Thai Haze X Skunk ~ CFL ~ Semi Stealth W/Pics


Active Member
I started a very light foliar spray on day 13.
I still haven't introduced nutes (except for the foliar spray) but I think I will on the next watering.

I will also be adding 3 more lights to the box in the next couple of days.

Here are the pics.

Feel free to comment or make suggestions.



Active Member
There has been some nice growth over the last 3 days.

No nutes have been introduced yet and they are getting straight Aquafina water.

As always, comments or suggestions are welcome

Here are the pics:

dude ..ur plants look so similar to mine..ill be watching how they grow...keep us from asia n my BUDDY told me once that the buds i smoke are from a thai origin..i think i understand now...good keep us updated


New Member
dude ..ur plants look so similar to mine..ill be watching how they grow...keep us from asia n my BUDDY told me once that the buds i smoke are from a thai origin..i think i understand now...good keep us updated
Hey, you are about 10 days ahead of me since sprout, I am using CFL for veg also but I am using bagseed and it is stealth...I will def be watching..Looking good..


Active Member
So the growth has been pretty good,
the plants for the most part seem to be doing pretty good.

The largest of the plants has an issue with a lower leaf browning a bit, Im not sure if it is from the foliar spray or it is normal. I have quit using it for now, and I am only spraying with clean water.

You can see it here: Any help is appreciated.

Anyways here are the rest of the pics.



Well-Known Member
lookin good bro, the growth is coming in nicely...i dnt know if the browning came from the foliar spray or not...are u using nutes yet?


Active Member
I gave them a light shot of nutes once, I assume they are suffering nute burn.
All I can do is keep an eye on them and give them a flush....

fingers crossed...


Well-Known Member
Ring'n Id be careful giving Thunks or any other heavy sativa nutes. They can be real delicate in that regard, but It doesn't look like any nute burn to me. Your ladies are all healthy looking cept for that one blemish. Hopefully it doesn't get any worse.

I do hope your ladies will finish in the breeders time frame, but dont be surprised if they go extra long. Someone on ICMAG grew out some Thunks bred by Sam the Skunkman(creator of this cross), and he had a lady that went 23 weeks and not a single amber trichome. I do hope yours dont take as long. Same for my O.Haze X Skunk #1 babies.


Well-Known Member
By any chance are those Sam the Skunkman seeds? If so I am growing the same ones right now too!


Active Member
Thanks for the input guys...

Im not sure if they are Sam"s seeds or not TBH... A buddy of mine sent them to me,
I can say they are originally from

Im gonna lay off the nutes and just let them grow. I dont want monster bushes so I
might flick the switch on them soon (probably @ 1 month veg). Im not too worried about yield with this grow, more of a learning experience
and getting to the finish line.

Once I get one successful grow under my belt I will slowly go to more advanced grows.


Active Member
There has been some nice growth over the last 3 days.

No nutes have been introduced yet and they are getting straight Aquafina water.

As always, comments or suggestions are welcome

Here are the pics:
your best bet with your water is to use RO water. wal-mart has the culligan machine that is real good water..usually around 20 ppm tds. and its like 37 cents a gallon. get a 5 gallon with the pour spout on it and your in buisness. Your ladies are looking good tho bro look foward to seeing more.


Active Member
Ok so I added 2 more CFL's to the mix.

Im running:

1 x 43w 5600k
5 x 23w 5600k
2 x 45w 4100k

The same spots are appearing on the same leave's on 2 other plants now, but Im
not too worried about it. It seems like it is shedding old growth to allow the new growth
more energy....

It may have also been over watering, so I have cut back on the water
and they do seem to be doing better.

I also changed to an 18/6 schedule and again they seem to enjoy it more
than the 20/4 they were on.

your best bet with your water is to use RO water. wal-mart has the culligan machine that is real good water..usually around 20 ppm tds. and its like 37 cents a gallon. get a 5 gallon with the pour spout on it and your in buisness. Your ladies are looking good tho bro look foward to seeing more.
The Aquafina is an RO water, it has a good PH and is a bit expensive so I will look for a better alternative that I can get in bulk like you suggest.

I will post more pics soon.


Active Member
I believe I found the problem.

The spots were spreading to larger fan leaves so I had to do something, I transplanted them and I found a bit of white
mold on the rocks in the bottom of the pot.

Dammit DaveCoulier you were right about the rocks! They were holding the moisture in the pots, and in turn causing me to overwater
because the soil at the top portion of the pots was dry. Lesson

I cleaned them off and removed the affected soil, transplanted w/out rocks and hopefully it will slow or stop the
mold. I dont think it will, but it is worth a try.

I might mix a bit of peroxide in some water and flush them to try to kill any fungus on any roots still affected...... It may kill them completely,
but Im not very confident the affected plants will make it anyways....

They were still growing like crazy, but they will be pretty stressed after this transplant so it will be a few days before I can tell
if I helped them or killed them.

1 of the 5 plants did not have rocks in the bottom of the pot and it does not show any of the signs that the other affected plants
do so Im sure that this is the problem.

All I can do is wait it out and do my research for now.


Active Member
I gave them a flush with peroxide and water, from what I have read there is not much else I can do.

I have also cut off the affected leaves to try and help the new growth get more light and growth potential. I figure
they are going to die and drop off anyways so it would probably be best to get rid of them now.

I will keep up the treatment with each watering and hopefully it will all work out. If not I may have to
pull some clones off of them, but they are still so young Im not sure they can handle it.


Active Member
I had some spots on one of my plants too. just on the lower set of fan leaves. I blame my problems on using miracle grow soil. I also get some crazy mushrooms that pop up ever once in a while. I hope you figured out what was happening man. Have you used neem oil ? I spray my plants and soil once a week. Its supposed to help keep bugs and fungus away. It also has micronutrients that are supposed to be good.


Active Member
Just a quick update...

All seems well, and the plants seem to be bouncing back.

The LST is going well (I think lol)

Any comments or suggestions are welcome.

Here are the pics:
