Tga Plushberry & Jillybean grow from seed


Well-Known Member
Very very nice! And that plushberry looks like its going to be awesome!
im jealous.
The only place I know to get greenthumbs seeds, is on his website. I highly recommend the bubba x OG.

Haha i flush pretty much the same as you. If I have Jamaican bat shit, I'll give em teas right up to chop.
lots of good nasty stuff in the tea.

man when you get that bohdi gear up, wish we could swap clones!


Active Member
yeah! i wish we were in a position to trade clones aswell. makes my heart warm just thinking about it :rolleyes:
bubbaOG. mm. sounds strong. and with your inventory i dont think you have the right actually to be you obviously have space enought to brew teas, which is more than i can say. its bottles over heah,
now a garage or a basement...that there is a sound investment.

anyway, i couldnt resist, and i have now made my LAST FINAL order to attitude.
[FONT=Tahoma, sans-serif]Product: Bodhi Seeds Prayer Tower

Product: TGA Subcool Seeds Cheese Quake

Product: Mandala Seeds Beyond the Brain

Product: Bodhi Seeds Tigers Milk

and THAT IS FINAL! hehe. right. good stuff tho
have a nice day [/FONT]


Active Member
shit, dr.greenthumb. top dollars for those seeds.

2 seeds, 200 dineros. hope they sprout then :D

but seriously, if its stable strains that kick the asses, money is of little worry.
rather pay 200$ for five really good seeds, than $100 for four months in the toilet.


Active Member
Seeds seeds seeds.
Jilly bean is carrying some.

Its only some buds on the lower branches tho.
Maybe just some got pollinated. I hope so.
Will see tomorrow, if she`s carrying more than today, down she comes.
And so does the other girls aswell i guess. Five days short of where i wanted them to be, but better than all those seeds.

Solid hermie snake sneaking around, not letting me know where or who it was or where it came from or what the fuck is up with this sheyt.
Ye ye. Food in the fridge. Air in the lungs. Cant complain i guess.


Well-Known Member
That sucks man. After you chop, maybe check real good for a light leak?
I'd still probably grow those mystery seeds though.
im weird that way. I got a bunch of seeds from a dispensary a few years ago, unknown strain.
but the guy said they were from either a hermie problem, or a fem plant. I can't remember. But all the seeds, I mean every seed
I germed, aprox 40 in 2 1/2 years, were female.
Just not great potency. And they took like 14+ weeks to finish.
I hope your buts are top notch, congratulations.

if these freaking aphids don't kill my plants, I have about 3 weeks left.
I even sprayed with spectracide, and they love it! Nothing worked, not ladybugs, sns203, nothing.
fucking bugs.


Active Member
my man.
i hope from the depths of my heart that you get the execution going on those little motherfuckers.
did you try azamax? i used to love watching kbgrowkid420`s movies on youtube back in last year,
and he get an aphid infestion, and yea, basically azamax killed it i think.
good stuff anyways. lots of skills, no genetics this, genetics that. just growthskills. good stuff.

yea man, i think the weed will be ok anyways. cut down some bushes today, the ones who are seeded, and i trimmed it, put the sugarleaves in the freezer, put up a box for drying, put some smaller buds next to my fan-outtake for quick drying & tasting tomorrow approx....and i made a joint with the scissor-hash.

and from the like an electric stream moving up & down my spine, & i cant even see straight. very good stuff.
uppy stuff. nice :)

anyway, will post final shit here, and i will start another thread i think, about "finding the right mom", and just following different strains in that direction, finding what is the shit.
ok see you latas, happy easter :D

oh yea, plus i will buy a new tent right after the chop. i sat in the tent to look for leaks for half an hour after lights out, and i couldnt find any, but ive never been satisfied with the homebox tent anyways, ill buy the secret jardin. openings on the side. ill se this tent as a "36 hour darkness/drying tent."

ye man, peace & infinite love


Active Member
HEres some pics.
The plants are fine, and i can see no more bananas nor seeds.

Yellowing out nicely, and some other colors coming in aswell.
Ill let them go 56 days, or maybe even 60, but seems like 56 is what im set up on.
Thats three days. Nice :)

Yeah, soon to come with the harvest shots :D


Well-Known Member
Man they look good. Hey when you start your new grow,
will you put a link to it in this journal? Looking forward to it.


Active Member
Fo sure man, enjoy having you aroud :)
Also, feel free to post some pics of your plants here if you want to. That querkle is interesting.

And at this point im so sad ive lost my jilly clones to anger, because ive sampled some, and its so excellent. Really get-the-day-going kind of stuff.
Plush she looks stellar, and apart from the 5 bananas, shes been a thrill to grow.
Maybe in the future ill buy another pack.
But for now, i have too many seeds anyway.


Well-Known Member
I had to chop my jilly early! Before the buds could swell.
if I wanted any smokable meds, it had to happen.
Good news is the stuff is NICE! Smells like orange peels,
and sour milk hahaha. But it's Stoney even kinda wet.
I'm glad I took clones. Hope yours is bomb too!
Talk to ya later


Active Member
Im sorry to hear that man, but glad that the weed is good still :)
Weird that its stoney when you chop it early. Oh well, mine goes down tomorrow. Starting their 36 hour dark period at this very moment. Oh man, just five more days approx, and its smokable.

Anyways, good you have the clones. My cannadentials are coming of age, so in about two weeks, into the tent they go. Hray :D

See you latas, enjoy yo weed :)


Active Member
Harvest pictures.

The girls have had 36 hours of darkness, and been thinking, wtf?wtf?wtf????? for quite some time i bet,
which comes out as beauty like ive never seen, apart from on a screen on the internet :)

very happy about these results,
and very sorry about the pictures. i will get a better camera some day.

Her you go:

Jilly in front

Jilly up close. The colors are just amazing, but doesnt show on picture im afraid.

The spacerocket cola from before i think :)

Yep. This one :)

Plush berry. Beauty.




Jilly in the box

Plush no#2










Plush :)

& thats about it.
Now its a few days drying, and into the jars. Cant wait to smoke this stuff. mmmmm.

Peaceeeee :D


Well-Known Member
Damn they look tasty!
congratulations, will you be doing a smoke report?
i hope so, especially on the plush.
Very nice bro.


Active Member
Hehe, thank u very much brother, & yeah, ill do one no problem.
just wait for it to dry. im quickdrying a few popcorns, which i will! :D
but ill wait till they are proper dry before i do a smoke report.

oh the wait.