Republican Voter Suppression tactics. Not an all inclusive list

That's the thing, the amount of "potential fraud" is overshadowed by the amount of people without adequate voter ID who actually vote who are American citizens, many different studies prove this

The amount of legitimate voter fraud is tantamount to missions that have successfully landed on Mars..
It doesn't have to be that way though. Instead of crying "that's not fair", try to work out a compromise. You want voter ID? fine, pay for it...

If you can frame your argument around that, it's a political win. "We are willing to concede ID laws, but we don't want to force hardship on people like the pubs are trying to do. We are willing to give on this subject as long as they are willing to give..." Instead, all I'm hearing is NO! while reporting stats that can only possibly true if no one has ever been successful at voter fraud. Surely you don't believe this?

Seriously, those stats can only be accurate if no one has ever gotten away with fraud, are you willing to go on record stating that?
Here's another Republican Voter suppression tactic; put Sarah Palin in front of an audience and tell her to "say something motivational". Also, the White House is being moved to a new location.
It doesn't have to be that way though. Instead of crying "that's not fair", try to work out a compromise. You want voter ID? fine, pay for it...

If you can frame your argument around that, it's a political win. "We are willing to concede ID laws, but we don't want to force hardship on people like the pubs are trying to do. We are willing to give on this subject as long as they are willing to give..." Instead, all I'm hearing is NO! while reporting stats that can only possibly true if no one has ever been successful at voter fraud. Surely you don't believe this?

Seriously, those stats can only be accurate if no one has ever gotten away with fraud, are you willing to go on record stating that?

No, I'm sure people have gotten away with voter fraud. I simply disagree with the extent of which proposed by the GOP.

Voter fraud doesn't mean shit when billionaires can buy elections, so who cares either way? This is a problem that might as well be nonexistent in the big picture.
Haas anybody here ever witnessed any election fraud first hand?

I grew up in Chicago and saw it with my own eyes. It wasn't even concealed, just business as usual. The precinct captains handed out little (3X5) manila enveloped with a brand new five dollar bill neatly folded inside to people they ferried to the voting booths on election day. The guy literally had a shoe box full of them. I would estimate several hundred, and that was only in the precinct where I lived, there were hundreds of precinct captains. Voter fraud was endemic in Chicago in the sixties, seventies, and eighties. It was Democrats, of course.
The election fraud occurs mostly on the local levels where it's easier for an individual to manipulate a vote. Even the potential for fraud on the local level should be concern enough to want to avoid it if possible.

it doesn't happen 99.9998849% of the time, crybaby.

there are, on average, 2 fraudulent votes per state per election over the last 15 years.

to make this out like it is actually a problem is what a cowardly little weasel bitch would do.
How many people got away with fraud that aren't counted in your statistics?

go ahead and double the number and elections are still 99.9997698% valid.

you have no leg to stand on. anecdotes and hypotheticals.

just pathetic, even for the likes of someone like you.
It doesn't have to be that way though. Instead of crying "that's not fair", try to work out a compromise. You want voter ID? fine, pay for it...

If you can frame your argument around that, it's a political win. "We are willing to concede ID laws, but we don't want to force hardship on people like the pubs are trying to do. We are willing to give on this subject as long as they are willing to give..." Instead, all I'm hearing is NO! while reporting stats that can only possibly true if no one has ever been successful at voter fraud. Surely you don't believe this?

Seriously, those stats can only be accurate if no one has ever gotten away with fraud, are you willing to go on record stating that?

more hypotheticals from a "libertarian" who is rooting for nanny statism.
Haas anybody here ever witnessed any election fraud first hand?

I grew up in Chicago and saw it with my own eyes. It wasn't even concealed, just business as usual. The precinct captains handed out little (3X5) manila enveloped with a brand new five dollar bill neatly folded inside to people they ferried to the voting booths on election day. The guy literally had a shoe box full of them. I would estimate several hundred, and that was only in the precinct where I lived, there were hundreds of precinct captains. Voter fraud was endemic in Chicago in the sixties, seventies, and eighties. It was Democrats, of course.

cool anecdote, white nationalist.

i'm sure it is 100% based in reality and not the imagination of your retarded mind.
Aber beklecker Nicht Das Sofa, Sofa...
Streck ihn aus
Streck aus deinem heissen gelockten
Streck ihn aus
Streck aus deinem heissen gelockten
Streck ihn aus
Streck aus deinem heissen gelockten Schwanz....
go ahead and double the number and elections are still 99.9997698% valid.

you have no leg to stand on. anecdotes and hypotheticals.

just pathetic, even for the likes of someone like you.
more hypotheticals from a "libertarian" who is rooting for nanny statism.

but you are a guy in his 30's who can't support himself, stalks men, shits on floors because he thinks it's funny someone else has to clean it up and spends all day spewing hate.

Why should anyone take anything you have to say seriously?
but you are a guy in his 30's who can't support himself

i support myself with less resources than you.

stalks men

you are just so bitter that i chase racists off this forum. not surprising, given your views on civil rights and racist food spitters.

shits on floors because he thinks it's funny someone else has to clean it up

i was 17 at the time, actually.

and spends all day spewing hate.

that would be you.

Why should anyone take anything you have to say seriously?

i have to ask that about you, since all you did in this very post was lie, there was no rebuttal to my post, and you are utterly unable to answer simple straightforward questions.

No seriously, given your character and track record of first bragging about something, then lying when you receive backlash, why should anyone take what you have to say as anything more than word vomit?

Knowing yourself, would you take you seriously?

Thank you for continually trying to get a response from me by responding to me. It shows people how desperate you are and entertains me.
No seriously, given your character and track record of first bragging about something, then lying when you receive backlash

i'm sure you can show at least one example of this, right?


Knowing yourself, would you take you seriously?

Thank you for continually trying to get a response from me by responding to me. It shows people how desperate you are and entertains me.

considering that your last post and most posts preceding that were chock full of ginwillemina lies, why should anyone take you seriously?

furthermore, considering how often you have been caught lying (see below), why should anyone take you seriously?

Why do we need title II Uncle Bigot?
I support civil rights

furthermore, will you ever clarify which geographic regions did not evolve from the neck up?

"but honest guys, I play poker, no really" why won't anyone accept me? waaaaaaaaaaah

one of the most pathetic things I've seen on a forum

how many other forums are you THE butt of a joke?

you are still known as that pathetic stalker guy who called everyone idiots and racists on a small poker forum then begged to be accepted... so you've got that going for you, which is nice.
"but honest guys, I play poker, no really" why won't anyone accept me? waaaaaaaaaaah

one of the most pathetic things I've seen on a forum

how many other forums are you THE butt of a joke?

you are still known as that pathetic stalker guy who called everyone idiots and racists on a small poker forum then begged to be accepted... so you've got that going for you, which is nice.

you are so pathetic you can't even answer simple questions.

for example, do you think your rocket scientist buddy was right when he said denial of service never caused harm and was like a hotel renovation?

Originally Posted by Dyzalot
To say that they cause harm is to say that a hotel that closes for renovation is also causing harm. That is a ridiculous idea of course.