Texas weighs allowing open carry of handguns

i think it's a 'flight or fight' thing and most people don't have something that says 'i have a fighting chance' so it's instinct to know you no longer control the outcome of any situation.
Damn man, if I could play Skynyrd...I'd do anything.

Man, "Gimme 3 Steps" and "That Smell" are just like from God or something, don't you think?
it's easier than you think...they're mostly 3 chord progressions. it's the lead that's hard.even that is mostly pentatonic or natural minor.
i think it's a 'flight or fight' thing and most people don't have something that says 'i have a fighting chance' so it's instinct to know you no longer control the outcome of any situation.
Who is stronger? a 40 year old housewife with 3 kids and a dog, or an MMA fighter in his prime?
Now give the woman a gun and the intestinal fortitude to use it, and the bare fisted MMA fighter. Now who is the strongest?
God created man, but Samuel Colt made them Equal.
Who is stronger? a 40 year old housewife with 3 kids and a dog, or an MMA fighter in his prime?
Now give the woman a gun and the intestinal fortitude to use it, and the bare fisted MMA fighter. Now who is the strongest?
God created man, but Samuel Colt made them Equal.

Now let that woman take that weapon into Wal Mart, where people see her and have no idea whether or not she knows how to be safe with her lethal weapon, or maybe she's a just-born serial killer, and can't you see how that might create a natural problem here in the USA?
and i've tried to counter that philosophy...you don't see that happen.you see once in a blue moon some crack pot do it but we should not all suffer for a few dumb shits!
Now let that woman take that weapon into Wal Mart, where people see her and have no idea whether or not she knows how to be safe with her lethal weapon, or maybe she's a just-born serial killer, and can't you see how that might create a natural problem here in the USA?
Why would people think that? Shouldn't they think that about everyone who drives a car too? Or carries a hammer, or flies a plane or...

The cost of freedom isn't free, there is no perfect answer.
and i've tried to counter that philosophy...you don't see that happen.you see once in a blue moon some crack pot do it but we should not all suffer for a few dumb shits!

Well, I honestly don't see why we disagree.

You're stating that something is all but obvious. I'm stating that same thing should be law. Not much of a difference man.
Now let that woman take that weapon into Wal Mart, where people see her and have no idea whether or not she knows how to be safe with her lethal weapon, or maybe she's a just-born serial killer, and can't you see how that might create a natural problem here in the USA?
shit that map i posted verifies if it WAS a problem then there wouldn't be 30 yellow 'open carry' states...we raise our kids well and there's just some fuk heads.
shit that map i posted verifies if it WAS a problem then there wouldn't be 30 yellow 'open carry' states...we raise our kids well and there's just some fuk heads.

OK, so how often do you or anyone you know encounter a plain-clothes citizen carrying a long gun in an "every-day" store, such as Wal Mart or Target or Dicks?
OK, so how often do you or anyone you know encounter a plain-clothes citizen carrying a long gun in an "every-day" store, such as Wal Mart or Target or Dicks?
never...relax man.i'm more worried about 15 yr old gangbangers in the inner city than i am about hicks and guns.
if it did happen that entire map would be red
and why do you feel the need to conceal it?

What exactly are you claiming is the advantage of open carry over a cpl?

Is there some tactical advantage or is this just a social statement for you?

Maybe you've explained it in the thread and I just miss it.
Some people feel scared when people carry guns. Me? I feel more secure.

this is not uncommon.

despite all the mass shootings and right wing terror attacks lately (predominantly by white males), you feel MORE comfortable seeing a white male carrying a loaded gun.

i bet you feel the same way when you see an arab type sitting on the same plane as you, right?

i am very worried about mass baseball battings that leave twenty six-year olds dead.

they happen all the time, gotta watch out for them nowadays.

I guess it is all on how you are raised.
I was raised around guns. I was taught safety and respect for them. They are just a tool. A inanimate object.
The gun can not harm you until some one decides to. Then it is the person to be feared.

Arabs do not make me uncomfortable either. I served with some. Most of them are just like you and I trying to take care of their family.

A few white boys shoot up something and now I shouldn't have a gun.
A cop shoots a innocent and you are not down at the station demanding guns.