Thai Haze X Skunk ~ CFL ~ Semi Stealth W/Pics


Active Member
Just a quick update because I did another transplant, roots look good now but they had already filled the old pots they are now in their new 1.5 gal homes.

I added some safety blankets to reflect the light better (Read so many recommendations here on RIU about using it so I thought I would try it out)

As you can see they are LST'd pretty good and they are still pretty tall. The measuring stick is in cm so the tallest is around 6.5 inches, w/out LST I think they would be around 8-9 Inches?????

1-2 more weeks of veg and Im gonna switch to an HPS for flower and flip the switch on them. Hopefully I get at least 2 ladies, 3 would be nice but I dont think I will have room for anymore than

Here are some pics:



Active Member
youre plants look great. Real nice color. Also, youre pretty good at taking those close up pics. I am having some yellowing on my seedlings and one of my main plants. trying to stabilize them now.

About how much longer til you start flower?


Active Member
I added a small 70w Hps to the mix (All I could get around

Today is day 1 of flowering.
They were given a good rest overnight.

I inadvertently topped one of them when doing some LST (More of an HST cause I broke off a I also tried my luck @ cloning
and have given them time to recover.

I am running out of space quickly so I needed to flip them to flower to determine
the sex, hopefully I get 3 ladies out of the

Here are some new pics.



Well-Known Member
Hello mate nice grow, seems like you have kept them nice and not to streachy over veggin period, be warned tho these girls do streach out lke a BI*CH in flowering.

Have grown these before and the smoke was great are a long flowering strain but def worth the rewards, i would reccomend trying some bending tecs on the girls when on 12/12.

Check out the journal i did on here of the thai haze x skunk1 and i didnt even vegg them as long as you.

Good luck bro keep the pics rollin. :peace:


Active Member
Thanks Primz, I was warned that they would want to stretch so I have been LST'ing them but since I broke off a top
Im now a bit nervous lol... I dont want huge bushes so Im hoping for 3 fem's of the 5 plants but I will take what I can get.

Im gonna keep trying to limit the stretch and I think the cfl's will help with it a bit because of the ability to
place them nice and close. I dunno, it's my first grow so anything I learn will be good.

I havent been very nice to them in all honesty but I am yet to kill them so all is well...:)


Well-Known Member
Yeah CFLs will def help you out with the stretch issue keep them nice and close and all should be good, also the smell 7-12 weeks into flowering is crazy.

I found that they smelled really Skunky in the later stages of flowering but after harvest and cure then the haze & thai really comes out.

Very nice Thai & haze mixed flavors with skunky undertones, I found the effects to be more on the sativa side tho, very clear and sociable but then when you light up the second J the Skunk1 cross seems to kick in and take over.

All in all i would say 8.5 / 10 Really do like this strain and always seem to come back to it time to time.

Good luck bro


Well-Known Member
Ring`n just got your message bro.

What nutes are you using again? I have just looked at the closet your doing your project in and i will be surprised if your able to finish these girls or girl at best in there. As you can see in my journal they stretch like mad and granted i didnt do any LSTin, maybe the odd bending of a branch or two, and look how tall they got.

If i was you i would do the LTSin as best you can and hope for the best, remember this strain is mainly a Strong sativa with indica undertones.

As for nutes i only use Canna, always have done and always get great results, for flowering i would use Canna Floures @ 13ml per 12ltrs of water (PH @ 6 for this strain) then bring the feed up as the weeks go on and then bring down feed then flush.

For your self as you LSTin i would only half feed as you keeping things on a small scale and then just use some PK13/14 late into flowering stage to bulk up the buds.

Was always told that "you can add but you can never take away"

Anything else bro let me know.


Active Member
Well not too much has changed, except I think in a couple days I may be able to judge
sex.... Im not sure but I think I may have seen a couple hairs start to show, could just be wishful thinking

I am positive one of them is developing balls so I just have to wait and see.

I have been LST'ing more to try to control the height while attempting to keep an even canopy, so far, sorta good I guess.

Being my first grow Im not gonna stress too much over it, Im just happy making it this far....

Anyways, here are the pics. As always comments, criticism, or suggestions are welcome....



Active Member
It took about 12 days for me to see sex. You veg'd longer though so it will probably show up sooner. I am also doing bagseed, which I am pretty sure takes about a third longer for everything. As far as i know, males do show up sooner. Your plants look really healthy. I think I will go back through your grow just to learn a few things.


Active Member
It took about 12 days for me to see sex. You veg'd longer though so it will probably show up sooner. I am also doing bagseed, which I am pretty sure takes about a third longer for everything. As far as i know, males do show up sooner. Your plants look really healthy. I think I will go back through your grow just to learn a few things.

Thanks for stopping in Johnny,

Im sure it is wishful thinking, but I was trying to determine via the pre-sex method. Im probably

They had some more nice growth over the past day, I might post some more pics later today.


Active Member
Looking good Ring`n, have you switched over to flowering feed yet bro
Not yet, I gave them a shot of 20/20/20 the first day of flower to give them some extra N, hopefully that will keep
the N levels high enough to keep the leaves green through flowering. Im gonna water one or two more times then give them some
flowering nutes (Just dont want to over do

I took some new pics and I can confirm I do have one that is developing pistils for sure, it is almost impossible to see them in the pics
but there are a couple poking out of one of the tops. I have only seen them on one plant and only on the top, none on any lower growth yet
but hopefully soon.

Here are some new pics.


Well-Known Member
Yeah def looking good bro, make sure you give them a nice dose of N tho before you switch the nutes over to flowerin nutes. Also start off with small doses of flowering feed then build up to full wack.

Good work bro :eyesmoke:


Hello. Can someone help me out? Im trying to find out what strain i have? Im a beginner grower, and i have something that ive never seen before. Ever. Its like the plant is on steriods or something. Can i post a pic?


Well-Known Member
Hello. Can someone help me out? Im trying to find out what strain i have? Im a beginner grower, and i have something that ive never seen before. Ever. Its like the plant is on steriods or something. Can i post a pic?
Dude dont mean to be rude but this is someones Grow journal, as this is nothing to do with this journal at all why dont you just open a new thread in the Plant probs forum, will be able to get much better help there mate.