my time doing other things that's all.
In the longrun soil will cost more because obviously you have to continually buy soil. If you're in hydro all you need is a one time cost of whatever method you choose whether it be waterfarm, DWC, ect ect.... In both soil and hydro you will always be buying nutrients. I'm not sure what you mean by not having time to do other things. I check on my plant once a day to fill up the res and take some pictures. I don't quite see how that would take up all of my free time. Once you have your grow dialed in hydroponics can be extremely low maintenance, lower than soil IMO, but I wouldn't really suggest it to a first or second time grower as it's,.. like I said in a previous post really easy to over nute and kill your plant. That being said, if I were to do it all over I would go hempy.