TGA Strains Stable?


Well-Known Member
Popped 5 jack the rippers got 2 females 3 of the 5 had twins and 1 twin had male and female. Tossed all twins not stable genes my guess.. Planning on cloning the keeper of jtr revegging now time will tell if she is a keeper. Popped 5 qrazy trains got 4 females 3 different phenos keeping just 1 pheno type revegging this for clones as well doing hydro. Dirt suxs.. Hope all this is worth it almost 2 months in and have not started clones or my system up yet.
One more thing one of the jtr males was mutant plant very weird the main stalk was not round but flat and had 6 nodes on each side crazy looking to bad it was male .

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
i like how subcool rips off vic high and bros grim, but when you do your backyard breeding using Shanti's and nevilles genetics, its all gravy. talk about confirmation bias.

also on a side note: the 2 voids i have going in my "stress tent" have not shown any signs of hermaphroditism, but they are lousy hybrids for sure, they got alot of the Urkel in them, which makes them slow as fuck to mature and require extra veg times, also they eat like a girl with a eating disorder, any extra and one of the voids starts getting nute burn like a motherfucker, moody bitch. if the smoke weren't bomb then i would say its one of his lackluster strains.


Active Member
Popped 5 jack the rippers got 2 females 3 of the 5 had twins and 1 twin had male and female. Tossed all twins not stable genes my guess.. Planning on cloning the keeper of jtr revegging now time will tell if she is a keeper. Popped 5 qrazy trains got 4 females 3 different phenos keeping just 1 pheno type revegging this for clones as well doing hydro. Dirt suxs.. Hope all this is worth it almost 2 months in and have not started clones or my system up yet.
One more thing one of the jtr males was mutant plant very weird the main stalk was not round but flat and had 6 nodes on each side crazy looking to bad it was male .
One of my JTRs was a twin. It had a weird double main stem. I kept it and it was an awesome plant that yielded really well. The only bad part was it was a bitch to trim.

also huge LOL @ these anti-TGA trolls. get a life. trolling a weed message board is pathetic.


Well-Known Member
Someday a person will Get the (lab) DNA make up on certain strains and then produce the perfect strain free of defects and have the perfect DNA profile for every type of medical use Growing condition etc. That person will be rich......Until that day happens no one knows where any plant came from or what there DNA profile is all a crap game just got to roll the dice and hope for the best. At best any breeder can only go back Maybe 10 years on genes and they do not know where it came from it was just good stuff. marijauna has been on this planet earth for thousands and thousands of years.


Actually 15 years of Age
Twin seeds those came from that mutant male sub's been using for years. As for me using nevilles and shanti genetic...those genetics are more stable to breed with than any other seed company.

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
Double stems and flat stems??? Some seem to think that flat stems are special....people like ghs.
if you think mr.nice gear isnt mutant prone, guess what, IT IS. his gear is closer to landrace than modern day worked IBL's, he doesn't even do IBL's as far as i can tell. so less genetic pollution doesn't always mean less mutation because Shanti's gear has mutant plants as well, flat stems, polyploidy, unintended autoflowering, odd # leaves and buds even growing out of leafs, just like sub's gear. when i was researching mr nice gear on his forums, i came across a few threads about 30+ pages long EACH detailing customers mutants and herms... not a bad thing since i'm sure he works to correct the mistakes and listens to his customers.


Well-Known Member
what does someones smoking preferences have to do with anything....your sooooo dumb dude...god what did subcool fuck your wife or something damn
Yeah, I am not quite sure what his agenda is. It would appear its to show the world what a douche is he. But for some reason I dont think that is what he is going for.


Well-Known Member
That's funny...imma roll up me some nevilles widow and go watch subfool fall on his thin mints that he got from the girls scouts.
Subcool must have really hurt you. To obsess over him like this. To post over and over and over the same thing. Fuck dude, Subcool fucking owns you. He is so in your head that he's frikking homesteading and squatting in your mind. You can't stop posting about him because you can't stop thinking about him. You're just a puppet with an uninterested master.


Well-Known Member
Also, on topic. Of the 5 Plushberry seeds I popped 2 were males. Of the 3 females 2 look Space Queen dominant, and one looks more indica dominant. (BCS?) All 3 are healthy and vigorous and have responded well to topping and LST.

We're going to clone this week, and hopefully put a few in to flower in a couple of weeks. Then we'll how stable these seeds are. As I only popped five and they are the only TGA seeds I have ever run, I am not going to pretend that this is going to be representative of all TGA varieties, or of even Plushberry. (Well, unless they ALL hermie. :-) )


Actually 15 years of Age
By the look at rope's seeds they using more than somebody's seed in order to make a sale. Looks like another seed company missed out on sum bag appeal seed to start a seed company. Guess all that talk about where to find great breeding plants were just a lie. Maybe one da someone use bag appeal genetics to start a company....not even the king of greenhouse ever STS anything from doctored pictured strain breeder. Remember those fake pinks and fake purplish buds in those magazines. Lol


Well-Known Member
Plushberry will go herm in the WRONG conditions,
I don't know what you call wrong conditions.... but my indoor room is just about PERFECT! I grew plushberry, pink pheno week 5 hermie. Had some that stayed green that didn't start to hermie until week 8. I can't say that it was bad smoke, as it was actually very good. But I dropped it because it hermied.

out of a 10 pack I think 7 were fem/hermie

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
I don't know what you call wrong conditions.... but my indoor room is just about PERFECT! I grew plushberry, pink pheno week 5 hermie. Had some that stayed green that didn't start to hermie until week 8. I can't say that it was bad smoke, as it was actually very good. But I dropped it because it hermied.

out of a 10 pack I think 7 were fem/hermie
balls or nanners? nanners are not herms but intersexing, 7 herms is rediculous.


Well-Known Member
Am i the only person who notice that tga's seeds are so dank that sub smoke's only hash and not the flowers.
What does only smoking hash have to do with anything? I'm not defending sub's gear, just defending only smoking hash! I grow some damn good flowers yet I only smoke hash. It is much easier on my throat and no matter how good the flowers I grow are, they aren't as potent as some full melt!


Well-Known Member
balls or nanners? nanners are not herms but intersexing, 7 herms is rediculous.
nanners, but I don't really see a difference. Sure the nanners aren't shaped like balls but they still work like them.

In biology, a hermaphrodite is an organism that has reproductive organs normally associated with both male and female sexes.

Intersex, is the presence of intermediate or atypical combinations of physical features that usually distinguish female from male.