Tent - 2 bucket DWC


Well-Known Member
Thanks Flo, girls are only like 3-4" I think I need another 4-6" before switching to 12/12 I want the final plants to be around 3'-3'6" at harvest.

Flo Grow

Well-Known Member
If you want them that tall, you need to veg until they are 12 - 15 inches tall at least.
What is the stretch supposed to be on those strains ?


Well-Known Member
I have no idea, I'll have to research it. I lack patience so may speed things up and plant some more lol. How tall are yours from seed?


Well-Known Member
root growth was lacking so a trip to the hydro store landed me a bottle of Rhizotonic and 15ML went into each reservoir. Also got some Dark Energy as a foliar spray. Not sure about adding it to the reservoir just yet if at all.

Flo Grow

Well-Known Member
I have no idea, I'll have to research it. I lack patience so may speed things up and plant some more lol. How tall are yours from seed?
The Magic Monkey's finished at 20, 25 and 27 inches
The Chem's are 17, 18 and 20 inches AND still going.............


Well-Known Member
Flo you had any experience with this Dark Energy? The guys at hydro store said it will make your plants grow 1-3" in a day... I picked some up as a foliar spray & going to try it in my 2nd grow starting in a week :D

Flo Grow

Well-Known Member
Nah, never heard of it until now. So I looked it up.
Just a small blend of amino acids and vitamins.
It's chelated so that's a def plus b/c the plants can absorb them right away without the need to be broken down first.
Keep me posted.


Well-Known Member
Added 2 teaspoons per cooler earlier today. Girls responded well with last nights foliar feeding of it. Plus the root enzyme is making the roots take off, already noticed an increase in root development after only 24 hrs. The added Dark Energy raised PPM up only 25-40 PPM which is good.

On another note germinated another ak48 seed going to grow for a week then put into flower with the other ladies or keep as mother plant depending upon room. Time for a larger tent :D

Flo Grow

Well-Known Member
That's good you're the change in ppm's with a new additive.
I noticed Dark Energy has an NPK of 2-0-0.

Another tent huh ?
What size is your current tent ?
I have 2 HomeBox tents. A large (32"x32"x63) and extra-small (24"x24"x48").
And a Dark Room 40 - it's 16"x16"x48"


Well-Known Member
I have a 3'x3'x6' may get another and run two setups

Yes I was told to only use Dark Energy during veg going to use it through the end of the month then flush and go 12/12 :D

Flo Grow

Well-Known Member
According to the manufacturer, you can use it up to 3 weeks from harvest ! LMFAO
Who the hell would spray that on their leaves and buds !?

You got it right though.
ALL foliar feeding should cease once 12/12 commences, IMHO.


Well-Known Member
According to the manufacturer, you can use it up to 3 weeks from harvest ! LMFAO
Who the hell would spray that on their leaves and buds !?

You got it right though.
ALL foliar feeding should cease once 12/12 commences, IMHO.
I may continue it's use this morning I awoke to 1" of new growth :D Your correct I plan on stopping the foliar feed once I switch to 12/12.


Well-Known Member
Here are some updated photos of the ladies. One month ago to the day they were just seeds.

AK48 Shots:

IMG_3261.JPG IMG_3262.JPG IMG_3263.JPG IMG_3269.JPG

White Widow:

IMG_3264.JPG IMG_3265.JPG IMG_3266.JPGIMG_3267.JPGIMG_3268.JPG


Well-Known Member
they are too short! lol the roots are finally developing and hitting the bottom I bet she'll start taking off finally lol


Well-Known Member
So I dumped the nutrients last night since it had been over a week and the smell of the Dark Energy overtook the entire house, it warns you on the bottle its some stinky stuff. Ladies have grown 2" in 2 days though, root growth increased. I actually flushed them last night and added full strength nutes but diluted it down 50-60 PPM to hold it around 600 PPM through the weekend.


Well-Known Member
I germinated another AK48 seed, its sprouted out of the rockwool and already under the T5's. I plan on keeping her as a mother plant.

Jock Horror feminized seeds arrived today as well! I have one germinating right now and plan to run it 24/0 for 7 days then switch to 12/12 here in a week, I heard they get tall so going to take it into flower with the other two ladies and see what happens :D


Well-Known Member
Here's some updated pics good new growth I've been watching the roots I don't have any slime or bubble film like the other thread going on I do have a brownish tint to some of the roots with a coating on them not sure what this is. I'm using Rhizitonic by canna in my reservoir to promote root growth its helping big time lots of new bright white shoots finally coming out. :clap:

1 more week until 12 / 12 :-P

Oh I broke my HPS bulb so had to switch back to MH figured I'll keep it in until 12 / 12. I had all the stupid lights off using a green light and tripped getting out of the room lol :wall:

Heading to store today to get another bulb




WW Roots

AK48 roots