Thai Haze X Skunk ~ CFL ~ Semi Stealth W/Pics


Well-Known Member
Also just another thing bro, not sure if many people will be able to pin point the strain just from pics itself from pics of the buds and flower maybe but not as it is. Open a new thread and it should get you your answer


Active Member
Thanks for the encouragement everyone, I appreciate it.

Im about 80% happy with this grow, even if I fail in the end I have learnt allot already. I have made some mistakes so I know it could be better than what
it is but I was able to find the source of my probs and learn a few things.

I will update more regularly now that Im in flower, but I do have a question......

How long into flower should I give them the 20/20/20 instead of switching to flowering nutes? One more feeding or more?

Thanks again.


Well-Known Member
Just make sure you give them a good dose of N before switching to flowerin nutes bro, Maybe one more feed at half strengh and then leave for a starve day and then just a normal drink with PH water then switch to flowerin nutes for next feed. Plant with have some N stored for the flowering stage in the soil but does need to be topped up before flowerin.


Active Member
Just a quick update,


I have been trying to keep up with them by doing more and more LST, Im spending around an hour a day just trying to keep them at a good height but the cabinet is not wide or deep enough to keep it up.

Im positive some pistils are starting to show on some tops, maybe someone can confirm for me please?

Here are some new pics, I took a bunch more so everyone can see what is really going on.



Well-Known Member
Nice pics Ring`n, told you they will grow like crazy with LSTin or not lol. Gonna be great if you can keep them in that space until the end. when you looking to start flowerin feed.


Active Member
I need to flush with some epsom salt first, I think I have some lock out on one of the plants so I will try to take care of that
then start the flowering nutes. I think in about a week the flowering nutes will start.

Here is a pic of the



Active Member
Nice pics. good luck with the flush. I think I may have some lock out as well. I have been using some shite for flower nutes though. going to get some tiger bloom when its back in stock. I cant tell if you are getting pistils, but I am hopeful its female. Your plants are pretty big. you should definitely look for a bigger cab asap because the stretch immediately after you start the flower cycle is pretty significant. Either way, you should be getting quite a bit of bud considering your possible bud sites so far.


Active Member
Okay I hope I did this right, I added 1.5 tsp of epsom salts to 1 gal of water then I PH'd the water.
I gave all of the plants a good flush and hopefully it will help. I have seen 1 tsp/gal and 2 tsp/gal recommendations for the epsom
salt so I figured I would go in the middle.

I wasn't sure about PHing the water (Should it be done before or after adding the salt) but I figured it would defeat the purpose if I
didn't do it after adding the salt.

I guess I will find out soon


Active Member
Hey you should go to radio shack and grab a couple PC fans. I saw you got a little fan in there so for your setup I would cut a couple holes on the back up top and mount the fans backwards so it sucks the hot air out.


Active Member
Just a quick update.

Because of the nute lock out and having to water with the epsom salt formula, I have over watered a bit..... Nothing

I have included pics of the upper portion of my ghetto cab to show the exhaust fan. The cab itself runs a constant 80f with the lights on, it never really fluctuates at all.

Im still not sure what the sex's are but Im sure they will show me definitively soon.

Here are a couple pics.



Well-Known Member
Hi Ring`n hows it going man, have been away for a few days so glad to come back to some updated pics. Looking very nice bro should be showing sex soon man will keep fingers crossed for you. Also remember to pull thoes males as soon as you comfirn they are males :)

Gonna go check my girls out now and take some snaps if i can.


Well-Known Member
Just a quick update.

Because of the nute lock out and having to water with the epsom salt formula, I have over watered a bit..... Nothing

I have included pics of the upper portion of my ghetto cab to show the exhaust fan. The cab itself runs a constant 80f with the lights on, it never really fluctuates at all.

Im still not sure what the sex's are but Im sure they will show me definitively soon.

Here are a couple pics.
I think your diagnosis of nute lock out is pretty far fetched Ring'n. Your plants still look pretty healthy to me.

Check out this picture, and others there to get an idea of what lockout really looks like. You're just over-reacting atm, but its easy to do since we all care so much for our plants.


Active Member
I started some flowering nutes yesterday, gave them a 1/4 dose to get them started for now.
I left them alone for a few days thinking they were over watered and over cared for, well turns out they needed

Oh well, I will learn.

There still isn't any definitive signs of sex from what I can tell, but hopefully soon.
I will post pics soon.


Active Member
Well 2 of them showed me they are ladies! Im pretty stoked....
Hopefully I get one more fem out of the deal so I can kick the guys out and
give them some more room.

Pics in a bit.


Active Member
Well it really is a happy day! Of the 5 clones I took 3 survived (My cloning technique and clone box are yet to be perfected) and I have at least one fem to be a mother.

Whew am I ever

Here are the pics as promised. (Pic 552 is the confirmed fem, it may be hard to see the hairs. The other fem has very small hairs that are unable to be seen in a pic so I didn't bother with it yet)



Well-Known Member
now thats what i call girl power lol ha! Glad to head you got 2 fems out of them will keep fingers crossed for you tho. Looing real good bro, keep it up and you will def have a nice harvest :)

Try and get some more light upder the canopy as looking quite dark in there bro.



Active Member
I think I need to move one out of the area, it seems like they are choking each other out because of the close proximity.
I did try adding some more light but I just dont have enough room to be able to do it effectively. Im hoping for 1 more fem to show in the next day or so,
that way I can rid myself of a couple plants and focus on the flowering.

My last watering was a 1/4 nute, should I do another nute water or just a regular watering for my next watering (later today or tomorrow they should need it)

Any advice is appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Yeah try and get some more room in there for the ladys, also a CFL at each end of the bottom of the grow box will def help out if you can do it.

For the Feed Sched i use: - PH Water, Dry day, Feed, Dry Day, PH Water, Dry Day, Feed.

Of course i dont live and die by that feed sched but does work well for me, i tend to look and react to what my plants tell me. A little spray on the canopy will help to bro :)
