The 2016 election is the first in 50 years without the full protections of the Voting Rights Act.


Well-Known Member
They haven't hung someone since 1950 so get off the racist bull shit.

We perform a field experiment to measure racial discrimination in the labor market. We respond with fictitious resumes to help-wanted ads in Boston and Chicago newspapers. To manipulate perception of race, each resume is assigned either a very African American sounding name or a very White sounding name. The results show significant discrimination against African-American names: White names receive 50 percent more callbacks for interviews. We also find that race affects the benefits of a better resume. For White names, a higher quality resume elicits 30 percent more callbacks whereas for African Americans, it elicits a far smaller increase.


Well-Known Member
Nothing to get over. I don't (and wouldn't) live in backwards ass Texas. Fuck Texas. November is gonna be fun though.
Nothing to get over, Bearkat just wants to cry about it. The poor victim Bearkat. Cry for Bearkat!!


Well-Known Member
Are you fucking kidding me I'm Puerto Rican we don't need papers, the island just voted in the primary on Saturday we just can't vote in the general from the island.

In fact I'll vote in Florida, New York and Pa. How's that for voting! Ignorant fucking fool.

Then stop calling us,..yooze guys or you,...start using us or we. Americans don`t call Americans you guys.

We don`t need ya stink`n vote.


Well-Known Member
Then stop calling us,..yooze guys or you,...start using us or we. Americans don`t call Americans you guys.

We don`t need ya stink`n vote.
uum...we are probably the most divided world power on the planet...just look over your own posts in the political section (or any of us here really) we ALL use "us and them" terminology dude....thats what were here to DO... I dont share your views, but im not surprised or offended that you have them...especially not in here......i mean a guy out for something that is based in pure conjecture (his legal status), then when corrected rather then back off you press ahead to it being his fault for unintentionally "insinuating" his ineligibility due to his syntax? You sure it wasnt just that he was asking foir it? Ya the way he dress's? :lol:

i mean, go ahead and knock yourself out....but that's a stretch even for you oddball. c'mon man (:


Well-Known Member
Umm, You need to go over his posting to find, "you in your Country" or a lot of indications of a foreigner posting to Americans. I know we, us, from them, so for me to think he`s foreign, it`s in him, not me. I though he was Russian for Christ Sake.


Well-Known Member
Umm, You need to go over his posting to find, "you in your Country" or a lot of indications of a foreigner posting to Americans. I know we, us, from them, so for me to think he`s foreign, it`s in him, not me. I though he was Russian for Christ Sake.
Hey man, whatever floats your boat.....but without knowing 1 way or another, for a fact....that's still conjecture regardless of whether he said leading things. Just sayin...


Well-Known Member
Think im speaking in code?

I'll spell it out then.

I think to vote a person ought to show ID and a tax return from the most recent year showing that she/he paid in more than he/she received in government benefits.

Might be willing to down grade that to a tax return showing income in general.

A 21st century version of land owner.
Do you also agree with Judge Napolitano that Lincoln made a horrendous mistake of fighting the civil war because slavery was going to end soon anyway?


Well-Known Member
They haven't hung someone since 1950 so get off the racist bull shit.
I believe the word is "hanged" not "hung".

"Hung" is the term your mother uses when she pulls down my pants. As in, "Oh my see4! You are really hung! Much bigger than my son" At which point I pull up my pants and leave.

I just called you an incest baby.


Well-Known Member
Is that better than an uneducated guess ?
In my opinion? No. But while never a sure thing, when it comes to knowing what im talking about I try to hedge my bets wherever I can.

If Im in fact only wrong twice as much as I consciously think I am.... ill consider it a win.


Well-Known Member
In my opinion? No. But while never a sure thing, when it comes to knowing what im talking about I try to hedge my bets wherever I can.

If Im in fact only wrong twice as much as I consciously think I am.... ill consider it a win.
Oh. What`d ya win ?

Blunted 4 lyfe

Well-Known Member
Umm, You need to go over his posting to find, "you in your Country" or a lot of indications of a foreigner posting to Americans. I know we, us, from them, so for me to think he`s foreign, it`s in him, not me. I though he was Russian for Christ Sake.
Show me where in hell I used the term yooze guys I don't write or speak in those terms so you're wrong I've let it be known from day one what ethnicity I was if you somehow thought that I was Russian that's on you, Do svidaniya!
Or maybe you rather I said vayase par carajo!



Well-Known Member
Nice sidestep.
It was a funny.

You said you were Black, so I call you Black. If you said you were African American, I`d be calling you African American instead.

Your question to me about why people call you African American,...Well you have to ask them.

I threw in idiot, moron, and dumb race baiter.

I heard some Blacks like African American better than Black. Unlike the NAACP, I wont call you colored, Black is not a color.


Well-Known Member
It was a funny.

You said you were Black, so I call you Black. If you said you were African American, I`d be calling you African American instead.

Your question to me about why people call you African American,...Well you have to ask them.

I threw in idiot, moron, and dumb race baiter.

I heard some Blacks like African American better than Black. Unlike the NAACP, I wont call you colored, Black is not a color.
In other words, everything except simply "American".