Tga Plushberry & Jillybean grow from seed


Active Member
My man.
Thank you so much for the show.
Those look excellent. Like candy on a bar.

Man, that really evoked my excitement for this grow,
since i wasnt expecting much after how the plants turned out, & some random negative internet readings.

By the way, how long are they into flower...are you feeding them nitrogen still at that point? They look so green.
& what phenos did you get? Were some of the plants stretchy with long internodes?

& how do you make your pictures that size? EDIT: found out. thats much better :)

Much appreciated bensly, thanks a bunch :hump:


Active Member
damn that looks good! Looks like the #1 pheno is the one closest resembling what i see in my two plants.


Active Member
2.nd week of flower coming to an end.
today is a feeding day.
They have gotten:

15 ml biovega
20 ml bioflores
20 ml rhizotonic (a littletoo much i presume, will slack off on it for the next feeds)
15 ml of my biobizz biothrive that im trying to use up...its algae extracts.
1 gram piranha mycorrhizal.

Will probably burn them just a little bit, as they are just getting over their last nutrient overload,
but ye. At least they are getting their nitrogen, which they didnt in my last grow.

I feed every other watering, so its feed-water-feed-water.
Although i feel the plants could easily do it every third, feed-water-water-feed-water-water.
Maybe ill try it on my next run, but for now its every other.

Its amazing to see them grow aswell, looks like they have grown approx 10-15 cm during the last 20 hours.

Sum pix. DSC_0043.jpg

lemme see, jillybean DSC_0039.jpgDSC_0038.jpg

plush # 4 above

plush #1 below

dont you just love that? i know i do. beautiful flower

below you can see i try to release the main stem from the net, it was bent over quite much,
but i noticed i bent almost all the stems to the left, heh, so ye, displacement.
im also wondering if i put the net too high up, but wtf, itll work out. the plants still probably have a bit to go on their stretch.

ye, babyplush. what can i tell you.
she also has to gain hight by help of this box.DSC_0041.jpg



Active Member
Well what can i tell ya.
Things are looking up :D

Funny how these plants surprise me every time, veg them, they look half decent,
then a few weeks into flower and boom...they look awesome :)

Another day, and here they are:

Junior plush, looking crap as everDSC_0059.jpgheres a net-view of itDSC_0066.jpgDSC_0065.jpg
will need a bit of thinning out under the net i guess...lollipopping aka

bent stem. plush #4



#dont remember, but nice :), i think plush #1

jillybean, spindly build this plant.

plush #1, there are more heads under the leaves, i think all the good heads will have passed over the net and into the light in a day or two

plush#4 , ive rearranged the plant, so atleast the main stem is where its supposed to be,
it will need just minor adjustments in the net now, and its done :)

this is the undergrowth. will lollipopp once more in a day or two.

be seeing you


Active Member

Plants are looking better & better for each day.
The small plush is still looking like it will yield max 20 gms, but never the less, its picking up.
Looks like a miniversion of the others. Heh.

Plush #1 is my fave growth-wise, but #4 has the most good looking tops.

And then actually getting my hopes up for this one as well.
Great stuff.
Here ye go.

plush#1, DSC_0068.jpg closer internodes than
plush #4 DSC_0070.jpg

& #4 again, trying to show the internodes DSC_0071.jpg

jilly DSC_0066.jpg
jilly DSC_0067.jpg
plush #1 DSC_0065.jpg
plush#4 DSC_0064.jpg

plush#5 (retard) DSC_0063.jpg

The scrog net isnt really a scrog net as such, as the squares are much too large,
but it does its job, and gives the branches some direction, which is good, since these plushberries are large plants.

Ive fed everything medium strenght two times in a row.
Next will be water straight, but looks like they could handle more nutrients. Beats me.
This time im happy ive stayed with the vega-nutes for these two, closing on three complete weeks.
Time goes fast when life is ok :)


Active Member
And hey, i need some tips, if anybody is reading this:
What do you lollipop, fan leaves and all, or just budsites, or completely, branches also, or what?

Much appreciated


Active Member
Ye, so i took down the net cause really it was too high, and i could not get it lower without damaging the plants.
Damn well nearly damaged them by dragging it down aswell.

Also i put the little plushberry on a higher support so it gets more light,
and have started making cages out of supportersticks

like this:


I know, crappy pix, either its me or the camera. Anyways, lights were out, took these pix and called it a day.


yeye, better pictures som other day. Plants are looking nice tho. Jillybean smells like orange-candy. Mmmm.:weed:



Active Member
so...should you or should you not cut fan leaves?
there is soo much leaf on plush #1. it covers many flowers


Well-Known Member
I personally remove enough to improve airflow through the plant. User error usually accounts for a few more leaves here and there so it'll also open up a bit on it's own.

