--tech209'z 400w hps 8sq'z closet SOG hindu kush log--


Well-Known Member
fuck man seems my clones arent doing any better .....noticed some stems are way to thin since this is my first time cloning also added another cfl and closed up the box since it was only getting 69 degrees and 85 % humidity some are still limp while others are standing up we'll see how they turn out any tips or advice will be taken ......:joint:


Well-Known Member
rapid rooter and used clonex gel.....now i made a saran wrap cover to retain humidity alittle better right now i got temps at 75 and the humidity is 91 %


Well-Known Member
Damn sorry to hear about the clones, ya never know though, weed plants are resilient as hell. Ill keep my fingers crossed.


Well-Known Member
Damn sorry to hear about the clones, ya never know though, weed plants are resilient as hell. Ill keep my fingers crossed.
yea man good looking tho robbie as for your plants seems your doing just fine with urs......now that i covered them with a plastic bag....seems to be doing much better but we'll see how that goes.....:joint:


Well-Known Member
yea man good looking tho robbie as for your plants seems your doing just fine with urs......now that i covered them with a plastic bag....seems to be doing much better but we'll see how that goes.....:joint:
Thats good, have u feed them yet?


Well-Known Member
naw not yet i just cloned them on sunday.....i checked it any are showing any kind of rooting and nothing yet and some have very very droopy leaves


Well-Known Member
yea used clonex....just swaped the light again to a 18watt 2700k cfl insted of a 23watt 6500k cfl and to make matters worse the light was about 4 inchs from the plants so i raised it to a foot well see how that goes


Well-Known Member
Hey just thought of something. Have you been using the clonex liquid to mist with and fill the tray? i use the clonex gel for the cutings then the clonex liquid and add to the water i use to mist with and fill the trays. also do you ph the water?


Well-Known Member
koo man thank i wraped the box up with a blanket to keep it warm because humdity will stay at 90 percent but tempwould be at 68 degrees now with the blanket wraped around its 95 percent humidity and 74 degrees


Well-Known Member
They look fine bro. If they are that green there cant be much wrong, it they were dying discolor in the leaf is like the first thing you would see. Looks like a few are drooping I would tie em up to like a popsicle stick or something. Other than that it looks like that little greenhouse effect worked just fine. Im def gonna try that on my next grow when I clone.


Well-Known Member
discoler(yellow) of lower fan leaves is good. it means that the plant is useing the energy in the leaf for other things. LIKE ROOTS!!