Texas weighs allowing open carry of handguns

easIER solution: don't let the fuckers carry a deadly toy around their waist for everyone to see. Let them get their self esteem from something other than the fact that they could kill someone with so little effort in a split second, intentional or not.
sounds like you don't like the idea of a fair playing field
Kolchak, if we've all got guns were all equal.

Now only the cops have them and we've seen how that has turned out.

If i were king I'd mandate everyone carry one.

Bad idea, IMHO. Concealed carry seems like it should suffice, without the Wyatt Earp wannabes parading around town with their Colt 45s around their waist.

From a tactical point of view I'm not sure I understand the desire for open carry; you're more likely to become a target.

Where I lived in Calif many years ago it was open carry. Not now, but there's a push a foot to open carry "unloaded" ... go figure.
Kolchak, if we've all got guns were all equal.

Now only the cops have them and we've seen how that has turned out.

If i were king I'd mandate everyone carry one.

As long as we're all EQUALLY AND PROPERLY TRAINED, I'd tend to agree with you.

But that's the fucking problem. A kid turns 21, watches too many episodes of "Law & Order SVU", and decides to carry him a hogleg for everyone to see. All it takes is a patsy short course from an NRA instructor, which is nothing more than a checklist operation (I know, I had to take such a class myself).

Now the kid has the power of life and death on his side, for all the girls to see. Damn, he's arrived. He gets a hard on just from putting his holster on.

This is the kind of person who's happily slobbering in anticipation of open carry legalization.
Why can't people be who they want to be? As long as they aren't shooting innocent people this shouldn't be an issue.

Yeah, why can't I carry a fully automatic sub machine gun with a silencer? If that's who I want to be, then why not? As long as I'm not shooting people it SHOULD be OK, right?

I'm not trying to insult you. We just obviously differ significantly on this issue.
Yeah, why can't I carry a fully automatic sub machine gun with a silencer? If that's who I want to be, then why not? As long as I'm not shooting people it SHOULD be OK, right?

I'm not trying to insult you. We just obviously differ significantly on this issue.

Yes, as long as you aren't hurting people it should be ok.
As long as we're all EQUALLY AND PROPERLY TRAINED, I'd tend to agree with you.

But that's the fucking problem. A kid turns 21, watches too many episodes of "Law & Order SVU", and decides to carry him a hogleg for everyone to see. All it takes is a patsy short course from an NRA instructor, which is nothing more than a checklist operation (I know, I had to take such a class myself).

Now the kid has the power of life and death on his side, for all the girls to see. Damn, he's arrived. He gets a hard on just from putting his holster on.

This is the kind of person who's happily slobbering in anticipation of open carry legalization.
do you live in a cave? i posted a map of more than half of america with open carry already. can you back up that paranoid diarrhea? just talking out your ass now and using this as a podium to grandstand your thoughts. you're the guy we don't want to have guns...walking around suspicious of every living human. that's why you like having a gun and like the idea of everyone else NOT having one. sad
do you live in a cave? i posted a map of more than half of america with open carry already. can you back up that paranoid diarrhea? just talking out your ass now and using this as a podium to grandstand your thoughts. you're the guy we don't want to have guns...walking around suspicious of every living human. that's why you like having a gun and like the idea of everyone else NOT having one. sad

No I don't live in a cave. I live in the middle of the bible belt, where kids can't spell or understand how to use condoms, but the first phrase they learn is "Guns, guts, and God".

I've seen holes in gun shop floors, with all the funny stories that go with the idiots who put them there. I've found LOADED guns on gun racks, seen people accidentally allow their guns to fire, and have been told by cops and NRA instructors alike that open carry is a TERRIBLE IDEA.

Just ask the Target store near where I live that had to recently deal with an asshole who brought a LOADED 30-30 lever action rifle into their store "just to exercise my right to carry".
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