Well-Known Member
The man makes i mean mixes his own potting soil because he doesn't make his own soil he uses roots. So he makes up his own potting soil mixture but can't do wat i've been doing. Hahaha!!!! Go buy all the tga seeds yall want too. Hahaha. I'll never say another bad word about him again, now i know his strains indoor bred backyard trash that can't take outdoor stress. I'm done with talkn bout....mmmm who is he? Wats his name again? Hahaha
another comment that leaves me thinking your just a troll....outdoor stress lmao..i grew outdoors first and if anything was worried about "indoor stress"...not having your temps dialed in, humidity dialed in, the fact that you can over feed easier indoors, light height, etc all those things that come with having an indoor grow are way more daunting than anything in an outdoor grow..a monkey can grow pot outdoors everything is regulated by nature....and what do you mean he uses roots lmao "he doesnt make his own soil he uses roots" that just makes no sense...