Nice ladies, lookin forward to the end! Jilly is my alltime favorite wake n' bake! Was my morning OJ! :weed: Talk about a balanced breakfast baby!


Active Member
Thank you man, thats always nice to hear :)
I read a bad review of jilly, and was not so hopeful, but by the way things are looking (and smelling:weed: yummy),
this hast to be gut, as they say in germany. hehe.

its been 35 days i think...have to check my calendar, but about that...& the next few weeks will be bomb i bet.
mmmm, cant wait.

thanks man, ill probably be a little more aggressive the next round, since alot of these leaves seem unnecessary.
remind me again, fan leaves` main operation in bloom is getting energy to produce bigger buds, mainly sugar?

well, plants look great anyway (except the small one, which always looked shitty :) )
so happy with them atm :)


Active Member
Fucking shit.

We have nanners on Plush number 4. Pisses me off.

What do you think, chop or tweeze the bananas?
Its been something like 37 days.

Pisses me off bigtime


Active Member
Yeye, that bitch is now sleeping with the fishes.
We cant have that in our garden, can we now?

So we are down to one plush-pheno that still looks good, and one jillybean.
I hope to everything sane in this world that these two make it.
One more month, goooo plants!

On a side note, to cool my anger, ive dug into my treasurechest, and have started germinating five UGORG KILLAHSKUNK!
This is my hope, and will probably lead to my retribution, but as of now, i need to smoke a joint.


Well-Known Member
at 37 days, yes I'd get rid of her. if it were a week/10 days from harvest I'd tweeze.

Jilly was great, but not super potent is all. One of the reasons she was so nice in the mornings... could get on with your day without... umm.... ?

Got her big sister Agent Orange going right now, interested to see if it's a bit stronger.


Active Member
Hey man, there you are again, nice :)

yeah, ive been looking for a strain that i actually can smoke in the morning.
Most strains are just so heavy these days, i dont know, i just seem to get disoriented after a few hits, and if im not on the go, ready to leave out the door,
i tend to get stuck inside, and suddenly its evening & time for some indica. Hehe.
What can you do.

So yeah, looking forward to jilly :) plush aswell i guess, but as of now i am dis-satisfied with her. Hope the other pheno isnt a herm. I have to kill the clones of this one aswell,
leaving me with 1 jillyclone & 2 good (until proven otherwise) plushberries.

Agent Orange ey? Its from the same orange skunk that jilly is of isnt it?


Well-Known Member
Yes, jilly is Orange Velvet x Space Queen

Agent Organge is Orange Velvet x Jack the Ripper

That being said, I preferred Space Queen over JTR, but because of overall appeal/taste. JTR was a bit stronger than the SQ but got me stoopid when I overindulged. SQ I could puff on all day. Hoping the OV settles JTR down a bit but still gives me ORANGE!


Active Member
Harr harr, ye man, orange sounds like good stuff with the sunrise and a cup of coffee :bigjoint: (now where is that joint & coffee smiley, RIU get ur shit together :-P)

Anyway, im trying to set up a 5-or-6 motherplant-nursery,
so we`ll see if jilly gets the cut.
TGA is on my maybe-not list as of now at least.

On my imaginary yes-list, after many a late night of research, is Bodhi, UGORG, Gage Green & maybe Conoisseur Genetics, although im not so sure about the last one. Pictures look good though.

Im just working through the beans i think wont make the cut atm, so i can start with the treasures as i call them. Well, not UGORG is started. Ive got a feeling that will be stellar. And gut feelings tend to be right in my experience.

We`ll see :)
Anyway, im on my morning coffee now, wishing i had some jilly. Ive only got a joint of sour D, and i keep looking at it
because i know what state it will leave me in :eyesmoke:

How much did you pull of your jillybean diggin?
I hear that jlly&agent orange are TGA`s bigger yielders. Seems right in your opinion?


Active Member
Okey, so i fucked up a bit in my day-counting, and yieahyeiah,
jillybean is 35 tomorrow, and plush is 32 tomorrow.

Thats my two plants atm. I dont even count plushberry#5.

Anyways, after the initial drag of chopping down my winner plant,
i am again happy with my two main gyalsdeh.

They will serve as good mothers in the future.
Bless dem.

Jilly the Bean


Plushberry. No#1


jully & plush, side by side

more or less. Jilly left, plush right.

Sorry for the pics on the side. I dont know how to change them so they are standing the right way im afraid.

