TGA Strains Stable?

The man makes i mean mixes his own potting soil because he doesn't make his own soil he uses roots. So he makes up his own potting soil mixture but can't do wat i've been doing. Hahaha!!!! Go buy all the tga seeds yall want too. Hahaha. I'll never say another bad word about him again, now i know his strains indoor bred backyard trash that can't take outdoor stress. I'm done with talkn bout....mmmm who is he? Wats his name again? Hahaha

another comment that leaves me thinking your just a troll....outdoor stress lmao..i grew outdoors first and if anything was worried about "indoor stress"...not having your temps dialed in, humidity dialed in, the fact that you can over feed easier indoors, light height, etc all those things that come with having an indoor grow are way more daunting than anything in an outdoor grow..a monkey can grow pot outdoors everything is regulated by nature....and what do you mean he uses roots lmao "he doesnt make his own soil he uses roots" that just makes no sense...
I never sell my seeds i pass out free 20 seed pack's at different Harvestfest and Schwag Festivals. Something TGA can never say they've done.

in my last post i said you make no sense i didnt know roots is a soil name the way you wrote it out was confusing....and as for this statement of yours, sub hands out seeds for free to ppl at all the events he goes to

my bad for the three posts in a row idk how to quote from multiple posts lol
Lots of haters here. Wow. I have been growing plush. Now on gen 3 clones. Got nothing but stable girls. Fat juicy sweet smelling buds and a great tingling buzz. It's a purple pheno and current big girl looks like she will yield 3+ zips after a 6 week veg Sub. The shit is the bomb. Def gets the ladies panties off quick
Dukeblue....must be a undercover tga special agent. But anyway...someone said that sub was good at finding male's. If that were true he would've never used that mutant and killed it. He also would have more than wat he has if that were true. Almost every thing he's produced came from that same male. So when it comes down to finding male's, meaning different studs...subcool comes in last. One male producing 10 or more different hybrids, means u only have one good male. One good male and 10 clone only mother's doesn't make u a great breeder. Great breeders work strains and dont breed for purple color. Sub is wat u call a bag appeal breeder, purple color means it's less potent.
Thought you were done talking smack about the guy? Again. for at least the 3rd time; Im calling you out. I think youre completely full of shit.

Lets see pics! Heres some of mine, i have em because I actually GROW not spend all my time spouting bullshit on a forum, So here ya go, lets see your work

Nanner free Plushberry at week 5. See all those shiny chrystaly looking things. Those are trichomes, really good medicine is covered in it. Kinda like how this will be in 3 more weeks

Heres some of that was "bred for bag appeal" Querkle, notice the trich coverage and the pretty purple color, Tastes great too Purple doesnt mean less potent all the time jackass, maybe you just need better genetics?


Gear from other breeers in my grow

Sugar Black Rose

Pineapple Express

Hashplant x Haze

Violator Kush

Sugar Black Rose
Thought you were done talking smack about the guy?

He claimed he was done and then less than two hours later he was back at it again. He couldn't even last two hours before his jealousy got the better of him. Or maybe enjoys trolling too much? He's even using a second account now (dukeblue) and repeating himself.
This is getting totally childish. You guy's should find another hobby instead of hating on Subcool.
i saw a few episodes of weed nerd, annoying music half the time... who the fuck listens to megadeth anymore? they stopped being any good the moment dave mustaine went all christy and republican. not a tool fan either, i sent in a message in one episode "Play some AIC dude", he said "what's A I C?" ..... no you didnt!
LoL, Alice In Chains? Think i've herd him play AIC before...
i know but he said "what is A I C?" in an episode, after that i stopped watching lol. how the hell do you listen to shittalica and megadead after their last 2-3 crap albums back to back. fuck with some sepultura or racer x if anything...
and how the fuck does any 50 something listen to Motorhead? im not knocking them as a band or as a live performance but we tend to outgrow bands like motorhead,white zombie and type o negative in our 20's...whats next? Kid rock or insane clown pussy?