Teach your children well please

Mantis I felt the same way and cringe whenever some brat entered my space wondering why the fuck my (4 legged) babies were the ones forced on a leash until a dear friend popped out two darlings that instantly turned into little Damien's the instant we walked into Safeway! Mello, you share a striking resemblance to her and her parenting style its nice to meet you lol i got both mistaken for a troll and you the other day and :eyesmoke: you're not a troll so guess that makes me it ... or the dumb ass flinging shit

hello~w mellow. i've seen you around (nice to meet you too). guess girls just like the word mellow eh? ;)

i think if you keep reading my posts you'll find (i hope) that i'm not a troll. i'm not above the odd sharp word or two, but i usually try to be polite about it at least. :lol:
i, too, have been mistaken for other mellow's and other kitty's. damn stoners. tee hee
Complete agree with you...its like everyones always trying to find solutions for the world and what not......When if people just started being parents instead of friends to there kids, shit would be that much better.
Kids are what you make them.
Parents now days THINK they know more than their own parents as far as raising kids,
and I don't feel bad one bit when they cry how nasty their kids are.....
the parents vs non-parents debate is older and more passionate than even the hydro vs soil debate, and, i daresay, will continue to rage on far beyond the time we've all agreed on One Ultimate Medium. ;)

i gotta say, i did copious amounts of childcare for both family and non-family before i had my own, but it didn't prepare me for having my own nearly as much as i thought it would have (except maybe knowing what to expect vis-a-vis poopy diapers).......

seriously -- when they cry at you because you said 'no' to them for the first time, it WILL break something fragile inside of you, something you may not even have known was there before; i don't care how hard-hearted you are.

That's a very humanistic way of putting it. You're right. I would crumble. Even stone-hearted me.
It's real easy to point out flaws in other people's parenting.

Do you have kids? Are they perfect? Did you never fuck up as a parent? I don't know, I guess I don't see the point in passing judgment. What that girl's father did doesn't sound all that egregious. I wouldn't have bought her another cookie either, but seeing this action unfold wouldn't have prompted me to create a thread on a public forum criticizing their parenting.

I will agree though that it's fucked up if a 13 year old is regularly sleeping with his or her mom.
That little girl's cookies should have been taken away, and she should have been made to eat gruel for supper. THAT'S what happens to naughty little girls!
It's real easy to point out flaws in other people's parenting.

Do you have kids? Are they perfect? Did you never fuck up as a parent? I don't know, I guess I don't see the point in passing judgment. What that girl's father did doesn't sound all that egregious. I wouldn't have bought her another cookie either, but seeing this action unfold wouldn't have prompted me to create a thread on a public forum criticizing their parenting.

I will agree though that it's fucked up if a 13 year old is regularly sleeping with his or her mom.

i just think he should have done it differently and i told him. maye it's one time but prob not. she will be terrible later on and he's going to regret it. i asked her what cookie she wanted. he knows but doesn't care.

this is talk and toke. i toked then talked. i think they are great.....but doesn't everyone have room for improvement?

i will always try to get better and more informed.
in our society we will be asked to in line at taco bell - what do you want. if you say you want a chalupa and the next person wants a taco. you shouldn't freak out becuse now you want a taco too. many problems with this.

this girl will always get what she wants and will be a tough cookie herself. ripple effect will be huge.
I hate it when I see kids tantrum in public because they know their parents won't do anything. My kid knows better! Sometimes all I have to do is give her that look. I see so many bratty & manipulative young adults these days I wonder is it because they weren't told no as a kid.
i'm all for a little humiliation once in a while. even if it takes a pat on the backside. it doesn't hurt the kid. it gets their undevided attention. kids need boundaries. give them none and they will never learn that life is hard. they think everything will be handed to them if they whine loud enough. and the lack of respect for ppl and the elderly in general is a disgrace. that's the parents fault. we live in a throw away society. we even throw away our elders. the ones with the most to contribute. it's all about youth, beauty, and money and toys. shit that has no worth. every day i am more and more wanting to expatriate and move to s.america. i have a friend just got back from a mission building kids playgrounds and family homes in ecuador. those things matter. new hummers are pure bs. mcmansoins are a joke. keeping up with the kardashians. a joke. celebrity, violence in tv and music vids. i hope it changes. i don't have much hope though. when told in court that the witness refused to testafy against him the boy who held a gun to my head said in a loud voice. "i'm the victim". there ain't no victim here but me. who else was victimized. face palm. a few tears. thank god i don't live there anymore. and god willing i'll be in belize in ten years. this country is going to hell.
I was hanging out with one of my best friends, his wife and 3 kids the other day at their local farmers market. The 2 older girls were talking with me (one is 5 the other is 3 years old) and I asked them if they wanted cookies from booth next to us. Of course they said yes and then I asked, "pick whichever one you want." The younger one picked these small heart shaped cookies and the older one picked the regular size star shaped cookie. I bought 6 of the small ones to compensate for the small size and so that they would be equal. I'm so nice right?

