Pardon while I vent real quick...
So, I've been watching the outdoor channel quite a bit lately. It's deer season, there are a lot of nice deer to be taken and so on. Well, I guess you can say I'm jealous or what have you, but seeing all these people on this channel, and watching them get to go all over and get nice bucks is just aggravating. I mean, they are in one location for a day and they tag a trophy buck without even having to actually hunt. All they do is go to a site, setup a tree stand and then like magic, bucks come from all over the place.
Meanwhile, I have been hunting probably a total of around 20 days this season and have tagged one doe. I haven't even seen any bucks. I have caught a few does on my trail cam, but no bucks to be seen anywhere. I don't have the luxury of having a tree stand so I have more risk of deer catching my scent. I use scent blocker and set up a blind somewhere in the woods.
Ok, sorry. That is the end of my rant.
But on another note, I'm going back hunting tomorrow morning and going to have an all day sit. Hopefully I'll have some good luck tomorrow being that it is the peak of the rut, and hopefully I'll call in some stupid horny bucks.