Well, 2.4566 seconds later, the youngest girl starts crying at the top of her lungs....."I want a star cookie! I'm in front of my friend now and it feels like I did something wrong for buying her a cookie. All was peaceful before that. But, you know what he does? He says "ok", picks her up and takes her back over to the cookies stand and buys another one.

Those girls are going to be just like my soon to be ex who gets everything she wants. I like to get what I want to, like everyone else, but not to the point where I'll manipulate someone else for it. Crying is a passive form of manipulation and it's one of little girls' best weapons as children.

I would have never bought her another one and taught her right there to say thank you to me and to either eat the cookie or give it back. I told my friend this but he is just interested in the easiest way to get her to shut up. The path of least resistance on his day off is a lot better than more screaming. He really just wanted to nap.

So, if you're going to add to the 7 billion people on this planet, do so with enough time to teach your children. This will just go on and go on, just like this ranting post will do nothing to change it.

Oh, and to my sister in law: stop sleeping in the bed with your kids. Past 5 years old is kind of sick in my opinion but your youngest kid is 13 now and that is bordering on perverse. You sick fat bitch. :fire:

Ok, I'm done now. Chime in now and if there are any opposers to what I say, go read a child psychology book and then argue you sickos.

Agreed, parent are stupid, but they have always been stupid. If every parent was legit throughout human history we wouldn't be having these kind of problems now, because the parents from back-in-the-day would have taught their kids well, who would have in turn done the same to their kids, and so on and so forth. If I would have started crying about a fucking cookie to my dad he would have flipped out at me.
easy solution was to buy both the same cookie. with kids they are young and want what others have so best to buy the same thing for each or no whining occurs

oo, i'll play! ;)

so supposing you buy them the same cookie, and now the older one starts freaking out because it's not fair; she should get more than her younger sister.

now what?
oo, i'll play! ;)

so supposing you buy them the same cookie, and now the older one starts freaking out because it's not fair; she should get more than her younger sister.

now what?
to be administered After the explanation of fair is unsuccessful and sometime before the tantrum ends.
to be administered After the explanation of fair is unsuccessful and sometime before the tantrum ends.

the only "fare" mine knows is when you pay to get into places, lol. ("it's not FAIR!" "darling, LIFE is not fair.")

my point is that no amount of parental foresight guarantees a tantrum-free outing. especially with more than one in tow.
I was hanging out with one of my best friends, his wife and 3 kids the other day at their local farmers market. The 2 older girls were talking with me (one is 5 the other is 3 years old) and I asked them if they wanted cookies from booth next to us. Of course they said yes and then I asked, "pick whichever one you want." The younger one picked these small heart shaped cookies and the older one picked the regular size star shaped cookie. I bought 6 of the small ones to compensate for the small size and so that they would be equal. I'm so nice right?

Well, 2.4566 seconds later, the youngest girl starts crying at the top of her lungs....."I want a star cookie! I'm in front of my friend now and it feels like I did something wrong for buying her a cookie. All was peaceful before that. But, you know what he does? He says "ok", picks her up and takes her back over to the cookies stand and buys another one.

Those girls are going to be just like my soon to be ex who gets everything she wants. I like to get what I want to, like everyone else, but not to the point where I'll manipulate someone else for it. Crying is a passive form of manipulation and it's one of little girls' best weapons as children.

I would have never bought her another one and taught her right there to say thank you to me and to either eat the cookie or give it back. I told my friend this but he is just interested in the easiest way to get her to shut up. The path of least resistance on his day off is a lot better than more screaming. He really just wanted to nap.

So, if you're going to add to the 7 billion people on this planet, do so with enough time to teach your children. This will just go on and go on, just like this ranting post will do nothing to change it.

Oh, and to my sister in law: stop sleeping in the bed with your kids. Past 5 years old is kind of sick in my opinion but your youngest kid is 13 now and that is bordering on perverse. You sick fat bitch. :fire:

Ok, I'm done now. Chime in now and if there are any opposers to what I say, go read a child psychology book and then argue you sickos.

You think Child psychology books will help you raise your child? Most of those books are full of shit! Also don't go judging other peoples parenting styles over a single or a few instances. Be a mommy or a Daddy day in and day out, whether or not you feel good or are having a bad day it don't matter. Sometimes we like to indulge our children and there's nothing wrong with that. i was raised by parents who indulged me and were
kind of easy on me and I thinkI turned out fine. I work hard and am a responsable person. Also why would you post a message to your sister in law here?